KeyValue: expression # comment
KeyValue: # comment
其中expression是可选的,表达式后面有一个可选的注释。 " KEYVALUE:"这个例子是硬编码的,但是在我的主解析器代码中,它是一个标识符。
N.B.2。表达式必须在:和表达式之间至少有1个空格。 #comment字符根本不会出现在表达式中。
如何制作表达式" optional"。请参阅下面的eKeyValue FParsec Parser类型。
Test1 - Failure:
Error in Test1 - No Expression but comment: Ln: 1 Col: 15
KeyName: # No Expression but comment
Expecting: floating-point number or '('
Test2 - Success: Key (Some (Arithmetic (Number 2.0,Plus,Number 2.0)))
Test3 - Success: Key (Some (Arithmetic (Number 3.0,Plus,Number 3.0)))
Test4 - Success: Key (Some (Arithmetic (Number 3.0,Plus,Number 4.0)))
Test5 - Success: Key (Some (Arithmetic (Number 4.0,Plus,Number 4.0)))
Test6 - Success: Key null
Press any key to continue . . .
open FParsec
// Placeholder for state...
type UserState =
dummy: int
static member Create() = {dummy = -1}
type Operator =
| Plus
type Expression =
| Number of float
| Arithmetic of Expression * Operator * Expression // Composes 2 primatives
type Statement =
| Key of Expression option // Optional expression name
// very simple parsers which handles a simple string on one line.
// White space handling
let isBlank = fun c -> c = ' ' || c = '\t'
let ws1 = skipMany1SatisfyL isBlank "whitespace"
let ws = skipManySatisfy isBlank
let comment = pstring "#" >>. skipRestOfLine false
let wsBeforeEOL = skipManySatisfy isBlank >>. optional comment
// Parse a number
let sNumber = pfloat .>> wsBeforeEOL |>> Number // Test wsExpression ending
// The expression reference
let expression, expressionRef = createParserForwardedToRef()
let expressionFragment = choice [sNumber] //;sBool;sNull;sString;sIdentifier]
let bracketedExpressionFragment = between (pstring "(" .>> ws) (pstring ")" .>> ws) expression
// The parser for addition only
let oppa = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<Expression, unit, UserState>()
let parithmetic = oppa.ExpressionParser
//oppa.TermParser <- (expressionFragment .>> wsBeforeEOL) <|> (bracketedExpressionFragment .>> wsBeforeEOL)
oppa.TermParser <- choice[expressionFragment;bracketedExpressionFragment]
oppa.AddOperator(InfixOperator("+", ws, 1, Associativity.Left, fun x y -> Arithmetic(x, Plus, y)))
expressionRef := oppa.ExpressionParser
// *** HERE: Define the Key, with optional expression, which must have at lease 1 WS,, then followed by wsBeforeEOL, which is multiple blanks and optional comment.
let eKeyValue = pstringCI "KeyName:" >>. (opt (ws1 >>. expression)) .>> wsBeforeEOL |>> Key
// Define the parser for the whole string...in this case a single line
let htmlProgramParser = spaces >>. eKeyValue .>> spaces .>> eof
// test harnes on a string
let parseHtmlProgramString programName str =
runParserOnString htmlProgramParser (UserState.Create()) programName str //with
let main argv =
printfn "%A" argv
let test1 =
" KeyName: # No Expression but comment"
|> parseHtmlProgramString "Test1 - No Expression but comment"
|> printfn "Test1 - %A"
let test2 =
" KeyName: 2+2 # Expression and Comment"
|> parseHtmlProgramString "Test2 - 2+2 # Expression and Comment"
|> printfn "Test2 - %A"
let test3 =
" KeyName: 3 + 3 # # Expression and Comment2"
|> parseHtmlProgramString "Test3 - 3 + 3 # Expression and Comment2 (Spaces)"
|> printfn "Test3 - %A"
let test4 =
" KeyName: (3 + 4) # Bracketed Expression and Comment"
|> parseHtmlProgramString "Test4 - (3 + 4) # Bracketed Expression and Comment"
|> printfn "Test4 - %A"
let test5 =
" KeyName: (4 + 4) "
|> parseHtmlProgramString "Test5 - (4 + 4) # Expression + <no comment>"
|> printfn "Test5 - %A"
let test6 =
" KeyName:"
|> parseHtmlProgramString "Test6 - <no expression> <no comment>"
|> printfn "Test6 - %A"
0 // return an integer exit code
答案 0 :(得分:1)
如果我正确理解了您的问题,问题似乎是ws1 >>. expression
let eKeyValue = pstringCI "KeyName:" >>. (opt (ws1 >>? expression)) .>> wsBeforeEOL |>> Key
let eKeyValue = pstringCI "KeyName:" >>. (ws1 >>. opt expression <|>% None) .>> wsBeforeEOL |>> Key