Sub Search2 ()
Dim endRowsl As Long
endRowsl = Sheets ("Orders").Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Dim countRows4 As Integer
countRows4 = 4
Dim x1Range As Range
Dim xlCell As Range
Dim xlSheet As Worksheet
Dim keyword As String
Set xlSheet = Worksheets ("Tag50")
Set x1Range = xlSheet.Range ("Al :A5")
For j = 2 To endRowsl
keyword = Sheets("Order").Range("B" & j ).Value
For Each xlCell In x1Range
If xlCell.Value = keyword Then
Next xlCell
ElseIf Not xlCell.Value = keyword Then
Sheets ("Test").Rows(countRows4).Value = Sheets("Order").Rows(j).Value
countRows4 = countRows4 + 1
Next xlCell
End If
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
字典以 {Key,Value} 对存储数据。引用词典的键,它将返回它的值。参考它的价值,它会给你它的关键。因为Keys是唯一的,所以在尝试添加它们之前应该测试它们是否存在。
Sub Search2()
Dim keyword As String, keyvalue As Variant
Dim dicOrders
Set dicOrders = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
With Worksheets("orders")
Begin Loop
keyword = .Cells(x, 1)
keyvalue = .Cells(x, 1)
'Add Key Value pairs to Dictionary
If Not dicOrders.Exists(keyword) Then dicOrders.Add keyword, keyvalue
End Loop
End With
With Worksheets("tag50")
Begin Loop
keyword = .Cells(x, 1)
'If keyword exist remove Key from Dictionary
If dicOrders.Exists(keyword) Then dicOrders.Remove keyword
End Loop
End With
' Now dicOrders only has unmatched orders in it
With Worksheets("Test")
Begin Loop
keyword = .Cells(x, 1)
'If keyword exist write keyvalue to Column B
If dicOrders.Exists(keyword) Then .Cells(x, 2) = dicOrders(keyword)
End Loop
End With
End Sub

我更喜欢在For Each循环中使用For循环来迭代行。
With Worksheets("Test")
For x = 2 To lastRow
Data1 = .Cells(x, 1)
Data2 = .Cells(x, 2)
Data3 = .Cells(x, 3)
Data5 = .Cells(x, 5)
End With
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim orderRng As Range, tag50Rng As Range, sheet3Rng As Range, testRng As Range
Dim cell As Range, found As Range
Dim testRowsOffset As Long
Set orderRng = GetRange("orders", "B", 2) '<--| set sheet "order" column "B" cells from row 2 down to last non empty one as range to seek values of in other ranges
Set tag50Rng = GetRange("tag50", "A") '<--| set sheet "tag50" column "A" cells from row 1 down to last non empty one as range where to do 1st lookup in
Set sheet3Rng = GetRange("sheet3", "A") '<--| set sheet "sheet3" column "A" cells from row 1 down to last non empty one as range where to do 2nd lookup in
Set testRng = Worksheets("test").Range("A4") '<--| set sheet "test" cell "A4" as range where to start returning values from downwards
For Each cell In orderRng '<--| loop through each cell of "order" sheet column "B"
Set found = tag50Rng.Find(what:=cell.Value, lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues) '<--| lookup for current cell value in "tag50" column "A"
If found Is Nothing Then '<--| if no match found
Set found = sheet3Rng.Find(what:=cell.Offset(, -1).Value, lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues) '<--| lookup for current cell offsetted 1 column left value in "sheet3" column "A"
If Not found Is Nothing Then '<--| if match found
testRng.Offset(testRowsOffset) = found.Offset(, 1).Value '<--| return sheet3 found cell offsetted 1 column right value
testRowsOffset = testRowsOffset + 1 '<--| update row offset counter from "test" cell A4
End If
End If
Next cell
End Sub
Function GetRange(shtName As String, col As String, Optional firstRow As Variant) As Range
' returns the range of the passed worksheet in the passed column from passed row to last non empty one
' if no row is passed, it starts from row 1
If IsMissing(firstRow) Then firstRow = 1
With Worksheets(shtName)
Set GetRange = .Range(.Cells(1, col), .Cells(.Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp))
End With
End Function