我在iTunes上的播客说明中出现了一些HTML ascii代码的问题。不幸的是,我对PHP不太满意,但无论如何我都在尝试!我找到了一个我认为可以替换或剥离代码的部分....
// iTunes summary does not allow any HTML and must be shorter than 4000 characters
$itunes_summary = strip_tags( get_the_content() );
$itunes_summary = str_replace( array( '&', '>', '<', '\'', '"', '`' ), array( __( 'and', 'seriously-simple-podcasting' ), '', '', '', '', '' ), $itunes_summary );
$itunes_summary = mb_substr( $itunes_summary, 0, 3949 );
// iTunes short description does not allow any HTML and must be shorter than 4000 characters
$itunes_excerpt = strip_tags( strip_shortcodes( get_the_excerpt() ) );
$itunes_excerpt = str_replace( array( '&', '>', '<', '\'', '"', '`', '[andhellip;]', '[…]' ), array( 'and', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ), $itunes_excerpt );
$itunes_excerpt = mb_substr( $itunes_excerpt, 0, 224 );
Post Father’s Day tea time on the DahlCast – What’s your fav? Lipton, Snapple or handle bar mustaches? Pet peeves raid today’s show as the guys talk flip flops, situational unawareness and open table plus the internet’s latest craze the Cheerio Challenge.
Post Fatherand#8217;s Day tea time on the DahlCast and#8211; Whatand#8217;s your fav? Lipton, Snapple or handle bar mustaches? Pet peeves raid todayand#8217;s show as the guys talk flip flops, situational unawareness and open table plus the internetand#8
<p>Post Father’s Day tea time on the DahlCast – What’s your fav? Lipton, Snapple or handle bar mustaches? Pet peeves raid today’s show as the guys talk flip flops, situational unawareness and open table plus the internet’s latest craze the Cheerio Challenge.</p>
Post Father's Day tea time on the DahlCast – What's your fav? Lipton, Snapple or handle bar mustaches? Pet peeves raid today's show as the guys talk flip flops, situational unawareness and open table plus the internet's latest craze the Cheerio Challenge.
<title><?php esc_html( the_title_rss() ); ?></title>
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