我上周得到了HDK,非常兴奋,想立即在我的Mac Book Pro(OSX 10.11.5 El Capitan / 2.7 GHz i7 / 16GB DDR3 / nVidia GeForce GT 650M 1024MB)上进行测试。
按https://github.com/OSVR/OSVR-Docs/blob/master/Getting-Started/Installing/osx.md安装了osvrcore$ brew tap OSVR/osvr
$ brew install osvr-core --HEAD
默认情况下,它可能会显示为1080x1920“纵向”显示。这是性能最高的模式。但是,此时大多数应用程序在该模式下无法使用它,因此您需要选择1920x1080分辨率。 (这并不意味着您必须更改“旋转”设置 - 只需选择备用分辨率,HMD将在内部执行旋转。)
从那时起,我被卡住了。根据{{3}}:默认配置适用于系统支持直接模式的HDK 1.3 / 1.4用户,但还有其他配置选项。此外,还有一个HMD本身的配置工具,可以让您进一步自定义。
/* The default config file, as used with the HDK, is fully auto-detected, so no configuration required. */
/* See the JSON-Schema for server config or other samples to see possible options. */
"description": "The default config file, as used with the HDK, is fully auto-detected, so no configuration required. See the JSON-Schema for server config or other samples to see possible options."
$ pwd
$ osvr_server osvr_server_config.json
[OSVR Server] Using config file 'osvr_server_config.json'
[OSVR Server] Constructing server as configured...
[OSVR Server] Loading auto-loadable plugins...
[OSVR Server] Loading plugins...
[OSVR Server]
[OSVR Server] Instantiating configured drivers...
[OSVR Server]
[OSVR Server] Using OSVR HDK for display configuration. Did not find an alternate valid 'display' object in config file.
[OSVR Server] Triggering automatic hardware detection...
[OSVR Server] Registering shutdown handler...
[OSVR Server] Starting server mainloop: OSVR Server is ready to go!
[OSVR] Performing hardware auto-detection.
[OSVR] Added device: com_osvr_Multiserver/OSVRHackerDevKit0
[OSVR] Added device: com_osvr_Multiserver/OSVRHackerDevKitPrediction0
[OSVR] Path tree updated or connection detected
[OSVR] Sending path tree to clients.
[OSVR] Added device: com_osvr_Multiserver/OSVRHackerDevKit0
[OSVR] Added device: com_osvr_Multiserver/OSVRHackerDevKitPrediction0
[OSVR] Path tree updated or connection detected
[OSVR] Sending path tree to clients.
vrpn: Connection request received from 65307
[OSVR] Performing hardware auto-detection.
[OSVR] Path tree updated or connection detected
[OSVR] Sending path tree to clients.
vrpn: Connection request received from 65309[/code]
$ /usr/local/Cellar/osvr-tracker-viewer/HEAD/OSVRTrackerView
[OSVR] Connecting to default (local) host
[OSVR] Client context initialized for org.osvr.trackerview
[OSVR] Got connection to main OSVR server
[OSVR] Got updated path tree, processing
[OSVR] Connected 0 of 0 unconnected paths successfully
[OSVR] Connection process took 10ms: have connection to server, have path tree
[TrackerViewer] No arguments passed: default is as if you passed the following:
--pose /me/hands/left --pose /me/hands/right --pose /me/head
您可以根据需要多次指定--pose或--orientation然后指定路径。 传递参数--help以获取更多信息。
[OSVR] Interface initialized for /me/hands/left
[OSVR] Could not resolve source for /me/hands/left
[OSVR] Interface initialized for /me/hands/right
[OSVR] Could not resolve source for /me/hands/right
[OSVR] Interface initialized for /me/head
[OSVR] Constructed a TrackerHandler for com_osvr_Multiserver/OSVRHackerDevKitPrediction0@localhost:3883 sensor 0
[OSVR] Successfully produced handler for /me/head
[TrackerViewer] /me/head - got first report, enabling display![/code]
现在我想进一步。根据{{3}},我可以运行The "Palace" Demo
OSVR Unity Palace Demo(源代码库)是一个视觉丰富的环境,可以使用OSVR支持的硬件(包括HDK)进行浏览和探索。第一个链接包含Windows的二进制下载:只需下载并运行(确保OSVR服务器正在运行!),如果需要,可以使用游戏手柄或键盘和鼠标在环境中移动。在启动屏幕上,您需要选择HDK配置的显示器和1920x1080全高清分辨率。
$ cp sample-configs/osvr_server_config.HDK13DirectMode.sample.json osvr_server_config.json
$ osvr_server osvr_server_config.json
[OSVR Server] Using config file 'osvr_server_config.json'
[OSVR Server] Constructing server as configured...
[OSVR Server] Loading auto-loadable plugins...
[OSVR Server] Loading plugins...
[OSVR Server]
[OSVR Server] Instantiating configured drivers...
[OSVR] Added device: org_osvr_filter_videoimufusion/HeadFusion
[OSVR] Client context initialized for org.osvr.analysisplugin
[OSVR] Interface initialized for /com_osvr_Multiserver/OSVRHackerDevKitPrediction0/semantic/hmd
[OSVR] Interface initialized for /com_osvr_VideoBasedHMDTracker/TrackedCamera0_0/semantic/hmd/front
[OSVR Server] Successes:
[OSVR Server] - com_osvr_VideoBasedHMDTracker/VideoBasedHMDTracker
[OSVR Server] - org_osvr_filter_videoimufusion/VideoIMUFusion
[OSVR Server]
[OSVR Server]
[OSVR Server] Aliases found and parsed from config file.
[OSVR Server] Display descriptor found and parsed from config file.
[OSVR Server] RenderManager config found and parsed from the config file.
[OSVR Server] Triggering automatic hardware detection...
[OSVR Server] Registering shutdown handler...
[OSVR Server] Starting server mainloop: OSVR Server is ready to go!
[OSVR] Performing hardware auto-detection.
[OSVR] Added device: com_osvr_Multiserver/OSVRHackerDevKit0
[OSVR] Added device: com_osvr_Multiserver/OSVRHackerDevKitPrediction0
但正如您在上面所看到的,它只是停留在那里,我没有看到行[OSVR] Sending path tree to clients.
^C[OSVR Server] Received shutdown signal...
^C[OSVR Server] Received shutdown signal...
^C[OSVR Server] Received shutdown signal...
^C[OSVR Server] Received shutdown signal...
^C[OSVR Server] Received shutdown signal...
答案 0 :(得分:0)
在Windows上,当HDK处于扩展模式时,它会在显示属性中显示为附加屏幕。有一个名为OSVR Config的应用程序,但它可能仅适用于Windows。显示配置位于\OSVR-Core\bin\osvr_server_config.json
。尝试设置"directModeEnabled": false
答案 1 :(得分:0)
OSVR和Hellicott City的开发人员。
Hellicott City,Palace Demo和其他OSVR-Unity示例不附带适用于Mac的OSVR库。我想你要做的就是打开Unity中的Palace Demo,将必要的osvr * .so库添加到Plugins目录,然后为Mac构建。那些osvr * .so文件应该是自制软件安装OSVR的地方。但是,在为Mac构建OSVR-Unity-Rendering plugin之前,您将无法使用RenderManager。截至目前,该插件不适用于OpenGL,但OSVR-Unity仍然可以在没有RenderManager / OSVR-Unity-Rendering插件的情况下工作。这些都在待办事项列表中,但Mac支持并不是最重要的。