使用webservices API将数据导入Acumatica时如何增加超时

时间:2016-06-21 06:42:19

标签: c# acumatica

尝试使用Web Services API将一些数据从客户端应用程序导入Acumatica系统时出现问题。我尝试在屏幕Bill And Adjusment(AP301000)中发送数据,并在详细交易中使用大量数据。事务中的数据大约是235行。我尝试导入数据时的错误消息是“操作已超时”。





以下是我的代码, 我使用button执行该过程,然后在另一个类中调用方法:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using JADEACCU.services;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;

    namespace JADEACCU
        public partial class frmTest : Form
            ServicesConnection con = new ServicesConnection();
            COMClass comClass = new COMClass();

            services.Screen context = new services.Screen();
            servicesUntyped.Screen contextUntyped = new servicesUntyped.Screen();

            public frmTest()
            private void btnSendBill_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string type, refNbr, dtdate, customerOrder, customer, terms, currency, dtDueDateString, dtCashDiscDateString, description, jadeRefNbr;

                type = cmbType.Text;
                refNbr = txtRefNbr.Text;
                dtdate = dtDate.Text.ToString();
                customerOrder = txtCustomerOrder.Text;
                customer = txtCustomer.Text;
                terms = cmbTerms.Text;
                currency = cmbCurrency.Text;
                dtDueDateString = dtDueDate.Text.ToString();
                dtCashDiscDateString = dtCashDiscDate.Text.ToString();
                description = txtDescription.Text;
                jadeRefNbr = txtJadeRefNbr.Text;

                comClass.InsertBill(jadeRefNbr, dtdate, customerOrder, description, customer, terms, currency, dtDueDateString, dtCashDiscDateString);


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Data.Sql;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using JADEACCU.services;

    namespace JADEACCU
        public class COMClass
            ServicesConnection sCon = new ServicesConnection();
            services.Screen context = new services.Screen();
            servicesUntyped.Screen contextUntyped = new servicesUntyped.Screen();

            public string InsertBill(string vBillNo, string vBillDate, string vVendorRef, string vDesc, string vVendCode, string vTerms, string vCcy, string vDueDate, string vCashDiscDate)

                AP301000Content konten = context.AP301000GetSchema();
                List<Command> oCmds = new List<Command>();

                //Create Header.
                oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = "Bill", LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.Type });
                oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = "0000", LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.ReferenceNbr });
                oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = vBillNo, LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.JadeRefNbr });
                oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = vBillDate, LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.Date });
                oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = vVendorRef, LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.VendorRef });
                oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = vDesc, LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.Description });
                oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = vVendCode, LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.Vendor });
                oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = vTerms, LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.Terms });
                oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = vCcy, LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.Currency });
                oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = vDueDate, LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.DueDate });
                oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = vCashDiscDate, LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentSummary.CashDiscountDate });


        string serverDb, userDb, passDb, databaseDb;
        serverDb = Properties.Settings.Default.serverDB;
        databaseDb = "SGL";
        userDb = "jade";
        passDb = "jade1234";

        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();

        con.ConnectionString = @"server=" + serverDb + "; database=" + databaseDb + "; user=" + userDb + "; password=" + passDb + ";";
        //con.ConnectionString = "Provider = SQLOLEDB.1; Persist Security Info = False; Server =; Initial Catalog = SGL; User ID = jade; Password = jade1234";

        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
        SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        cmd = new SqlCommand("select case when a.branchid = '0102' then 'KARAWANG' else 'CIKARANG' end as BranchID, " +
                                "BookingNo, b.RAccount as ICharges, BCostUnit, IQty, BCost, " +
                                "case when TaxSts = 'Y' and c.TaxRate = 10 then 'PPN' when TaxSts = 'Y' and c.TaxRate = 1 then 'PPN1' end as TaxID, " +
                                "case when isnull(WhseCode,'') = 'WH01' and a.branchid = '0101' then left(rcontcode,4) + 'C1' + right(rcontcode,2) when isnull(WhseCode, '') = 'WH02' and a.branchid = '0101' then left(rcontcode, 4) + 'C2' + right(rcontcode, 2) when isnull(WhseCode, '') = 'WH03' and a.branchid = '0101' then left(rcontcode, 4) + 'C3' + right(rcontcode, 2) when isnull(WhseCode, '') = 'WH04' and a.branchid = '0101' then left(rcontcode, 4) + 'C4' + right(rcontcode, 2) when isnull(WhseCode, '') = 'KLC' and a.branchid = '0102' then left(rcontcode, 4) + 'K1' + right(rcontcode, 2) when isnull(WhseCode, '') = 'GIIC' and a.branchid = '0105' then left(rcontcode, 4) + 'GL' + right(rcontcode, 2) when isnull(WhseCode, '') = 'TLC' and a.branchid = '0106' then left(rcontcode, 4) + 'TL' + right(rcontcode, 2) when isnull(WhseCode, '') = '' and a.branchid = '0101' then left(rcontcode, 4) + 'HO' + right(rcontcode, 2) when isnull(WhseCode, '') = '' and a.branchid = '0102' then left(rcontcode, 4) + 'KO' + right(rcontcode, 2) when isnull(WhseCode, '') = '' and a.branchid = '0103' then left(rcontcode, 4) + 'CO' + right(rcontcode, 2) when isnull(WhseCode, '') = '' and a.branchid = '0104' then left(rcontcode, 4) + 'PO' + right(rcontcode, 2) end as SubAccount from BookRates as a inner join revcodes as b on a.icharges = b.rcode inner join billmaster as c on a.billno = c.billno where a.BillNo = '" + vBillNo + "'", con);
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        da.SelectCommand = cmd;

        foreach (DataRow dR in dt.Rows)
            oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = dR["BranchID"].ToString(), LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentDetails.Branch });
            oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = dR["BookingNo"].ToString(), LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentDetails.JobOrderNbr });
            oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = dR["ICharges"].ToString(), LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentDetails.InventoryID });
            oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = dR["BCostUnit"].ToString(), LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentDetails.UnitCost });
            oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = dR["SubAccount"].ToString(), LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentDetails.Subaccount });
            oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = dR["IQty"].ToString(), LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentDetails.Quantity });
            oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = dR["BCost"].ToString(), LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentDetails.Amount });
            oCmds.Add(new Value { Value = dR["TaxID"].ToString(), LinkedCommand = konten.DocumentDetails.TaxCategory, Commit = true });

            return "ACUMATICA - Save Bill SUCCESS";

        catch (Exception ex)
            return ex.Message;
            //return "ACUMATICA - Save Bill FAILED";

但它仍然无效。 请提供一些参考如何解决此案例。 感谢

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context = new Screen();
context.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
context.Url = "http://blah blah";
context.Timeout = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite;