File "xpc_connection.py", line 77
def remoteObjectProxy():
IndentationError: unexpected indent
from collections import namedtuple;
import socket;
import sys;
from recvTimeout import recv_timeout
from recvTimeout import recv_end
from recvTimeout import sendAllWithEnd
# Named tuple that defines struct-like structure.
# field1 - body length, field2 - headerChecksum, field3 - checksum
XPCMessageHeader = namedtuple("XPCMessageHeader", "field1 field2 field3");
class XPCConnection(object):
"""An class that represents a connection made between processes using XPC.
def __init__(self, serviceName):
self._serviceName = serviceName;
self._exportedObject = None; # This process's "representation" of itself.
self._remoteObjectProxy = None; # This process's "representation" of the remote process.
self._exportedObjectInterface = None; # Methods allowed to be received by exported object on this connection.
self._remoteObjectInterface = None; # Methods allowed to be received by object that has been "imported"
# to this connection.
self._connectionSocket = None # Domain socket that is endpoint of connection between processes.
def connect():
# Create a UDS socket
_connectionSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Change this to port where remote process is listening.
print >>sys.stderr, 'connecting to %s' % _serviceName
except socket.error, msg:
print >>sys.stderr, msg
print >>sys.stderr, 'Attempting to connect.'
# Send data
sendAllWithEnd(_connectionSocket,'Connected Successfully.')
data = recv_end(_connectionSocket);
print >>sys.stderr, 'received "%s"' % data;
except socket.error:
print >>sys.stderr, 'Connection Failed.';
def disconnect():
print >>sys.stderr, 'closing socket';
def serviceName():
return serviceName;
def readMessage():
def readMessage():
def resume():
def invalidate():
def remoteObjectProxy():
return _remoteObjectProxy;
def setRemoteObjectProxy(cls):
_remoteObjectProxy = CreateWithConnection(cls); # Create a remoteObjectProxy object with connection
# field that is this connection object.
def exportedObject():
return exportedObject;
def setExportedObject(exportedObject):
_exportedObject = exportedObject;
# PRIVATE Helper Methods
# invocation of type XPCInvocation, completionHandler of type XPCInvocationCompletionHandler
# return type void
def _invokeOnRemoteObject(invocation, completionHandler):
# invocation of type XPCInvocation
# return type XPCValue
def _invokeOnExportedObject(invocation):
# May be unnecessary for now.
# fd of type int (represents a file descriptor)
# return type bool (indicates success?)
def _setFileDescriptor(int fd):
# data of type DataRef
# return type void
def _write(data):
# Probably not necessary
# estimatedBytesToRead of type int
# return type void
def _readDataOnReadQueue(estimatedBytesToRead):
# Likely necessary
# bytes of type string, length of type int
# return type void
def _processDataOnReadQueue(bytes, length):
# Likely unecessary
# data of type DataRef
# return type void
def _writeDataOnWriteQueue(data):
# error of type ErrorRef
# return type void
def _terminateWithErrorSync(error):
# error of type Error Ref
# return type void
def _terminateWithErrorOnUserQueue(error):
# return type bool. Returns true if connected, false otherwise
def _isConnected():
# delayInSecond of type int. Not sure if you can pass in an argument like this.
# return type void
def _connectWithExponentialBackoff(delayInSeconds = 0.0625):
# return type bool. Returns true iff connected successfully
def _attemptToConnect():
# Likely unecessary
# return type void
def _flushRequestQueue():
# closes connection
# return type void
def _disconnect():
#TODO: Invocation handler equivalent.
# "This" process's representation of the other process.
class XPCRemoteObjectProxy(object):
def __init__(self, connection):
# Reference to the connection Remote Object is a part of. Necessary so that when
# you invoke a method and get stuff back, reomte object proxy knows where to send stuff back to.
self._connection = connection;
def invoke(invocation):
_connection.invokeOneRemoteObject(invocation); # TODO: invokeOneRemoteObject
# Used to represent "this" process.
class XPCExportedObject(object):
def __init__(self):
self._invocationHandlersByMethodSignature = {}; # Invocation handlers stored in dictionary. Keyed by method signatures.
# invocation is XPCInfocation object, returnValue XPCValue object
def invoke(invocation, returnValue):
# We directly modify returnValue here. Unsure if this acutally works.
returnValue = _invocationHandlersByMethodSignature[methodSignature()];
return True;
except KeyError:
return False;
# Handler is of type XPCInvocationHandler and methodName is of type string.
# Come back to this
def registerInvocationHandlerForMethodSignature(handler, methodName):
return True
# Used to call a method across an XPC connection.
class XPCInvocation(object):
def __init__(self):
self._methodSignature = ""; # Signature of method to be called.
self._arguments = []; # List of arguments for the called method. Elements are XPCValue objects.
# TODO: This is definitely incorrect.
# Make this a classmethod?
def createFromSerializedRepresentation(serializedRepresentation):
invocation = self.__class__();
for serializedValue in serializedRepresentation.values():
# Note: FromSerializedRepresentation function defined in XPCValue class.
# TODO: XPCValue Class
return invocation;
def getMethodSignature():
return _methodSignature;
def setMethodSignature(methodSignature):
_methodSignature = methodSignature;
def getArguments():
return _arguments
# Takes in an XPCValue as an argument.
def appendArgument(value):
# TODO: This is definitely incorrect.
# NOTE: XPCInvocationMessage has yet to be written. It is provided by protobuf.
def serializedRepresentation():
message = XPCInvocationMessage();
for value in _arguments:
return message
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