public class CustomView extends View {
private boolean bubbleOver;
private static final int BITMAP_SIZE = 64;
private static final int REFRESH_RATE = 40;
private final Paint mPainter = new Paint();
private ScheduledFuture<?> mMoverFuture;
private int mScaledBitmapWidth;
private Bitmap mScaledBitmap;
// location, speed and direction of the bubble
private float mXPos, mYPos, mDx, mDy, mRadius, mRadiusSquared;
private long mRotate, mDRotate;
CustomView (Context context, float x, float y) {
super (context);
// Create a new random number generator to randomize size, rotation, speed and direction
Random r = new Random ();
// Creates the bubble bitmap for this BubbleView
createScaledBitmap (r);
// Radius of the Bitmap
mRadius = mScaledBitmapWidth / 2;
mRadiusSquared = mRadius * mRadius;
// Adjust position to center the bubble under user's finger
mXPos = x - mRadius;
mYPos = y - mRadius;
// Set the BubbleView's speed and direction
// Set the BubbleView's rotation
private void setRotation(Random r) {
if (speedMode == RANDOM) {
// TODO - set rotation in range [1..3]
mDRotate = r.nextInt (3) + 1;
} else {
mDRotate = 0;
private void setSpeedAndDirection(Random r) {
// Used by test cases
switch (speedMode) {
case SINGLE:
mDx = 20;
mDy = 20;
case STILL:
// No speed
mDx = 0;
mDy = 0;
// Limit movement speed in the x and y direction to [-3..3] pixels per movement.
mDx = r.nextFloat() * 6.0f - 3.0f;
mDy = r.nextFloat() * 6.0f - 3.0f;
private void createScaledBitmap (Random r) {
if (speedMode != RANDOM) {
mScaledBitmapWidth = BITMAP_SIZE * 3;
} else {
mScaledBitmapWidth = (r.nextInt(3) + 1) * BITMAP_SIZE;
mScaledBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mBitmap, mScaledBitmapWidth, mScaledBitmapWidth, true);
// Start moving the BubbleView & updating the display
private void start () {
// Creates a WorkerThread
ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
// Execute the run() in Worker Thread every REFRESH_RATE milliseconds. Save reference to this job in mMoverFuture
mMoverFuture = executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (moveWhileOnScreen()) {
stop (false);
} else {
// Returns true if the BubbleView intersects position (x,y)
private synchronized boolean intersects(float x, float y) {
// TODO - Return true if the BubbleView intersects position (x,y)
if ((mXPos <= x) && (x <= mXPos + mScaledBitmapWidth) && (mYPos <= y) && (y <= mYPos + mScaledBitmapWidth)) {
return true;
return false;
// Cancel the Bubble's movement. Remove Bubble from mFrame.
// Play pop sound if the BubbleView was popped
private void stop (final boolean wasPopped) {
if (null != mMoverFuture && !mMoverFuture.isDone()) {
// This work will be performed on the UI Thread
mFrame.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (wasPopped) {
mSoundPool.play(mSoundID, mStreamVolume, mStreamVolume, 1, 0, 1f);
// Change the Bubble's speed and direction
private synchronized void deflect(float velocityX, float velocityY) {
mDx = velocityX / REFRESH_RATE;
mDy = velocityY / REFRESH_RATE;
// Draw the Bubble at its current location
protected synchronized void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
mRotate += mDRotate;
canvas.rotate(mRotate, mXPos + (mScaledBitmapWidth / 2), mYPos + (mScaledBitmapWidth / 2));
canvas.drawBitmap(mScaledBitmap, mXPos, mYPos, mPainter);
// Returns true if the BubbleView is still on the screen after the move operation
private synchronized boolean moveWhileOnScreen() {
mXPos += mDx;
mYPos += mDy;
return isOutOfView();
// Return true if the BubbleView is off the screen after the move operation
private boolean isOutOfView() {
if ((mXPos + mDisplayWidth < 0) || (mYPos + mDisplayHeight < 0) || (mXPos> mDisplayWidth) || (mYPos > mDisplayHeight)) {
return true;
return false;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
if ((mXPos + mScaledBitmapWidth < 0)
|| (mYPos + mScaledBitmapWidth < 0)
|| (mXPos> mDisplayWidth)
|| (mYPos > mDisplayHeight)
return true;