
时间:2016-06-20 13:06:53

标签: java css animation javafx custom-controls


我不知道如何将自定义按钮转换为class每次我想要使用它时都可以导入,所以我一直在研究,我找到了this项目,其中包括使用Material Design定制的多个JavaFX控制器。我现在感兴趣的控制器是MaterialButton,其源代码如下:

import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.ButtonSkin;

import javafx.animation.Animation;
import javafx.animation.FadeTransition;
import javafx.animation.Interpolator;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.KeyValue;
import javafx.animation.ParallelTransition;
import javafx.animation.SequentialTransition;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.animation.Transition;
import javafx.beans.binding.DoubleBinding;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Skin;
import javafx.scene.control.SkinBase;
import javafx.scene.effect.BlurType;
import javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.shape.Shape;
import javafx.util.Duration;

public class CustomButton extends Button {

    private static final Duration RIPPLE_DURATION = Duration.millis(250); // Duration of the ripple effect
    private static final Duration SHADOW_DURATION = Duration.millis(350); // Duration of the shadow effect
    private static final Color RIPPLE_COLOR = Color.web("#FFF", 0.3); // Ripple color

    public CustomButton() { // Except from the setPrefHeifht() method, everything between this braces seems useless.
                            // Probably I'm wrong, but why would you want to do this?
        textProperty().addListener((ObservableValue<? extends String> observable, String oldValue, String newValue) -> {
            if (!oldValue.endsWith(newValue.toUpperCase())) {
        setPrefHeight(36); // Height of the button 

    public Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() { // Overrides the default skin of the button.
        ButtonSkin buttonSkin = (ButtonSkin) getSkin();
        if (buttonSkin == null) {
            buttonSkin = new ButtonSkin(this);
            Circle circleRipple = new Circle(0.1, RIPPLE_COLOR); // Creates the circle that must appear when the 
                                                                 // ripple effect animation is displayed.
            buttonSkin.getChildren().add(0, circleRipple); // Adds the nodes to the screen.

            createRippleEffect(circleRipple); // Creates the ripple effect animation.
            getStyleClass().add("ripple-button"); // I don't know what this line does, but if it is
                                                   // removed, the button is narrowed.
        return buttonSkin;

    public ButtonSkin getButtonSkin() { // Returns the skin casted to a ButtonSkin.
        return (ButtonSkin) getSkin();

    public void setFlated(boolean flated) { // The button is "flated" when it's pressed, so I guess that this is the same that saying "clicked".
        if (flated) {
            getStyleClass().add("flat"); // I don't know what this does.
        } else {
            getStyleClass().remove("flat"); // I don't know what does this do, either.

    public boolean getFlated() {
        return getStyleClass().indexOf("flat") != -1; // If the style class doesn't contain "flat", it returns false.

    public void toggled(boolean toggled) { // For as far as I know, a toggle is the switch from one effect to another.
        if (toggled) {
            getStyleClass().add("toggle"); // I know as much about this line as I know about the other "getStyleClass()" lines.
        } else {
            getStyleClass().remove("toggle"); // I know as much about this line as I know about the other "getStyleClass()" lines.

    public boolean getToggled() {
        return getStyleClass().indexOf("toggle") != -1; // If the style class doesn't contain "toggle". it returns false.

    private void createRippleEffect(Circle circleRipple) { // Defines the ripple effect animation.
        Rectangle rippleClip = new Rectangle(); // Creates a new Rectangle
        rippleClip.widthProperty().bind(widthProperty()); // For as far as I understand, it binds the width property of the
                                                          // rippleClip to itself. Why would you do that?

        rippleClip.heightProperty().bind(heightProperty()); // For as far as I understand, it binds the width property of the
                                                            // rippleClip to itself. Why would you do that?

        circleRipple.setClip(rippleClip); // For as far as I know, clipping is the process that consists
                                          // in hiding everything that is outside of a specified area.
                                          // What this does is specifying that area so that the parts of the circle
                                          // that are outside of the rectangle, can be hided.
        circleRipple.setOpacity(0.0); // Sets the circle's opacity to 0.

        /*Fade Transition*/
        FadeTransition fadeTransition = new FadeTransition(RIPPLE_DURATION, circleRipple); // Creates the fadeTransition.

        final Timeline scaleRippleTimeline = new Timeline(); // Creates the scaleRippleTimeLine Timeline.
        DoubleBinding circleRippleRadius = new DoubleBinding() { // Binds the radius of the circle to a double value.
                bind(heightProperty(), widthProperty());

            protected double computeValue() {
                return Math.max(heightProperty().get(), widthProperty().get() * 0.45); // Returns the greater of both.

        // The below line adds a listener to circleRippleRadius.
        circleRippleRadius.addListener((ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable, Number oldValue, Number newValue) -> {
            KeyValue scaleValue = new KeyValue(circleRipple.radiusProperty(), newValue, Interpolator.EASE_OUT);
            KeyFrame scaleFrame = new KeyFrame(RIPPLE_DURATION, scaleValue);
        Animation animation = new Transition() { // Creates and defines the animation Transition.
                setCycleDuration(SHADOW_DURATION); // Sets the duration of "animation".
                setInterpolator(Interpolator.EASE_OUT); // It sets the EASE_OUT interpolator,
                                                        // so that the shadow isn't displayed forever and its an animation.

            protected void interpolate(double frac) {
                setEffect(new DropShadow(BlurType.GAUSSIAN, Color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.30), 5 + (10 * frac), 0.10 + ((3 * frac) / 10), 0, 2 + (4 * frac)));
                // Creates a a DropShadow effect and then sets it to "animation".

        final SequentialTransition rippleTransition = new SequentialTransition(); // Creates a SequentialTransition. The circle's scaling is the
                                                                                  // first transition to occur, and then the color of the button
                                                                                  // changes to the original one with fadeTransition

        final ParallelTransition parallelTransition = new ParallelTransition(); 

        getStyleClass().addListener((ListChangeListener.Change<? extends String> c) -> { // For as far as I understand, each time that the
                                                                                         // Style class changes, the lines of code between the
                                                                                         // braces are executed, but I still don't understand how
                                                                                         // does the Style class work.
            if (c.getList().indexOf("flat") == -1 && c.getList().indexOf("toggle") == -1) {
                setEffect(new DropShadow(BlurType.GAUSSIAN, Color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.30), 5, 0.10, 0, 2));
                parallelTransition.getChildren().addAll(rippleTransition, animation);
            } else {


        this.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, event -> { // When the button is clicked, each object's value is assigned to the first
                                                                  // that it must have at the beginning of the animation. Then, the animation 
                                                                  // starts.


    public void setRippleColor(Color color) {
        ((Shape) ((SkinBase) getSkin()).getChildren().get(0)).setFill(color); // I don't understand this line of code.




例如,有几次使用getStyleClass().add("something")。 我知道getStylesheets().add()是如何运作的,但这是不同的;我会说“Style”类与CSS文件不同。




更新:有人指出ripple-button是可以在GitHub项目中找到的CSS文件的一部分。 我复制了MaterialButton类并将其粘贴到一个新项目中,因此只需提及它就无法访问ripple-button。然而,事实证明,如果我删除这行代码,按钮会缩小。我可以用任何东西改变“波纹按钮”,结果将是相同的,但线必须在那里。为什么会这样?

更新2 :我已经了解了setRippleColor(Color color)方法的作用:基本上它获取了圆形的皮肤并获取了它的子项,因此它可以在矩形的颜色变为矩形的颜色后更改一个Shape。由于Rectangle扩展Shape,因此它会变成一个形状。实际上这很简单。

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样式表定义控件的样式。它们还提供了一些可以在任何NodegetStyleClass()上设置的其他样式类,它们还返回类型为ObservableList的{​​{1}},这次定义样式类名称。渲染名称时,在为String定义的样式表集中查找,然后应用。如果没有找到这样的样式类,则会被忽略。 Node是任何控件的基类。

方法Node不会覆盖默认皮肤,正如您在评论中提到的那样,但是它定义了默认皮肤(嗯,部分正确,因为createDefaultSkin()扩展CustomButton Button覆盖{1}}。一般来说,一个控件由一个'control'类和一个'skin'类组成,至少在JavaFX到版本8时就是这种情况,当它发生变化时。有关详细信息,请参阅the control architecture上的文章。