
时间:2016-06-18 12:13:22

标签: c grid fortran calling-convention

我试图从一个C文件(gpt2_1w.f)调用一个Fortran子例程(main.c)。问题是,在Fortran代码的一部分中,它需要打开并从名为gpt2_1wA.grd的网格文件中读取一些值。 C程序可以毫无问题地调用一些基本级别的Fortran子例程,但是当涉及到Fortran的一些网格或Ascii文件时,它会给出_gfortran_at_open...etc的未定义引用等错误。我同时使用了codeblocks和cygwin。也许我错过了一些库或者必须以某种方式在C代码中声明网格文件......我不确定。



    #include <stdio.h>
        #include <math.h>

        #define Pi                                  3.14159265358979
        #define d2r                                 (Pi/180.)
        #define r2d                                 (180./Pi)

    //fortran sub//    
void gpt2_1w_(double *dmjd, double *dlat,double *dlon, double *hell, double *nstat, double *it, double *p, double *T, double *dT, double *Tm, double *e, double *ah, double *aw, double *la, double *undu);

        int main()
            double dmjd = 55055;
            double lat = 36.256;
            double lon = 32.589;
            double hell = 812.253;
            double nstat = 1.0;
            double it = 0.0;

        double dlat=lat*d2r;
        double dlon=lon*d2r;

            double p, T, dT, Tm, e, ah, aw, la, undu;

    //calling fortran sub// 
gpt2_1w_(&dmjd, &dlat, &dlon, &hell, &nstat, &it, &p, &T, &dT, &Tm, &e, &ah, &aw, &la, &undu);

              printf( "pressure = %15.8f\n", p );
            printf( "Mean Temp = %15.8f\n", T );

             return 0;



            subroutine gpt2_1w (dmjd,dlat,dlon,hell,nstat,it,
     .              p,T,dT,Tm,e,ah,aw,la,undu)

      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)

      double precision lagrid(64800,5),la(64800),lal(4)

      dimension vec(44)

      dimension dlat(64800),dlon(64800),hell(64800)
      dimension dT(64800),T(64800),p(64800),e(64800),
     .          ah(64800),aw(64800),undu(64800),Tm(64800)

      dimension pgrid(64800,5),Tgrid(64800,5),Qgrid(64800,5),
     .          dTgrid(64800,5),u(64800),Hs(64800),ahgrid(64800,5),
     .          awgrid(64800,5),Tmgrid(64800,5)

      dimension undul(4),Ql(4),dTl(4),Tl(4),pl(4),ahl(4),awl(4),Tml(4)
     .          ,el(4) 

      dimension indx(4) 

      character line*80

c% mean gravity in m/s**2
      gm = 9.80665d0;
c% molar mass of dry air in kg/mol
      dMtr = 28.965d-3
c% universal gas constant in J/K/mol
      Rg = 8.3143d0

      pi = 3.1415926535d0

c% change the reference epoch to January 1 2000
      dmjd1 = dmjd-51544.5d0

c% factors for amplitudes
      if (it.eq.1) then ! constant parameters
        cosfy = 0.d0
        coshy = 0.d0
        sinfy = 0.d0
        sinhy = 0.d0
        cosfy = dcos(dmjd1/365.25d0*2.d0*pi)
        coshy = dcos(dmjd1/365.25d0*4.d0*pi)
        sinfy = dsin(dmjd1/365.25d0*2.d0*pi)
        sinhy = dsin(dmjd1/365.25d0*4.d0*pi)
      end if

c% read gridfile

c% read first comment line
      read (11,'(a80)') line

c% loop over grid points
      do n = 1,64800

        !% read data line
        read (11,*) vec
        pgrid(n,1:5)  = vec(3:7)           !% pressure in Pascal
        Tgrid(n,1:5)  = vec (8:12)         !% temperature in Kelvin
        Qgrid(n,1:5)  = vec(13:17)/1000.d0 !% specific humidity in kg/kg
        dTgrid(n,1:5) = vec(18:22)/1000.d0 !% temperature lapse rate in Kelvin/m
        u(n)          = vec(23)            !% geoid undulation in m
        Hs(n)         = vec(24)            !% orthometric grid height in m
        ahgrid(n,1:5) = vec(25:29)/1000.d0 !% hydrostatic mapping function coefficient, dimensionless
        awgrid(n,1:5) = vec(30:34)/1000.d0 !% wet mapping function coefficient, dimensionless
        lagrid(n,1:5) = vec(35:39)         !% water vapour decrease factor, dimensionless
        Tmgrid(n,1:5) = vec(40:44)         !% weighted mean temperature, Kelvin

      end do
      close (11)

c% loop over stations
      do k = 1,nstat

        !% only positive longitude in degrees
        if (dlon(k).lt.0.d0) then
          plon = (dlon(k) + 2.d0*pi)*180.d0/pi
          plon = dlon(k)*180.d0/pi
        end if
        !% transform to polar distance in degrees
        ppod = (-dlat(k) + pi/2.d0)*180.d0/pi 

        !% find the index (line in the grid file) of the nearest point
        ipod = floor(ppod+1.d0) 
        ilon = floor(plon+1.d0)

        !% normalized (to one) differences, can be positive or negative
        diffpod = ppod - (ipod - 0.5d0)
        difflon = plon - (ilon - 0.5d0)
        !% added by HCY
        if (ipod.eq.181) then
          ipod = 180
        end if
        !% added by GP
        if (ilon.eq.361) then
          ilon = 1
        end if
        if (ilon.eq.0) then
          ilon = 360
        end if

        !% get the number of the corresponding line
        indx(1) = (ipod - 1)*360 + ilon

        !% near the poles: nearest neighbour interpolation, otherwise: bilinear
        !% with the 1 degree grid the limits are lower and upper (GP)
        ibilinear = 0
        if ((ppod.gt.(0.5d0)).and.(ppod.lt.(179.5d0))) then 
          ibilinear = 1          
        end if          

        !% case of nearest neighborhood
        if (ibilinear.eq.0) then

          ix = indx(1);

          !% transforming ellipsoidal height to orthometric height
          undu(k) = u(ix)
          hgt = hell(k)-undu(k)

          !% pressure, temperature at the height of the grid
          T0 = Tgrid(ix,1) + 
     .         Tgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + Tgrid(ix,3)*sinfy + 
     .         Tgrid(ix,4)*coshy + Tgrid(ix,5)*sinhy
          p0 = pgrid(ix,1) + 
     .         pgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + pgrid(ix,3)*sinfy+ 
     .         pgrid(ix,4)*coshy + pgrid(ix,5)*sinhy

          !% specific humidity
          Q = Qgrid(ix,1) + 
     .        Qgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + Qgrid(ix,3)*sinfy+ 
     .        Qgrid(ix,4)*coshy + Qgrid(ix,5)*sinhy

          !% lapse rate of the temperature
          dT(k) = dTgrid(ix,1) + 
     .            dTgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + dTgrid(ix,3)*sinfy+ 
     .            dTgrid(ix,4)*coshy + dTgrid(ix,5)*sinhy 

          !% station height - grid height
          redh = hgt - Hs(ix)

          !% temperature at station height in Celsius
          T(k) = T0 + dT(k)*redh - 273.15d0

          !% temperature lapse rate in degrees / km
          dT(k) = dT(k)*1000.d0

          !% virtual temperature in Kelvin
          Tv = T0*(1+0.6077d0*Q)

          c = gm*dMtr/(Rg*Tv)

          !% pressure in hPa
          p(k) = (p0*exp(-c*redh))/100.d0

          !% hydrostatic coefficient ah 
          ah(k) = ahgrid(ix,1) + 
     .            ahgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + ahgrid(ix,3)*sinfy+ 
     .            ahgrid(ix,4)*coshy + ahgrid(ix,5)*sinhy

          !% wet coefficient aw
          aw(k) = awgrid(ix,1) + 
     .            awgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + awgrid(ix,3)*sinfy + 
     .            awgrid(ix,4)*coshy + awgrid(ix,5)*sinhy

          !% water vapour decrease factor la - added by GP
          la(k) = lagrid(ix,1) + 
     .            lagrid(ix,2)*cosfy + lagrid(ix,3)*sinfy + 
     .            lagrid(ix,4)*coshy + lagrid(ix,5)*sinhy

          !% mean temperature of the water vapor Tm - added by GP
          Tm(k) = Tmgrid(ix,1) + 
     .            Tmgrid(ix,2)*cosfy + Tmgrid(ix,3)*sinfy + 
     .            Tmgrid(ix,4)*coshy + Tmgrid(ix,5)*sinhy

          !% water vapor pressure in hPa - changed by GP
          e0 = Q*p0/(0.622d0+0.378d0*Q)/100.d0  !% on the grid
          e(k) = e0*(100.d0*p(k)/p0)**(la(k)+1) ! % on the station height - (14) Askne and Nordius, 1987

        else !% bilinear interpolation

          ipod1 = ipod + int(sign(1.d0,diffpod))
          ilon1 = ilon + int(sign(1.d0,difflon))
          !% changed for the 1 degree grid (GP)
          if (ilon1.eq.361) then
             ilon1 = 1
          end if
          if (ilon1.eq.0) then
            ilon1 = 360
          end if

          !% get the number of the line
          indx(2) = (ipod1 - 1)*360 + ilon   !% along same longitude
          indx(3) = (ipod  - 1)*360 + ilon1  !% along same polar distance
          indx(4) = (ipod1 - 1)*360 + ilon1  !% diagonal

          do l = 1,4

            !% transforming ellipsoidal height to orthometric height:
            !% Hortho = -N + Hell
            undul(l) = u(indx(l))
            hgt = hell(k)-undul(l)

            !% pressure, temperature at the height of the grid
            T0 = Tgrid(indx(l),1) + 
     .           Tgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + Tgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + 
     .           Tgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + Tgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy
            p0 = pgrid(indx(l),1) + 
     .           pgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + pgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + 
     .           pgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + pgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy

            !% humidity 
            Ql(l) = Qgrid(indx(l),1) + 
     .              Qgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + Qgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + 
     .              Qgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + Qgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy

            !% reduction = stationheight - gridheight
            Hs1 = Hs(indx(l))
            redh = hgt - Hs1

            !% lapse rate of the temperature in degree / m
            dTl(l) = dTgrid(indx(l),1) + 
     .               dTgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + dTgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + 
     .               dTgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + dTgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy 

            !% temperature reduction to station height
            Tl(l) = T0 + dTl(l)*redh - 273.15d0

            !% virtual temperature
            Tv = T0*(1+0.6077d0*Ql(l))  
            c = gm*dMtr/(Rg*Tv)

            !% pressure in hPa
            pl(l) = (p0*exp(-c*redh))/100.d0

            !% hydrostatic coefficient ah
            ahl(l) = ahgrid(indx(l),1) + 
     .               ahgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + ahgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy +
     .               ahgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + ahgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy

            !% wet coefficient aw
            awl(l) = awgrid(indx(l),1) + 
     .               awgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + awgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + 
     .               awgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + awgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy

            !% water vapor decrease factor la - added by GP
            lal(l) = lagrid(indx(l),1) + 
     .               lagrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + lagrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + 
     .               lagrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + lagrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy

            !% mean temperature of the water vapor Tm - added by GP
            Tml(l) = Tmgrid(indx(l),1) + 
     .               Tmgrid(indx(l),2)*cosfy + Tmgrid(indx(l),3)*sinfy + 
     .               Tmgrid(indx(l),4)*coshy + Tmgrid(indx(l),5)*sinhy

            !% water vapor pressure in hPa - changed by GP
            e0 = Ql(l)*p0/(0.622d0+0.378d0*Ql(l))/100.d0 !% on the grid
            el(l) = e0*(100.d0*pl(l)/p0)**(lal(l)+1.d0)  !% on the station height  (14) Askne and Nordius, 1987

          end do

          dnpod1 = abs(diffpod) !% distance nearer point
          dnpod2 = 1.d0 - dnpod1   !% distance to distant point
          dnlon1 = abs(difflon)
          dnlon2 = 1.d0 - dnlon1

          !% pressure
          R1 = dnpod2*pl(1)+dnpod1*pl(2)
          R2 = dnpod2*pl(3)+dnpod1*pl(4)
          p(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2

          !% temperature
          R1 = dnpod2*Tl(1)+dnpod1*Tl(2)
          R2 = dnpod2*Tl(3)+dnpod1*Tl(4)
          T(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2

          !% temperature in degree per km
          R1 = dnpod2*dTl(1)+dnpod1*dTl(2)
          R2 = dnpod2*dTl(3)+dnpod1*dTl(4)
          dT(k) = (dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2)*1000.d0

          !% water vapor pressure in hPa - changed by GP
          R1 = dnpod2*el(1)+dnpod1*el(2)
          R2 = dnpod2*el(3)+dnpod1*el(4)
          e(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2

          !% hydrostatic
          R1 = dnpod2*ahl(1)+dnpod1*ahl(2)
          R2 = dnpod2*ahl(3)+dnpod1*ahl(4)
          ah(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2

          !% wet
          R1 = dnpod2*awl(1)+dnpod1*awl(2)
          R2 = dnpod2*awl(3)+dnpod1*awl(4)
          aw(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2

          !% undulation
          R1 = dnpod2*undul(1)+dnpod1*undul(2)
          R2 = dnpod2*undul(3)+dnpod1*undul(4)
          undu(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2

          !% water vapor decrease factor la - added by GP
          R1 = dnpod2*lal(1)+dnpod1*lal(2)
          R2 = dnpod2*lal(3)+dnpod1*lal(4)
          la(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2

          !% mean temperature of the water vapor Tm - added by GP
          R1 = dnpod2*Tml(1)+dnpod1*Tml(2)
          R2 = dnpod2*Tml(3)+dnpod1*Tml(4)
          Tm(k) = dnlon2*R1+dnlon1*R2

        end if

      end do

      end subroutine


%  lat    lon   p:a0    A1   B1   A2   B2  T:a0    A1   B1   A2   B2  Q:a0    A1    B1    A2    B2 dT:a0    A1   B1   A2   B2    undu       Hs   h:a0      A1      B1      A2      B2    w:a0      A1      B1      A2      B2  lam:a0      A1      B1      A2      B2    Tm:a0    A1   B1   A2   B2              
  89.5    0.5 101472   114  431 -221 -128 259.2 -13.3 -6.1  2.4  0.3  1.64 -1.63 -0.68  0.51  0.35   1.3   7.0  3.1 -0.5  1.9   15.05     0.00 1.1870 -0.0351 -0.0128  0.0053  0.0034  0.5796  0.0084  0.0093  0.0005  0.0042  1.6682 -0.7893 -0.3329  0.0769 -0.1810    254.8  -9.8 -4.3  2.2  1.1    
  89.5    1.5 101471   114  431 -220 -128 259.2 -13.3 -6.1  2.4  0.3  1.64 -1.63 -0.68  0.51  0.35   1.3   7.0  3.1 -0.5  1.9   15.04     0.00 1.1870 -0.0351 -0.0128  0.0053  0.0034  0.5796  0.0084  0.0092  0.0005  0.0042  1.6682 -0.7894 -0.3321  0.0761 -0.1812    254.8  -9.8 -4.3  2.2  1.1    
  89.5    2.5 101471   114  431 -220 -128 259.2 -13.3 -6.1  2.4  0.3  1.64 -1.63 -0.68  0.51  0.35   1.3   7.0  3.1 -0.5  1.9   15.04     0.00 1.1870 -0.0351 -0.0128  0.0053  0.0034  0.5796  0.0084  0.0093  0.0005  0.0042  1.6690 -0.7890 -0.3318  0.0757 -0.1813    254.8  -9.8 -4.3  2.2  1.1    


||=== Build: Debug in gpt2_1w (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===| 
obj\Debug\gpt2_1w.o||In function `gpt2_1w_':|
gpt2_1w.f|167|undefined reference to `_gfortran_st_open'| 
gpt2_1w.f|170|undefined reference to `_gfortran_st_read'|    
gpt2_1w.f|170|undefined reference to `_gfortran_transfer_character'|
gpt2_1w.f|170|undefined reference to `_gfortran_st_read_done'|
gpt2_1w.f|176|undefined reference to `_gfortran_st_read'| 
gpt2_1w.f|176|undefined reference to `_gfortran_transfer_array'| 
gpt2_1w.f|176|undefined reference to `_gfortran_st_read_done'| 
gpt2_1w.f|189|undefined reference to `_gfortran_st_close'|


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