public delegate void ChangedEventHandler_OUT();
public class Plugin
public Plugin(string _pluginName)
pluginName = _pluginName;
public string pluginName;
public string member1;
public string member2;
public event ChangedEventHandler_OUT OnStatusChange1_OUT;
public event ChangedEventHandler_OUT OnStatusChange2_OUT;
public void PluginAction()
MessageBox.Show("ACtion from plugin " + pluginName);
var plugin1 = new Plugin("plugin1") { member1 = "AAA1", member2="BBB1"};
var plugin2 = new Plugin("plugin2") { member1 = "AAA1", member2 = "BBB1" };
plugin1.OnStatusChange1_OUT += plugin2.PluginAction;
lbxInfo.Items.Add("Plugin1 member:");
Type type = typeof(Plugin);
foreach (var field in type.GetFields())
string strName = field.Name; // Get string name
string strType = field.FieldType.Name;
string strValue = (string)field.GetValue(plugin1);
lbxInfo.Items.Add(strType + " " + strName + " = " + strValue);
lbxInfo.Items.Add("Plugin1 events:");
foreach (var ev in plugin1.GetType().GetEvents())
string strName = ev.Name;
string strType = ev.EventHandlerType.Name;
MethodInfo strConnectedTo = ev.GetAddMethod();
lbxInfo.Items.Add("Name = " + strName + " type =" + strType);
Plugin1 OnStatusChange1_Out connectedTo plugin2.PluginAction OnStatusChange1_Out connectedTo NULL
提前感谢您的帮助 帕特里克
为Jeroen van Langen添加:
你写的作品。 我试图将提出的解决方案放在反射循环中:
public void CheckEventInfo(Plugin plg, ChangedEventHandler_OUT ev)
string invocationList = null;
if (ev != null)
foreach (var item in ev.GetInvocationList())
invocationList += item.Method.Name;
lbxInfo.Items.Add("Plugin1 events:");
foreach (var ev in plugin1.GetType().GetEvents())
string strName = ev.Name;
string strType = ev.EventHandlerType.Name;
MethodInfo strConnectedTo = ev.GetAddMethod();
CheckEventInfo( plugin1,ev);<------NO!
lbxInfo.Items.Add("Name = " + strName + " type =" + strType);
所以这里我不知道要放什么,因为ev是一个eventinfo而不是ChangedEventHandler_OUT。 请你帮助我好吗?感谢
答案 0 :(得分:1)
// This class will create an instance of the MainClass.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MainClass mainClass = new MainClass();
mainClass.WhateverName = "MyClass2 main";
// I'd rather use an interface
public interface IMyClassInfo
string WhateverName { get; set; }
// This mainclass will create a EventHandleClass which contains an event.
// This event is binded to the Class1_Example method.
public class MainClass : IMyClassInfo
internal void Run()
EventHandleClass eventHandleClass = new EventHandleClass();
eventHandleClass.Example += Class1_Example;
private void Class1_Example(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Class1_Example Method: ");
public string WhateverName { get; set; }
// this class holds the event, and when executing `CheckEventInfo()` the
// invocationlist is iterated and checkt if the target object is of type IMyClassInfo
public class EventHandleClass
public void CheckEventInfo()
if (Example != null)
foreach (var item in Example.GetInvocationList())
Console.WriteLine("GetInvocationList method:" + item.Method.Name);
Console.WriteLine("GetInvocationList class:" + item.Method.DeclaringType.FullName);
if (item.Target is IMyClassInfo)
Console.WriteLine("class2.WhateverName: " + ((IMyClassInfo)item.Target).WhateverName);
item.DynamicInvoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public event EventHandler Example;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
我想你只想出于教育目的这样做。一般来说,如果你想知道特定事件是否有任何订阅者,或者更糟糕的是,确切地说是订阅者的列表,那么你就犯了一个架构错误。 (事件调用方法存在唯一的例外,它应该在调用之前检查事件委托是否为null。)
string GetSubscriptions(object o)
Type t = o.GetType();
// Obtain the collection of EventInfo's
var events = t.GetEvents();
if (events.Length == 0)
return "No events in " + t.Name;
string result = string.Empty;
foreach (var item in events)
result += "Event " + item.Name + ": ";
// Get the event's backing field description (FieldInfo)
var ed = t.GetField(item.Name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (ed == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Event backing field could not be obtained");
// Get the value of the backing field
var dl = ed.GetValue(o) as Delegate;
// If value is not null, then we've subscriptions
if (dl != null)
// Get the invocation list - an array of Delegate
var il = dl.GetInvocationList();
// This check is actually not needed, since the array should always contain at least 1 item
if (il.Length != 0)
// Use Target property of the delegate to get a reference to the object the delegate's method belongs to
result += string.Join("; ", il.Select(i => i.Target.GetType().Name + "." + i.Method.Name)) + Environment.NewLine;
result += "no subscriptions" + Environment.NewLine;
return result;