
时间:2016-06-16 10:23:29

标签: extjs extjs6 extjs6-classic


找到我的小提琴: 我创建一个基于字段容器的自定义字段。 如果您将窗口调整为较小的大小,您将看到textfield将位于fieldContiner上方。

有关如何解决此问题的任何想法?任何解决方法? 我已经尝试了几种东西,但我正在努力......我现在不能在哪里采取行动来改变这种情况...... 我肯定需要解决这个问题。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

确实看起来像错误,但有很简单的方法可以让它工作 - 只需将public function dashboard(){ if(Auth::check()){ return View::make('dashboard'); }else{ return "Not logged in"; } } 设置为您的网址字段。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

我很幸运,我找到了答案。 build src和doc之间存在不匹配!


注意:这已在ExtJs 6.2.0中修复


 * Override to fix componentLayout wrong calculation of height when labelAlign='top'
 * See post forum:
 * {@link}
Ext.define('MyApp.overrides.layout.component.field.FieldContainer', {
    override: 'Ext.layout.component.field.FieldContainer',
    compatibility: [

    /* Begin Definitions */

    calculateOwnerHeightFromContentHeight: function(ownerContext, contentHeight) {
        var h = this.callSuper([ownerContext, contentHeight]);
        return h + this.getHeightAdjustment();

    calculateOwnerWidthFromContentWidth: function(ownerContext, contentWidth) {
        var w = this.callSuper([ownerContext, contentWidth]);
        return w + this.getWidthAdjustment();

    measureContentHeight: function(ownerContext) {
        // since we are measuring the outer el, we have to wait for whatever is in our
        // container to be flushed to the DOM... especially for things like box layouts
        // that size the innerCt since that is all that will contribute to our size!
        return ownerContext.hasDomProp('containerLayoutDone') ? this.callSuper([ownerContext]) : NaN;

    measureContentWidth: function(ownerContext) {
        // see measureContentHeight
        return ownerContext.hasDomProp('containerLayoutDone') ? this.callSuper([ownerContext]) : NaN;

    publishInnerHeight: function(ownerContext, height) {
        height -= this.getHeightAdjustment();

    publishInnerWidth: function(ownerContext, width) {
        width -= this.getWidthAdjustment();

    privates: {
        getHeightAdjustment: function() {
            var owner = this.owner,
                h = 0;

            if (owner.labelAlign === 'top' && owner.hasVisibleLabel()) {
                h += owner.labelEl.getHeight();

            if (owner.msgTarget === 'under' && owner.hasActiveError()) {
                h += owner.errorWrapEl.getHeight();

            return h + owner.bodyEl.getPadding('tb');

        getWidthAdjustment: function() {
            var owner = this.owner,
                w = 0;

            if (owner.labelAlign !== 'top' && owner.hasVisibleLabel()) {
                w += (owner.labelWidth + (owner.labelPad || 0));

            if (owner.msgTarget === 'side' && owner.hasActiveError()) {
                w += owner.errorWrapEl.getWidth();

            return w + owner.bodyEl.getPadding('lr');