我已将Sankey JS作为Qlik感的外部插件。我在图表中添加了总共5个维度和1个度量。但是当我查看图表时,我只能看到4个维度,最后一个维度取代了之前的维度。对于Ex:
Dim1,Dim2,Dim3,Dim4 - 当我只包含4个尺寸时看起来很好。
Dim1,Dim2,Dim3,Dim5 - 如果我在图表中添加第5个维度。
问题是当我查看QDataPages [0]大小对象时,我只能在qMatrix对象下看到4维的值。如何折叠尺寸或查看更多尺寸。非常感谢您的帮助。
shim : {
"extensions/SenseSankey/sankeymore" : {
"deps" : ["extensions/SenseSankey/d3.min"]
//define(["jquery", "text!./style.css","extensions/SenseSankey/sankeymore"], function($, cssContent) {
define(["jquery", "text!./style.css","core.utils/theme","extensions/SenseSankey/md5.min","extensions/SenseSankey/sankeymore"], function($, cssContent, Theme, md5) {
'use strict';
$( "<style>" ).html( cssContent ).appendTo( "head" );
return {
initialProperties: {
version: 1.3,
qHyperCubeDef: {
qDimensions: [],
qMeasures: [],
qInitialDataFetch: [{
qWidth: 5,
qHeight: 2000
selectionMode: "QUICK"
definition: {
type: "items",
component: "accordion",
items: {
dimensions: {
uses: "dimensions",
min: 2,
max: 7
measures: {
uses: "measures",
min: 1,
max: 1
//sorting: {
// uses: "sorting"
settings: {
uses: "settings",
type: "items",
items : {
label : "Sankey Settings",
items : {
type: "integer",
label: "Flow max (10 to 2000)",
ref: "flowMax (max is 2000)",
defaultValue: 500,
min : 10,
max : 2000
label:"Color Flow",
label:"Qlik Color"
label:"Custom Color"
defaultValue: 1
type: "string",
component: "color-picker",
//component: "ColorsPickerComponent",
expression: "optional",
label: "Color Flow if no Hex Color",
ref: "flowColor",
defaultValue: 2,
show: function(layout) { return layout.flowChoice == 1 }
type: "string",
label: "Custom Hex Color for Flow",
ref: "flowColorCustom",
defaultValue: "#999999",
show: function(layout) { return layout.flowChoice == 2 }
ref: "displaySeparateur",
type: "string",
component: "dropdown",
label: "Pop-up Separator",
value:" - ",
value:" <-> ",
value: " → ",
label: " → "
defaultValue: " - "
ref: "displayFormat",
type: "string",
component: "dropdown",
label: "Pop-up Format",
value: "Number2",
label: "1000.12"
value: "Number1",
label: "1000.1"
value: "Number",
label: "1000"
value: "Money2",
label: "1000.12 €"
value: "Money1",
label: "1000.1 €"
value: "Money",
label: "1000 €"
defaultValue: "Number"
component: "dropdown",
label : "Palette",
value: "D3-20",
label: "Ordinal Palette 20 colors"
value: "D3-20c",
label: "Blue-Grey Palette 20 colors"
value: "D3-20b",
label: "Blue-Purple Palette 20 colors"
value: "20",
label: "Palette 20 colors"
value: "20a",
label: "Other Palette 20 colors"
value: "20b",
label: "Spectral 14 color Palette" // Added by Anand.V.N for Spectral Color Palette
defaultValue: "D3-20"
ref: "colorPersistence",
component: "switch",
type: "boolean",
translation: "Persistence",
defaultValue: false,
trueOption: {
value: true,
translation: "properties.on"
falseOption: {
value: false,
translation: "properties.off"
show: true
snapshot: {
canTakeSnapshot: true
paint: function ( $element, layout ) {
// Fonction format pop-up
function formatMoney(n, c, d, t, m, l){
var c = isNaN(c = Math.abs(c)) ? 2 : c,
d = d == undefined ? "." : d,
t = t == undefined ? "," : t,
s = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(c)) + "",
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return l + ' \n ' + s + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : "")+ m;
// Persistent color function
var hashScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([1, 4294967295]).range([ 0, 19.9999 ]);
function hashL(str) {
var hashL = 5381,
i = str.length
hashL = (hashL * 33) ^ str.charCodeAt(--i)
//hash = md5(str)
return hashL >>> 0;
function getColorForNode(strValue) {
if (colorPersistence===true) {
return colours[parseInt(Math.floor(hashScale(hashL(md5(strValue)))))];
} else
return colours[Math.floor(Math.random() * (19))];
var _this = this;
var maxHeight = layout.flowMax;
var displayFormat = layout.displayFormat;
var displaySeparateur = layout.displaySeparateur;
var displayPalette = layout.displayPalette;
var colorPersistence = layout.colorPersistence;
if (displayPalette === "D3-20") {
var colours = ['#1f77b4','#aec7e8','#ff7f0e','#ffbb78','#2ca02c','#98df8a','#d62728','#ff9896','#9467bd','#c5b0d5','#8c564b',
'#c49c94','#e377c2','#f7b6d2','#7f7f7f','#c7c7c7','#bcbd22','#dbdb8d','#17becf','#9edae5' ];
else if (displayPalette === "D3-20b") {
var colours = ['#393b79','#5254a3','#6b6ecf','#9c9ede','#637939','#8ca252','#b5cf6b','#cedb9c','#8c6d31','#bd9e39',
else if (displayPalette === "D3-20c") {
var colours = ['#3182bd','#6baed6', '#9ecae1','#c6dbef','#e6550d','#fd8d3c','#fdae6b','#fdd0a2','#31a354',
'#74c476','#a1d99b','#c7e9c0','#756bb1','#9e9ac8','#bcbddc','#dadaeb','#636363','#969696','#bdbdbd','#d9d9d9' ];
else if (displayPalette === "20") {
var colours = [ '#1abc9c','#7f8c8d','#2ecc71','#bdc3c7','#3498db','#c0392b','#9b59b6','#d35400','#34495e','#f39c12',
'#16a085','#95a5a6','#27ae60','#ecf0f1','#2980b9','#e74c3c','#8e44ad','#e67e22','#2c3e50','#f1c40f' ];
else if (displayPalette === "20a") {
var colours = [ '#023FA5','#7D87B9','#BEC1D4','#D6BCC0','#BB7784','#FFFFFF','#4A6FE3','#8595E1','#B5BBE3','#E6AFB9',
else if (displayPalette === "20b") { // Added by Anand.V.N for Spectral Color Palette
var colours = [ '#F46D43','#E78162','#FDAE61','#F0B880','#FEE08B','#F1CA5F','#E6F598','#D4E86D','#ABDDA4','#85D07B',
var flowColor = (layout.flowChoice == 2) ? layout.flowColorCustom : Theme.palette[layout.flowColor];
var qData = layout.qHyperCube.qDataPages[0];
// create a new array that contains the dimension labels
var qDim = layout.qHyperCube.qDimensionInfo.map(function(d) {
return d.qFallbackTitle;
var divName = layout.qInfo.qId;
var qMatrix = qData.qMatrix.sort();
var source = qMatrix.map(function(d) {
var path = "";
var sep = "";
for (var i = 0; i < d.length - 1; i++) {
path += sep + (d[i].qText.replace('|', ' ')) + '|' + (d[i].qElemNumber);
sep = ",";
return {
"Path": path,
"Frequency": d[d.length - 1].qNum
var id = "sk_"+ layout.qInfo.qId;
if (document.getElementById(id)) {
$("#" + id).empty();
else {
$element.append($('<div />').attr("id", id));
$("#" + id).width($element.width()).height($element.height());
var sLinks = [];
var endArr = [];
var catArray = [];
//********Creates Duplicate IDs*************
// $element.attr("id",id)
//var td = _this.Data;
var sNodes = [];
var jNodes = [];
var rev = 0; //permet de pivoter les dimensions
//source foreach
source.forEach(function(d) {
//var row = d;
var path = d.Path;
var val = parseFloat(d.Frequency);
if(val > 0) {
var tArr = path.split(",",4);
if (rev == "1") {
if (tArr.length > 1) {
$.each(tArr, function(i) {
if(tArr.length === (i + 1)){
tArr[i] = this.toString().trim() + "~end";
tArr[i] = this.toString().trim() + "~" + i;
$.each(tArr, function(i) {
if ($.inArray(this.toString().trim(), sNodes) === -1) {
sNodes.forEach(function(d) {
name: d.toString()
//source foreach
source.forEach(function(d) {
//var row = d;
var path = d.Path
var val = parseFloat(d.Frequency);
if(val > 0) {
var tArr = path.split(",");
if (rev == "1") {
if (tArr.length > 1) {
$.each(tArr, function(i) {
if(tArr.length === (i + 1)){
tArr[i] = this.toString().trim() + "~end";
tArr[i] = this.toString().trim() + "~" + i;
$.each(tArr, function(i) {
var tFlag = "no";
if ((i + 1) != tArr.length) {
var cS = $.inArray(this.toString().trim(), sNodes);
var cT = $.inArray(tArr[i + 1].toString().trim(), sNodes);
$.each(sLinks, function(i, v) {
if ((v.source === cS) && (v.target === cT)) {
tFlag = "yes";
v.value = v.value + val;
if (tFlag == "no") {
"source" : cS,
"target" : cT,
"value" : val
var margin = {
top : 1,
right : 1,
bottom : 0,
left : 1
}, width = $element.width(), height = $element.height();
// Added svgHeader class for Scrollbars by Anand.V.N
var svg = d3.select("#sk_" + divName).attr("class","svgHeader").append("svg").attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right).attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom).append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")");
var sankey = d3.sankey().nodeWidth(15).nodePadding(10).size([width -10 , height-10]);
var path = sankey.link();
var link = svg.append("g").selectAll(".link").data(sLinks).enter().append("path").attr("class", "link").attr("d", path).style("stroke-width",function(d) {
return Math.max(1, d.dy);
}).sort(function(a, b) {
return b.dy - a.dy;
//Color of Flow
link.style('stroke', flowColor);
// affiche la valeur sur le flux en popup
link.append("title").text(function(d) {
//Je supprime les tildes et les pipes
var start = d.source.name.split('|')[0];
//var start = d.source.name.substr(0, d.source.name.length - 2).split('|')[0];
var end = d.target.name.split('|')[0];
if (displayFormat === "Number"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 0, '.', ' ','' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
if (displayFormat === "Number1"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 1, '.', ' ','' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
if (displayFormat === "Number2"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 2, '.', ' ','' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
if (displayFormat === "Money"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 0, '.', ' ',' €' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
if (displayFormat === "Money1"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 1, '.', ' ',' €' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
if (displayFormat === "Money2"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 2, '.', ' ',' €' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
var node = svg
.append("g").selectAll(".node").data(jNodes).enter().append("g").attr("class", "node").attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
node.on("click",function(d, i) {
//on passe a la fonction l'identifiant qElement precedemment stocké dans le nom et le nom de la dimension sous forme d'un tableau
parseInt(d.name.split('~')[1].replace('end', qDim.length - 1)),
[ parseInt(d.name.split('~')[0].split('|')[1]) ],
// Start of Node and Path/Link Color. Declared variables for the arrays to store unique colors for specific nodes Added by Anand.V.N
var nodeLinkColor='';
var nodeName='';
var colorArray= new Array();
var objColor={};
var tempArr=new Array();
// End of Node and Path/Link Color Added by Anand.V.N
// AVEC POPUP sur le carré de couleur
node.append("rect").attr("height", function(d) {
return d.dy;
}).attr("width", sankey.nodeWidth()).style("fill", function(d) {
// Implemented Logic for the arrays to store unique colors for specific nodes Added by Anand.V.N
nodeName= d.name.split('|')[0];
if (!tempArr.contains(nodeName)) {
d.color = getColorForNode(d.name);
// End of Node and Path/Link Color Added by Anand.V.N
return d.color;
}).style("stroke", function(d) {
return d3.rgb(d.color).darker(2);
}).append("title").text(function(d) {
var level = d.name.substr(d.name.indexOf("~")+1,1);
if (level === "e" ){level = qDim.length -1;}
var entete = qDim[level] + ' : ' + d.name.split('|')[0];
if (displayFormat === "Number"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 0, '.', ' ','', entete);
if (displayFormat === "Number1"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 1, '.', ' ','',entete);
if (displayFormat === "Number2"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 2, '.', ' ','',entete);
if (displayFormat === "Money"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 0, '.', ' ',' €',entete);
if (displayFormat === "Money1"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 1, '.', ' ',' €',entete);
if (displayFormat === "Money2"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 2, '.', ' ',' €',entete);
var link = svg.append("g").selectAll(".link").data(sLinks).enter().append("path").attr("class", "link").attr("d", path).style("stroke-width",function(d) {
return Math.max(1, d.dy);
}).sort(function(a, b) {
return b.dy - a.dy;
link.style('stroke', function(d) {
// Implemented Logic to compare node arrays for specific colors and assign to the link/path. Added by Anand.V.N
var start = d.source.name.split('|')[0];
var end = d.target.name.split('|')[0];
// console.log(i);
// End of Node and Path/Link Color Added by Anand.V.N
return d.color;
link.append("title").text(function(d) {
var start = d.source.name.split('|')[0];
//var start = d.source.name.substr(0, d.source.name.length - 2).split('|')[0];
var end = d.target.name.split('|')[0];
if (displayFormat === "Number"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 0, '.', ' ','' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
if (displayFormat === "Number1"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 1, '.', ' ','' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
if (displayFormat === "Number2"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 2, '.', ' ','' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
if (displayFormat === "Money"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 0, '.', ' ',' €' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
if (displayFormat === "Money1"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 1, '.', ' ',' €' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
if (displayFormat === "Money2"){
return formatMoney(d.value, 2, '.', ' ',' €' , start + displaySeparateur + end);
// Changes the 'x' attribute size for the <text> to include text within <rect> nodes. Also have updated <text> tag by appending it next to <rect> tag. Added by Anand.V.N
node.append("text").attr("class", "nodeTitle").attr("x", 5).attr("y", function(d) {
return d.dy / 2;
}).attr("dy", ".35em").attr("text-anchor", "middle").attr("alignment-baseline", "middle").attr("transform", null).text(function(d) {
var str = d.name.substring(0, d.name.indexOf("~")).split('|')[0];
return str
}).filter(function(d) {
return d.x < width / 2;
}).attr("text-anchor", "start");
// End of <text> tag. Added by Anand.V.N
function dragmove(d) {
d3.select(this).attr("transform", "translate(" + d.x + "," + (d.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(height - d.dy, d3.event.y))) + ")");
link.attr("d", path);
} );
答案 0 :(得分:0)
只是一个假设:您是否将此代码从qWidth = 4更改为qWidth = 5?
qInitialDataFetch: [{
qWidth: 5,
qHeight: 2000
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我认为您只需要重新创建应用程序即可,qwidth和max / min尺寸已正确设置。 只需重新创建应用程序或重新添加扩展即可。 在重新创建应用程序后,我遇到了同样的问题。