
时间:2016-06-13 14:56:51

标签: matlab matrix


 A=[0 2010 10 19; 
    0 2010 10 19; 
    0 2010 10 18; 
    0 2010 10 18; 
    0 2010 10 17; 
    0 2010 10 17; 
    0 2010 9 20; 
    0 2010 9 19; 
    0 2010 9 19; 
    0 2010 9 19]


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


% Assign each unique month/day combination an ID
[~, ~, inds] = unique(A(:,[3 4]), 'rows');

% Divide up the rows based upon this ID
groups = splitapply(@(x){x}, A, inds);


groups{1} =
           0        2010           9          19
           0        2010           9          19
           0        2010           9          19
groups{2} =
           0        2010           9          20
groups{3} =
           0        2010          10          17
           0        2010          10          17
groups{4} =
           0        2010          10          18
           0        2010          10          18
groups{5} =
           0        2010          10          19
           0        2010          10          19



答案 1 :(得分:3)



% Assign each unique month/day combination an ID
% From Suever
[~,~,inds] = unique(A(:,[3 4]), 'rows');

% Divide up the rows based upon this ID
groups = accumarray(inds, (1:size(A,1)).', [], @(x) {A(x,:)});


>> format compact
>> celldisp(groups)
groups{1} =
           0        2010           9          19
           0        2010           9          19
           0        2010           9          19
groups{2} =
           0        2010           9          20
groups{3} =
           0        2010          10          17
           0        2010          10          17
groups{4} =
           0        2010          10          18
           0        2010          10          18
groups{5} =
           0        2010          10          19
           0        2010          10          19

答案 2 :(得分:3)


  1. 根据相应的列对A行进行排序;
  2. 根据这些列中任何值的变化检测块大小;
  3. 根据这些尺寸拆分已排序的矩阵。
  4. 代码:

    key = [3 4]; % columns used as key for splitting
    As = sortrows(A, [3 4]); % sort based on that (step 1)
    chunks = diff([0; find(any(diff(As(:, [3 4]), [], 1), 2)); size(A,1)]); % sizes (step 2)
    result = mat2cell(As, chunks, size(A,2)); % split with those sizes (step 3)


    A = [0 2010 10 19; 
         0 2010 10 19; 
         0 2010 10 18; 
         0 2010 10 18; 
         0 2010 10 17; 
         0 2010 10 17; 
         0 2010 9 20; 
         0 2010 9 19; 
         0 2010 9 19; 
         0 2010 9 19];


    >> celldisp(result)
    result{1} =
               0        2010           9          19
               0        2010           9          19
               0        2010           9          19
    result{2} =
               0        2010           9          20
    result{3} =
               0        2010          10          17
               0        2010          10          17
    result{4} =
               0        2010          10          18
               0        2010          10          18
    result{5} =
               0        2010          10          19
               0        2010          10          19