软件:MS Visual Studio Shell 2013
public const ColorScaleRed = "#FF0000"
public const ColorScalePink= "#ff6666"
public function ColorScaleWPR(value, minValue, maxValue) as string
ColorScaleWPR = ColorScale3(value, _
minValue, "White", _
ColorScalePink, _
maxValue, ColorScaleRed)
end function
public function ColorScale3(value as object, minValue as object, minColor as string, midColor as string, maxValue as object, maxColor as string) as string
' Use average of minValue and maxValue as midValue
dim midValue as object
if IsNumeric(minValue) and IsNumeric(maxValue) then
midValue = (CDbl(minValue) + CDbl(maxValue)) / 2
end if
ColorScale3 = ColorScale3(value, _
minValue, minColor, _
midValue, midColor, _
maxValue, maxColor)
end function
public function ColorScale3(value as object, minValue as object, minColor as string, midValue as object, midColor as string, maxValue as object, maxColor as string) as string
if IsNumeric(value) and IsNumeric(midValue) and CDbl(value) < CDbl(midValue) then
ColorScale3 = ColorScale(value, minValue, minColor, midValue, midColor)
ColorScale3 = ColorScale(value, midValue, midColor, maxValue, maxColor)
end if
end function
public function ColorScale(value as object, minValue as object, minColor as string, maxValue as object, maxColor as string, optional errorColor as string = "Transparent") as string
ColorScale = errorColor
if not IsNumeric(value) or not IsNumeric(minValue) or not IsNumeric(maxValue) then
exit function
end if
' Do all calculations using doubles (can't mix doubles and decimals)
value = CDbl(value)
minValue = CDbl(minValue)
maxValue = CDbl(maxValue)
if minValue >= maxValue then
exit function
end if
if value <= minValue then
ColorScale = minColor
exit function
end if
if value >= maxValue then
ColorScale = maxColor
exit function
end if
dim scaleValue, r, g, b as double
dim minRGB, minR, minG, minB as integer
dim maxRGB, maxR, maxG, maxB as integer
scaleValue = (value - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue)
minRGB = GetRGB(minColor)
minR = minRGB / 2^16
minG = (minRGB mod 2^16) / 2^8
minB = minRGB mod 2^8
maxRGB = GetRGB(maxColor)
maxR = maxRGB / 2^16
maxG = (maxRGB mod 2^16) / 2^8
maxB = maxRGB mod 2^8
r = minR + ((maxR - minR) * scaleValue)
g = minG + ((maxG - minG) * scaleValue)
b = minB + ((maxB - minB) * scaleValue)
ColorScale = string.Format("#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}", _
CInt(Math.Floor(r)), _
CInt(Math.Floor(g)), _
end function
private function GetRGB(colorStr as string) as integer
GetRGB = 0
if colorStr.StartsWith("#") then
GetRGB = Int32.Parse(colorStr.Substring(1), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)
exit function
end if
dim c as System.Drawing.Color
c = System.Drawing.Color.FromName(colorStr)
GetRGB = (c.R * 2^16) + (c.G * 2^8) + c.B
end function
=Code.ColorScaleWPR(Count(Fields!Candidate_ID.Value), Min(Fields!Candidate_ID.Value,"DataSet1"), Max(Fields!Candidate_ID.Value,"DataSet1"))
任何让它变得动态的建议都会很棒。 谢谢!
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我认为RS不能预先计算所有分组,然后从中找到最小值/最大值以应用色标。 尝试的最佳方法是将每个组的最小值和最大值计算为与原始数据集查询分开的数据集。然后使用表达式基于匹配的组标准拉出所需的值。我会朝那个方向走...... PS。当我在旋转矩阵分组上使用色阶时,我没有足够的时间让这个野兽活着我的情况:)