
时间:2016-06-21 08:23:42

标签: ios uisplitviewcontroller

我使用UISplitViewControllerpreferredDisplayMode = UISplitViewControllerDisplayModePrimaryOverlay,我正在寻找一种方法来解雇主视图控制器。我的主人包含一个表视图,每当我选择一个单元格时我都想关闭它。令人惊讶的是,UISplitViewController似乎没有为此提供方法(但我确实看到Apple Mail这样做,我们在纵向模式下选择了一个电子邮件)。

我在此处发现了以下解决方法:Hiding the master view controller with UISplitViewController in iOS8(请参阅phatmann答案)。这有效,但它也会在它被解散时创建一个奇怪的动画,有一个基本的灰色轮廓视图,它不会与我的主视图一起动画。这里也报告了这个问题:iOS Swift 2 UISplitViewController opens detail screen on master's place when on iPad/ iPhone 6+


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func closePrimaryIfOpen(finalClosure fc: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
    guard let
        primaryNavController = viewControllers[0] as? MySpecialNavSubclass,
        primaryVC = primaryNavController.topViewController as? MySpecialCalss
    else { fatalError("NO Special Class?") }

    // no "official" way to know if its open or not. 
    // The view could keep track of didAppear and willDisappear, but those are not reliable
    let isOpen = primaryVC.view.frame.origin.x >= -10   // -10 because could be some slight offset when presented
    if isOpen {
        func findChromeViewInView(theView: UIView) -> UIView? {
            var foundChrome = false
            var view: UIView! = theView
            var popView: UIView!

            repeat {
                // Mirror may bring in a lot of overhead, could use NSStringFromClass
                // Also, don't match on the full class name! For sure Apple won't like that!
                //print("View: ", Mirror(reflecting: view).subjectType, " frame: \(view.frame)")
                if Mirror(reflecting: view).description.containsString("Popover") { // _UIPopoverView
                    for v in view.subviews {
                        //print("SV: ", Mirror(reflecting: v).subjectType, " frame: \(v.frame)")
                        if Mirror(reflecting: v).description.containsString("Chrome") {
                            foundChrome = true
                            popView = v
                            //popView.hidden = true
                    if foundChrome { break }
                view = view.superview
            } while view != nil
            return popView

        // Note: leave it as optional - Apple changes things and we don't find the view, things still work!
        let chromeView = findChromeViewInView(self.view)

        UIView.animateWithDuration(0.250, animations: {
            chromeView?.hidden = true
            self.preferredDisplayMode = .PrimaryHidden
        }, completion: { Bool in
            self.preferredDisplayMode = .PrimaryOverlay
            chromeView?.hidden = false
            if let finalClosure = fc {
            //print("SLIDER CLOSED DONE!!!")
        } )