我目前正在尝试修改脚本以满足我的需求,但一直停留在输出上。 目前我可以进入每个数据域并使用“df”和post-comp取出数据但是抓住其他数据对我来说仍然是一个谜。(甚至在EMC网站上也没有很多来源)。
WriteLog "Checking Data Domain Available Space" $includeList="Cleanable GiB|--------|/data: post-comp" #Data domain format command to print $DB = Get-Content $answerfile #inputstream from file foreach ($Data in $DB){ ##bracket required on same line for foreach / foreach for iteration through data domains $hostname = $Data.Trim() #gets host name without new line character for the SSH command. #~~~~~~~~~ Password Set up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if($hostname -eq "" -Or $hostname -eq "") ##if hostname is one of the selected, change password to correct { $passwd = "12345PASS" } else #all other servers require this secondary password { $passwd = "54321PASS" } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Options: Hardcoded(current) / Read write from file. # With more passwords: Hardcoded = Switch # ReadWrite = Add to list #~~~~~~~~~~ SSH command and exe command Set up Process~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $exe = "CMD" #Launch CMD for use $command = "/C $plinkcommand $user@$Data -pw ""$passwd"" df" #ssh command $Data > #$command2 = "/C $plinkcommand $user@$Data -pw ""$passwd"" System show preformance" #ETC #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Currently supporting structure(below) to run other commands # Commands to be added: System - (show all, show modelno, show compression, show hardware, show stats) # Filesys - Show space # Possibly more to be added at a later time #~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Navigation of directories in host computer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ invoke-expression "cd /" #Change directory to Root invoke-expression "cd /users/kevindong/documents/powershellscripts" #change directory to plink location #Set up command to navigate to plink (requires set up dependedant on computer) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Possible update to "invoke-expression", and possible specific targeted location of operating file directory #~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Execution of SSH data grab commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $outputcontents = &$exe $command ##ssh connect execution + "df" command if ($outputcontents -ne "") #if SSH is not null { $outputcontents | ForEach-Object { #foreach requires bracket on same line if ($_ -match $includeList) { WriteLog $_ } #run data collection #add commands here and write log them } } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ }