
时间:2010-09-24 03:32:21

标签: c++ templates matrix

我正在使用CodeSourcery的implementation矢量信号图像处理库(vsipl++)。我编写了一个函数,它应该返回[I + a * A] ^ - 1 B,其中I是单位矩阵,A和B是兼容的方形矩阵,如下所示:

namespace vsipl {

template< class T1, class T2, class O1, class O2, class L1, class L2,
     template< dimension_type, class, class, class > class B1,
     template< dimension_type, class, class, class > class B2 >
Matrix< typename Promotion< T1, T2 >::type, 
        B1< 2, typename Promotion< T1, T2 >::type, O1, L1 > > 
inv_mult( typename Promotion< T1, T2 >::type a, 
       Matrix< T1, B1< 2, T1, O1, L1 > > const& A,
       Matrix< T2, B2< 2, T2, O2, L2 > > const& B
 typedef typename Promotion< T1, T2 >::type value_type;
 typedef Matrix< value_type, B1< 2, value_type, O1, L1 > > ret_type;
 typedef lud< value_type, by_reference > lud_type;

 ret_type ret(A.size(0),A.size(1),0), denom(A.size(0),A.size(1),0);

 //I + a*A
 denom.diag() = 1;
 denom = denom + a*A;

 lud_type ld( denom.size() );
 ld.decompose( denom );

 //as a side effect of using LAPACK as a back end, this requires a template
 //param to indicate precisely what is being solved.
 ld.solve< mat_ntrans >( B, ret );  // <--- Line generating error.

 return ret;

要清楚,在vsipl ++ Matrices中接受两个参数:一个类型和一个描述信息存储方式的块。块是上面的模板汤的原因。此外,lud对象对矩阵A执行LU分解,然后使用A的分解形式求解Ax = b。

当我尝试使用gcc编译它时(在Fedora 9上的MacOs 10.6和4.3.0上都是4.2.1)我收到以下错误

error: no match for 'operator<' in 'ld.vsip::lud<T, by_reference>::solve [with 
 vsip::mat_op_type tr = tr, Block0 = Block0, Block1 = Block1, T = double] < mat_ntrans



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ld.template solve< mat_ntrans >
