我正在尝试使用我正在处理的应用程序进行单元测试。我已经按照各种指南解释了如何设置它,但我遇到了一个控制台错误,上面写着“Uncaught ReferenceError:require is not defined”
我在网上的文档中看到有两个文件在测试版中存在并且在RC中缺失。这些是angular2.dev.js和testing.dev.js。我没有找到angular2.dev.js的任何替代品,所以我只是希望它在zone或reflectMetadata中...就test.dev.js而言,我能找到的最接近的是@ angular / core / testing / testing。 js但我真的不知道这是不是正确的文件。
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: '.',
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
files: [
// paths loaded by Karma
pattern: 'node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js',
included: true,
watched: true
}, {
pattern: 'node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js',
included: true,
watched: true
}, {
pattern: 'node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js',
included: true,
watched: true
}, {
pattern: 'node_modules/rxjs/bundles/Rx.js',
included: true,
watched: true
}, {
pattern: 'node_modules/@angular/core/testing/testing.js',
included: true,
watched: true
}, {
pattern: 'karma-test-shim.js',
included: true,
watched: true
// paths loaded via module imports
pattern: 'dist/**/*.js',
included: false,
watched: true
// paths to support debugging with source maps in dev tools
pattern: 'src/**/*.ts',
included: false,
watched: false
}, {
pattern: 'dist/**/*.js.map',
included: false,
watched: false
// proxied base paths
proxies: {
// required for component assests fetched by Angular's compiler
'/src/': '/base/src/'
port: 9876,
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
colors: true,
autoWatch: true,
browsers: ['Chrome'],
// Karma plugins loaded
plugins: [
// Coverage reporter generates the coverage
reporters: ['progress', 'dots', 'coverage'],
// Source files that you wanna generate coverage for.
// Do not include tests or libraries (these files will be instrumented by Istanbul)
preprocessors: {
'dist/**/!(*spec).js': ['coverage']
coverageReporter: {
{type: 'json', subdir: '.', file: 'coverage-final.json'}
singleRun: true
// Tun on full stack traces in errors to help debugging
Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;
// // Cancel Karma's synchronous start,
// // we will call `__karma__.start()` later, once all the specs are loaded.
__karma__.loaded = function() {};
packages: {
'base/dist': {
defaultExtension: false,
format: 'cjs',
map: Object.keys(window.__karma__.files).filter(onlyAppFiles).reduce(createPathRecords, {})
.then(function(browser_adapter) { browser_adapter.BrowserDomAdapter.makeCurrent(); })
.then(function() { return Promise.all(resolveTestFiles()); })
.then(function() { __karma__.start(); }, function(error) { __karma__.error(error.stack || error); });
function createPathRecords(pathsMapping, appPath) {
// creates local module name mapping to global path with karma's fingerprint in path, e.g.:
// './vg-player/vg-player':
// '/base/dist/vg-player/vg-player.js?f4523daf879cfb7310ef6242682ccf10b2041b3e'
var pathParts = appPath.split('/');
var moduleName = './' + pathParts.slice(Math.max(pathParts.length - 2, 1)).join('/');
moduleName = moduleName.replace(/\.js$/, '');
pathsMapping[moduleName] = appPath + '?' + window.__karma__.files[appPath];
return pathsMapping;
function onlyAppFiles(filePath) {
return /\/base\/dist\/(?!.*\.spec\.js$).*\.js$/.test(filePath);
function onlySpecFiles(path) {
return /\.spec\.js$/.test(path);
function resolveTestFiles() {
return Object.keys(window.__karma__.files) // All files served by Karma.
.map(function(moduleName) {
// loads all spec files via their global module names (e.g.
// 'base/dist/vg-player/vg-player.spec')
return System.import(moduleName);