如何在删除构建时升级TFS 2015 Update 2以删除工件?
我添加了一个powershell来显示所有环境变量,它说我的workingFolder = E:TfsBuilds \ Agent1_WorkPlace \ 5 \ s
答案 0 :(得分:2)
如果您specify build retention policies,保留政策将删除以下项目:
您可以在SO中提及类似问题的详细信息:Should artifacts associated with a build record be deleted when the build record is deleted?
目前,删除构建时删除服务器丢弃但不会删除到UNC共享。这也是一个已知问题:Build.Preview - Drop Folder not deleted when build is deleted
<强> UPDATE2 强>
<强> UPDATE3 强>
每个代理都有自己的工作文件夹。例如XXX \ Agent1,XXX \ Agent2,... XXX \ Agent6。我认为问题是你混淆了文件结构。
使用您的文件结构,部署到服务器的文件将复制到名为XXX \ builds的文件夹中。但是,这些文件不是已发布的工件。有类似临时文件的东西。如果要自动删除构建下的文件,可以在最后一步添加Delete files task.。即使在构建期间删除了这些文件。您可以在构建完成后仍然从服务器下载工件。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我在这里假设我们知道TFS2015 Update2不支持开箱即用,并且MS声称已经在TFS15中解决了这个问题。
DeleteBuild.exe "D:\TFSDropLocation" "D:\DumpFolderBeforeIDeleteThis"
其中 TFSDropLocation 是TFS放弃构建工件的地方,而 DumpFolderBeforeIDelete这个是我收集所有构建的文件夹,我会永久删除它们。我们可以直接从 TFSDropLocation 中删除它们,但是我喜欢这个额外的步骤,我们将它们移到一个单独的位置,以防万一,我们碰巧需要它们,它们是它们或者从这个中删除它们经过一轮验证后的位置 - 如果您觉得舒服。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.WebApi;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Core.WebApi;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Client;
using System.IO;
using System.Configuration;
namespace DeleteBuild
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length!=2)
Console.WriteLine("Correct usage is: DeleteBuild.exe 'Absolute Folderpath Path to TFS drop location' 'Absolute Dump Location'");
Console.WriteLine("for e.g. something with quotes around the paths: DeleteBuild.exe D:\\TFSDropLocation D:\\Dumplocation");
string BuildDropLocation = args[0];
string BuildDumpLocation = args[1];
#region TFSConnection
string accountUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["accountUrl"];
VssConnection connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(accountUrl), new VssAadCredential());
ProjectHttpClient projectClient = connection.GetClient<ProjectHttpClient>();
TeamProject project = projectClient.GetProject(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TeamProject"]).Result;
BuildHttpClient buildClient = connection.GetClient<BuildHttpClient>();
var builds = buildClient.GetBuildsAsync(project.Id, resultFilter: BuildResult.Succeeded).Result;
//the parent directory that is the build definition name
DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(BuildDropLocation);
// list of subdirectories which are the actual buildnumber folders
DirectoryInfo[] ParentFolders = directory.GetDirectories();
foreach (DirectoryInfo ParentFolder in ParentFolders)
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Build Definition name: " + ParentFolder.Name + " contains the below mentioned builds");
//list of all folders inside the build definition folder which are buildnumber folders
DirectoryInfo[] ChildFolders = ParentFolder.GetDirectories();
//We evaluate each build number folder one by one
foreach (DirectoryInfo ChildFolder in ChildFolders)
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Evaluating folder: " + ChildFolder.Name);
//Create an array of builds where the definition name matches the parent foldername
Build[] RelevantBuilds = builds.Where(b => b.Definition.Name == ParentFolder.Name).Reverse().ToArray();
//set flag to false to
Boolean flag = false;
// traverse through each build in tfs
foreach (Build build in RelevantBuilds)
//compare build number with child folder name to see if it matches
if (string.Compare(build.BuildNumber, ChildFolder.Name) == 0)
Console.WriteLine("Found build existing, hence leaving here " + build.BuildNumber);
//this build has yet not been deleted from tfs so set flag to true and traverse to the next build
flag = true;
// if after travering the builds, we did not find any build that matches the foldername, flag will be set to initial value of false and this folder will be deleted
if (flag == false)
DirectoryInfo DropLocation = new DirectoryInfo(BuildDumpLocation);
string intermediatPath = Path.Combine(BuildDumpLocation, ParentFolder.Name);
DirectoryInfo IntermediateDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(intermediatPath);
if (!IntermediateDirectory.Exists)
string sourcePath = ChildFolder.Name;
string targetPath = Path.Combine(DropLocation.FullName, ParentFolder.Name, ChildFolder.Name);
System.IO.Directory.Move(ChildFolder.FullName, targetPath);
Console.WriteLine("Did not find build in TFS hence moving: " + ChildFolder.Name + " to a separate dump location.");
Console.WriteLine("end of directory" + Environment.NewLine);