Laravel 5 HMVC路线问题

时间:2016-06-20 11:49:20

标签: laravel

     -> Commands 
     -> Console
     -> Events
     -> Exceptions
     -> Handlers
     -> Helpers
     -> Http
     -> Libraries
     -> Models
     -> Modules
     -> Providers
     -> Services

请查看我的应用程序的文件夹结构。您可以看到模块位于App文件夹中。现在看模块文件夹结构。      - >模块       - > ABC       - > DEF       - > GHI       - > JKL

当我点击网址 localhost/abc/123/xyz 时,它应该转到http文件夹并搜索123控制器并运行xyz(),但它会转到Modules文件夹并查找模块123和控制器XYZ。

    There is no .htaccess file and i don't know why this is happening to me.
    why this is happening and what is could the reason behind this?


1 个答案:

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localhost未映射到laravel中的文件夹结构。它映射到public /文件夹。公用文件夹中的index.php正在启动l5生命周期。

路由在routes.php中定义。 Controller可以在任何地方,但你必须满足自动加载的psr-namespacing。