将DB2函数转换为SQL Server函数

时间:2016-06-20 20:49:05

标签: sql sql-server db2


create function prf_t_excinter_nzw(AC_ID_i int, TFH_i double) specific prf_t_excinter_nzw   
RETURNS TABLE(ft_id int,rg_id int,thr double,value double        )  
RETURN  select l.ft_id, l.rg_id, r.thr,     case when l.from is null      
then to_value else ( thr - from ) / ( to - from ) * ( to_value - from_value ) + from_value end as value        
from (     select ft_id, rg_id, to, from, to_value, from_value     from    (     select       row_number() over ( 
partition by l.ft_id, l.rg_id, l.thr order by l.ft_id, l.rg_id, l.thr, r.thr desc) as #,
l.ft_id, l.rg_id, l.thr as to, r.thr as from, l.value as to_value, r.value as from_value
from     (select ft_id, rg_id, thr, value from table ( prf_t_ftexc_nzw( AC_ID_i, TFH_i)) as d     
order by  ft_id, rg_id, thr asc     ) as l     
left outer join     (      select ft_id, rg_id, thr, value       from table ( prf_t_ftexc_nzw( AC_ID_i, TFH_i)) as d order by ft_id, rg_id, thr asc) as r     
on l.ft_id = r.ft_id and l.rg_id = r.rg_id and      l.thr > r.thr    ) as l_r    where # = 1  ) as l  join  (   select prm_id, thr from prf_t_prm_1d_thr as r 
where prm_id in ( select id from prf_t_prm where name like '%RG_NZW')    ) as r  on l.rg_id = r.prm_id and( l.from < r.thr or l.from is null) and  ( r.thr <= l.to )  
order by l.ft_id, l.rg_id, r.thr  ;  END


create function prf_t_excinter_nzw(@AC_ID_i int,@TFH_i float)
RETURN  select l.ft_id, l.rg_id, r.thr,case when l.from_value is null then to_value else ( thr-from_value )/(to_value-from_value)*(to_value-from_value)+from_value end as value
from (
select ft_id,rg_id,to_value,from_value,to_value,from_value 
from (
    select row_number() over ( partition by l.ft_id, l.rg_id, l.thr order by l.ft_id,l.rg_id, l.thr, r.thr desc) as num, l.ft_id, l.rg_id, l.to_value, r.from_value
    from (
        select ft_id, rg_id, thr, ac_value as to_value 
        from prf_t_ftexc_nzw(@AC_ID_i,@TFH_i) as d) as l 
        left outer join (
            select ft_id, rg_id, thr, ac_value as from_value
            from prf_t_ftexc_nzw(@AC_ID_i,@TFH_i) as d) as r 
            on l.ft_id = r.ft_id 
            and l.rg_id=r.rg_id 
            and l.thr > r.thr) as l_r 
            where num = 1) as l 
            join (
                select prm_id, thr from prf_t_prm_1d_thr as r 
                where prm_id in (select id from prf_t_prm where name like '%RG_NZW')) as r  
                on l.rg_id=r.prm_id and (l.from_value<r.thr or l.from_value is null) 
                and (r.thr<=l.to_value)

此时我收到错误消息8156,级别16,状态1,过程prf_t_excinter_nzw,第18行 “l”指定了多次“to_value”列 任何提示/建议要修复?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


select ft_id,rg_id,to_value,from_value,to_value,from_value 




答案 1 :(得分:0)

问题是在第二级选择字段的两倍&#34; to_value&#34;。
