
时间:2016-06-24 15:40:45

标签: python numpy cluster-analysis distance



where d is the number of dimensions, the first data point's coordinates are x^i, the second data point's coordinates are y^i, and f is an arbitrary number between 0 and 1

其中d是维数,第一个数据点的坐标是x ^ i,第二个数据点的坐标是y ^ i,f是0到1之间的任意数


where S is the set of datapoints, and δ is the absolute value of the distance metric used above


我在网上看起来无法找到medoid的实现(即使有其他距离指标,但大多数事情都是k-means或k-medoid,[我认为]与我想要的有所不同。< / p>


  • 我已经想出如何计算分数距离度量(第一个等式),所以我觉得我很擅长。
  • 我知道numpy有一个argmin()函数(记录为here)。
  • 在不缺乏准确性的情况下提高效率的额外要点(我试图通过计算每一个小数距离度量来避免暴力(因为点对的数量可能会导致因子复杂性......)。

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

  1. 计算成对距离矩阵
  2. 计算列或行总和
  3. argmin找到medoid index
  4. 即。 numpy.argmin(distMatrix.sum(axis=0))或类似的。

答案 1 :(得分:4)



def fractional(p_coord_array, q_coord_array):
  # f is an arbitrary value, but must be greater than zero and 
  # less than one. In this case, I used 3/10. I took advantage
  # of the difference of cubes in this case, so that I wouldn't
  # encounter an overflow error.

  a = np.sum(np.array(p_coord_array, dtype=np.float64))
  b = np.sum(np.array(q_coord_array, dtype=np.float64))
  a2 = np.sum(np.power(p_coord_array, 2))
  ab = np.sum(p_coord_array) * np.sum(q_coord_array)
  b2 = np.sum(np.power(p_coord_array, 2))
  diffab = a - b
  suma2abb2 = a2 + ab + b2

  temp_dist = abs(diffab * suma2abb2)
  temp_dist = np.power(temp_dist, 1./10)

  dist = np.power(temp_dist, 10./3)
  return dist

(2)medoid函数(如果数据集的长度小于6000 [如果大于那个,我遇到了溢出错误......我仍然在努力完全诚实......] ):

def medoid(dataset):

  point = []
  w = len(dataset)

  if(len(dataset) < 6000):
    h = len(dataset)
    dist_matrix = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]

    list_combinations = [(counter_1, counter_2, data_1, data_2) for counter_1, data_1 in enumerate(dataset) for counter_2, data_2 in enumerate(dataset) if counter_1 < counter_2]

    for counter_3, tuple in enumerate(list_combinations):
      temp_dist = fractional(tuple[2], tuple[3])
      dist_matrix[tuple[0]][tuple[1]] = abs(temp_dist)
      dist_matrix[tuple[1]][tuple[0]] = abs(temp_dist)


答案 2 :(得分:0)


def calc_medoid(X, Y, f=2):
    n = len(X)
    m = len(Y)
    dist_mat = np.zeros((m, n))
    # compute distance matrix
    for j in range(n):
        center = X[j, :]
        for i in range(m):
            if i != j:
                dist_mat[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(Y[i, :] - center, ord=f)

    medoid_id = np.argmin(dist_mat.sum(axis=0))  # sum over y

    return medoid_id, X[medoid_id, :]

答案 3 :(得分:0)

np.median(np.asarray(points), axis=0)


答案 4 :(得分:0)


import numpy as np, pandas as pd, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
a, b, c, d = np.array([0,1]), np.array([1, 3]), np.array([4,2]), np.array([3, 1.5])
vCenroid = np.mean([a, b, c, d], axis=0)

def GetMedoid(vX):
  vMean = np.mean(vX, axis=0)                               # compute centroid
  return vX[np.argmin([sum((x - vMean)**2) for x in vX])]   # pick a point closest to centroid

vMedoid = GetMedoid([a, b, c, d])

print(f'centroid = {vCenroid}')
print(f'medoid = {vMedoid}')

df = pd.DataFrame([a, b, c, d], columns=['x', 'y'])
ax = df.plot.scatter('x', 'y', grid=True, title='Centroid in 2D plane', s=100);
plt.plot(vCenroid[0], vCenroid[1], 'ro', ms=10);   # plot centroid as red circle
plt.plot(vMedoid[0], vMedoid[1], 'rx', ms=20);     # plot medoid as red star

您也可以使用以下包来计算一个或多个集群的 medoid

!pip -q install scikit-learn-extra > log
from sklearn_extra.cluster import KMedoids
GetMedoid = lambda vX: KMedoids(n_clusters=1).fit(vX).cluster_centers_
GetMedoid([a, b, c, d])[0]

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