USE DatabaseName
Create Table #TempSales
LeadID_fk int identity (1,1),
[dateCreated] datetime
insert into #TempSales
('2016-05-24 14:17:41.330'),
('2016-03-24 14:17:41.330'),
('2016-03-22 14:17:41.330'),
('2016-03-21 14:17:41.330'),
('2016-04-24 14:17:41.330'),
Create Table #TempLead
LeadID int identity (1,1),
[dateCreated] datetime
insert into #TempLead
('2016-05-24 14:17:41.330'),
('2016-03-24 14:17:41.330'),
('2016-03-22 14:17:41.330'),
('2016-03-21 14:17:41.330'),
('2016-04-24 14:17:41.330'),
Select * from #TempLead;
Select * from #TempSales
;with cte
(Select * from #TempLead)
select count(l.LeadID) as [count of Leads], count(s.LeadID_fk) as [count of Sales],
Cast(datepart(mm,[l].[dateCreated]) as varchar(2))+'/'+
--Cast(datepart(dd,[dateCreated]) as varchar(3))+'/'+
Cast(datepart(yyyy,[l].[dateCreated]) as varchar(5)) as [Lead_Created_Month]
from cte as l
left join #TempSales as s on s.LeadID_fk=l.LeadID
and s.[dateCreated] is not null
group by Cast(datepart(mm,[l].[dateCreated]) as varchar(2))+'/'+
Cast(datepart(yyyy,[l].[dateCreated]) as varchar(5))
--,Cast((Select count([s].LeadID_fk) from #TempSales as s where [s].[dateCreated] is not null
--/* group by Cast(datepart(mm,[s].[dateCreated]) as varchar(2)) +'/'+ Cast(datepart(yyyy,[s].[dateCreated]) as varchar(5)) */
-- ) / count([l].LeadID) *100 as nvarchar(10)) + '%' as Conversion
Msg 512,Level 16,State 1,Line 1 Subquery返回多于1>值。当子查询遵循=,!=,<,< =,>时,不允许这样做。 >,> =或当子查询用作表达式时。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
如果你想使用一个支点,我认为你需要这样的东西 - 如果你不想硬编码yyyymm,你需要使用动态的SQL。
;with cte as
select 1 as srce,year(tl.dateCreated) *100 + month(tl.dateCreated) as yyyymm,count(*) as leadcount
from #templead tl
group by year(tl.dateCreated) *100 + month(tl.dateCreated)
union all
select 2 as srce,year(ts.dateCreated) *100 + month(ts.dateCreated) ,count(*) as leadcount
from #tempsales ts
group by year(ts.dateCreated) *100 + month(ts.dateCreated)
select case
when t.srce = 1 then 'leads'
when t.srce = 2 then 'sales'
when t.srce = 3 then 'comversions'
end as ' '
select pvt.* from
select 1 srce,year(tl.dateCreated) *100 + month(tl.dateCreated) as yyyymm,1 as leadcount
from #templead tl
) s
pivot (sum(s.leadcount) for s.yyyymm in ([201603],[201604],[201605],[201606])) pvt
union all
select pvt.* from
select 2 srce,year(ts.dateCreated) *100 + month(ts.dateCreated) as yyyymm,1 as leadcount
from #tempsales ts
) s
pivot (sum(s.leadcount) for s.yyyymm in ([201603],[201604],[201605],[201606])) pvt
union all
select * from
select 3 srce,c1.yyyymm,cast(cast(c2.leadcount as decimal (10,5)) / cast(c1.leadcount as decimal(10,5)) * 100 as int) as conversion
from cte c1
join cte c2 on c1.yyyymm = c2.yyyymm and c2.srce = 2
where c1.srce = 1
) s
pivot (max(s.conversion) for s.yyyymm in ([201603],[201604],[201605],[201606])) pvt
) t