我已经厌倦了为我的基本tkinker搜索GUI实现其他线程,但是,在我尝试的各种实现中,没有一个为我工作。搜索功能需要一些时间来搜索所有目录,并且是成功的。但是,在使用正确的目录打开操作系统窗口后,我的tkinker GUI挂起并且无用。这是我第一次使用多线程,谢谢你。
Script lunches GUI with text field and search button
Text field arg = WR # string
Search button event = calls Search
Search func looks in F:/WEST/* and F:/NORTH/* directories for WR # directory
Search func gets WR # directory
Search func opens WR # directory window in OS
from tkinter import *
import glob
import os
import threading
import time
from queue import *
def search():
Searchs through NORTH and WEST directories
Finds folder paths recursively with WR number at end of path name
Calls os.startfile to Open the folder
wrNumber = e1.get()
northPath = 'F:/NORTH/**/**/**/**/*'
westPath = 'F:/WEST/**/**/**/**/*'
for folderName in glob.iglob(westPath + str(wrNumber), recursive=True) \
or glob.iglob(northPath + str(wrNumber), recursive=True):
#Initializes basic GUI window elements
master = Tk()
#Create GUI Title = 'WR# Searcher'
master.title("WR# Searcher")
#Create Label e1 = 'WR#'
Label(master, text="WR #", ).grid(row=0)
e1 = Entry(master)
e1.grid(row=0, column=1)
#Create Button Button = 'Search'
Button(master, text='Search', command=search).grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W, pady=4)