[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 61c2e3b8-0493-415c-950d-01216408080b
[idStatus] =>
[isUser] =>
[company] =>
[department] =>
[companyID] =>
[contactType] => Contact
[firstName] => Raman
[lastName] =>
[middleName] =>
[nameSuffix] =>
[namePrefix] =>
[fullName] =>
[referredBy] =>
[salutation] =>
[jobTitle] => hello
[emailAddress] =>
[altEmailAddress] =>
[personalEmailAddress] =>
[businessPhone] =>
[businessExtension] =>
[mobilePhone] =>
[mobileExtension] =>
[homePhone] =>
[homeExtension] =>
[website] =>
[birthday] =>
[businessAddress] => stdClass Object
[line1] => sector 8
[line2] => Madhya Marg
[line3] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[postalCode] =>
[country] =>
[homeAddress] => stdClass Object
[line1] =>
[line2] =>
[line3] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[postalCode] =>
[country] =>
[pagerPhone] =>
[pagerExtension] =>
[faxPhone] =>
[faxExtension] =>
[alternatePhone] =>
[alternateExtension] =>
[customFields] => stdClass Object
[spouse] =>
[amount a] =>
[client category] =>
[amount 5a] =>
[contact 2 smoker status] =>
[type of policy 3] =>
[contact 2_state] =>
[user10] =>
[contact 2_address_1] =>
[address 1 for replace] =>
[contact 2 mobile_extension] =>
[city for replace] =>
[contact 2_city] =>
[charity] =>
[phone1_extension] =>
[policy start date 1] =>
[premium 1] =>
[spouse preferred name] =>
[contact 2 gender] =>
[smoker] => False
[contact 2_zip_code] =>
[contact 2 home_extension] =>
[adviser] =>
[amount 6c] =>
[user6] =>
[user5] =>
[policy number 6] =>
[user3] =>
[type of policy 4] =>
[user4] =>
[product manufacturer 2] =>
[contact 2 preferred contact method] =>
[contact 2_address_2] =>
[contact 2 dob] =>
[user8] =>
[preferred contact method] =>
[phone2_extension] =>
[policy start date 5] =>
[amount 5c] =>
[policy start date 3] =>
[type of policy 2] =>
[service package] =>
[policy number 3] =>
[product manufacturer 3] =>
[policy start date 4] =>
[policy number 1] =>
[amount 5b] =>
[premium 3] =>
[amount 7c] =>
[policy number 4] =>
[review month] =>
[phone2_phone] =>
[user9] =>
[contact 2 work_extension] =>
[marital status] =>
[amount 7b] =>
[type of policy 7] =>
[contact 2 mobile_phone] =>
[amount 7a] =>
[policy number 2] =>
[preferred name] =>
[gender] =>
[user7] =>
[contact 2 work_phone] =>
[amount 6b] =>
[amount 1c] =>
[contact 2_country] =>
[phone1_phone] =>
[policy start date 2] =>
[amount b] =>
[smoker status] =>
[policy number 7] =>
[amount 6a] =>
[policy start date 6] =>
[policy number 5] =>
[type of policy] =>
[policy start date 7] =>
[amount 4c] =>
[premium 2] =>
[amount 4b] =>
[product manufacturer] =>
[premium 5] =>
[type of policy 6] =>
[contact 2_address_3] =>
[contact 2 home_phone] =>
[type of policy 5] =>
[contact 2 alternate email_e-mail] =>
[premium 4] =>
[contact 2 e-mail_e-mail] =>
[stepped or level 6] =>
[dependant relation] =>
[all in order 4] => False
[product manufacturer 5] =>
[amount 3a] =>
[product category 6] =>
[exclusion & loading] =>
[docs folder] =>
[stepped or level] =>
[date] =>
[alternate e-mail 2] =>
[product manufacturer 4a] =>
[product category 4a] =>
[premium 4a] =>
[date updated] =>
[dependant 1] =>
[dependant dob] =>
[wedding date] =>
[contact 2 employer] =>
[type of policy 8] =>
[review issue] =>
[product category 7] =>
[product category 3] =>
[revenue] =>
[dependant 3 dob] =>
[contact 2 title] =>
[contact 2 occupation] =>
[dependant 2 gender] =>
[amount 9a] =>
[policy start date 9] =>
[amount 9c] =>
[policy start date 8] =>
[product manufacturer 8] =>
[date submitted to ins co] =>
[product category 1] =>
[stepped or level 5] =>
[amount 8b] =>
[amount 2c] =>
[amount 9b] =>
[premium 7] =>
[product category 4] =>
[premium structure & commission type 8] =>
[accountant] =>
[dependant 3 gender] =>
[amount 3b] =>
[amount 3c] =>
[dependant 3 relation] =>
[amount 8c] =>
[all in order 1] => False
[product manufacturer 7] =>
[relationship] =>
[acc_name] =>
[type of policy 9] =>
[product category 8] =>
[product category 2] =>
[product manufacturer 4] =>
[dependant 3] =>
[dependant 2 dob] =>
[existing_policy] =>
[cur_insurer] =>
[amount 2b] =>
[all in order 2] => False
[product manufacturer 6] =>
[all in order 3] => False
[policy number 8] =>
[partner title] =>
[amount 8a] =>
[stepped or level 3] =>
[stepped or level 7] =>
[product category 5] =>
[occupation] =>
[premium 8] =>
[amount 2a] =>
[url] =>
[dependant 2] =>
[dependant gender] =>
[stepped or level 4] =>
[comment] =>
[policy number 9] =>
[dependant 2 relation] =>
[dob] =>
[amount 4a] =>
[stepped or level 2] =>
[premium structure & commission type 4a] =>
[date recd signed soa] =>
[premium 6] =>
[replacement insurer] =>
[replacement life insured] =>
[account name 3] =>
[banked nb 3] =>
[existing policy] =>
[replacement sum insured proposed] =>
[account name 41] =>
[date of commission statement 4] =>
[hybrid or upfront] =>
[replacement date of commencement proposed] =>
[areas of interest 5] =>
[rec monthly benefit waiting period 2] =>
[hybrid or upfront 4] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 364eb648-817a-427a-af64-0776e873b780
[idStatus] =>
[isUser] =>
[company] =>
[department] =>
[companyID] =>
[contactType] => Contact
[firstName] => gourav
[lastName] => turan
[middleName] =>
[nameSuffix] =>
[namePrefix] =>
[fullName] => gourav turan
[referredBy] =>
[salutation] => gourav
[jobTitle] => hi
[emailAddress] =>
[altEmailAddress] =>
[personalEmailAddress] =>
[businessPhone] =>
[businessExtension] =>
[mobilePhone] =>
[mobileExtension] =>
[homePhone] =>
[homeExtension] =>
[website] =>
[birthday] =>
[businessAddress] => stdClass Object
[line1] =>
[line2] =>
[line3] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[postalCode] =>
[country] =>
[homeAddress] => stdClass Object
[line1] =>
[line2] =>
[line3] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[postalCode] =>
[country] =>
[pagerPhone] =>
[pagerExtension] =>
[faxPhone] =>
[faxExtension] =>
[alternatePhone] =>
[alternateExtension] =>
[customFields] => stdClass Object
[spouse] =>
[amount a] =>
[client category] =>
[amount 5a] =>
[contact 2 smoker status] =>
[type of policy 3] =>
[contact 2_state] =>
[user10] =>
[contact 2_address_1] =>
[address 1 for replace] =>
[contact 2 mobile_extension] =>
[city for replace] =>
[contact 2_city] =>
[charity] =>
[phone1_extension] =>
[policy start date 1] =>
[premium 1] =>
[spouse preferred name] =>
[contact 2 gender] =>
[smoker] => False
[contact 2_zip_code] =>
[contact 2 home_extension] =>
[adviser] =>
[amount 6c] =>
[user6] =>
[user5] =>
[policy number 6] =>
[user3] =>
[type of policy 4] =>
[user4] =>
[product manufacturer 2] =>
[contact 2 preferred contact method] =>
[contact 2_address_2] =>
[contact 2 dob] =>
[user8] =>
[preferred contact method] =>
[phone2_extension] =>
[policy start date 5] =>
[amount 5c] =>
[policy start date 3] =>
[type of policy 2] =>
[service package] =>
[policy number 3] =>
[product manufacturer 3] =>
[policy start date 4] =>
[policy number 1] =>
[amount 5b] =>
[premium 3] =>
[amount 7c] =>
[policy number 4] =>
[review month] =>
[phone2_phone] =>
[user9] =>
[contact 2 work_extension] =>
[marital status] =>
[amount 7b] =>
[type of policy 7] =>
[contact 2 mobile_phone] =>
[amount 7a] =>
[policy number 2] =>
[preferred name] =>
[gender] =>
[user7] =>
[contact 2 work_phone] =>
[amount 6b] =>
[amount 1c] =>
[contact 2_country] =>
[phone1_phone] =>
[policy start date 2] =>
[amount b] =>
[smoker status] =>
[policy number 7] =>
[amount 6a] =>
[policy start date 6] =>
[policy number 5] =>
[type of policy] =>
[policy start date 7] =>
[amount 4c] =>
[premium 2] =>
[amount 4b] =>
[product manufacturer] =>
[premium 5] =>
[type of policy 6] =>
[contact 2_address_3] =>
[contact 2 home_phone] =>
[type of policy 5] =>
[contact 2 alternate email_e-mail] =>
[premium 4] =>
[contact 2 e-mail_e-mail] =>
[stepped or level 6] =>
[dependant relation] =>
[all in order 4] => False
[product manufacturer 5] =>
[amount 3a] =>
[product category 6] =>
[exclusion & loading] =>
[docs folder] =>
[stepped or level] =>
[date] =>
[alternate e-mail 2] =>
[product manufacturer 4a] =>
[product category 4a] =>
[premium 4a] =>
[date updated] =>
[dependant 1] =>
[dependant dob] =>
[wedding date] =>
[contact 2 employer] =>
[type of policy 8] =>
[review issue] =>
[product category 7] =>
[product category 3] =>
[revenue] =>
[dependant 3 dob] =>
[contact 2 title] =>
[contact 2 occupation] =>
[dependant 2 gender] =>
[amount 9a] =>
[policy start date 9] =>
[amount 9c] =>
[policy start date 8] =>
[product manufacturer 8] =>
[date submitted to ins co] =>
[product category 1] =>
[stepped or level 5] =>
[amount 8b] =>
[amount 2c] =>
[amount 9b] =>
[premium 7] =>
[product category 4] =>
[premium structure & commission type 8] =>
[accountant] =>
[dependant 3 gender] =>
[amount 3b] =>
[amount 3c] =>
[dependant 3 relation] =>
[amount 8c] =>
[all in order 1] => False
[product manufacturer 7] =>
[relationship] =>
[acc_name] =>
[type of policy 9] =>
[product category 8] =>
[product category 2] =>
[product manufacturer 4] =>
[dependant 3] =>
[dependant 2 dob] =>
[existing_policy] =>
[cur_insurer] =>
[amount 2b] =>
[all in order 2] => False
[product manufacturer 6] =>
[all in order 3] => False
[policy number 8] =>
[partner title] =>
[amount 8a] =>
[stepped or level 3] =>
[stepped or level 7] =>
[product category 5] =>
[occupation] =>
[premium 8] =>
[amount 2a] =>
[url] =>
[dependant 2] =>
[dependant gender] =>
[stepped or level 4] =>
[comment] =>
[policy number 9] =>
[dependant 2 relation] =>
[dob] =>
[amount 4a] =>
[stepped or level 2] =>
[premium structure & commission type 4a] =>
[date recd signed soa] =>
[premium 6] =>
[replacement insurer] =>
[replacement life insured] =>
[account name 3] =>
[banked nb 3] =>
[existing policy] =>
[replacement sum insured proposed] =>
[account name 41] =>
[date of commission statement 4] =>
[hybrid or upfront] =>
[replacement date of commencement proposed] =>
[areas of interest 5] =>
[rec monthly benefit waiting period 2] =>
[hybrid or upfront 4] =>
[builderphone] =>
[banked nb] =>
[rec monthly benefit insurer and type 2] =>
[agent] =>
[expected nb 2] =>
[rec lump sum sum optional extras] =>
[rec monthly benefit waiting period] =>
[replacement date of commencement] =>
[banked nb 4] =>
[insurance type 1] =>
[current insurer 3] =>
[current insurer 4] =>
[rec monthly benefit sum insured 2] =>
[rec monthly benefit benefit period 2] =>
[current insurer 41] =>
[replacement premium and payment frequency proposed] =>
[account name 2] =>
[rec monthly benefit premium type] =>
[rec monthly benefit benefit period] =>
[current insurer 31] =>
[account name 31] =>
[replacement insurer proposed] =>
[expected nb 3] =>
[rec lump sum insurer and type 2] =>
[rec lump sum sum insured 2] =>
[gp percentage] =>
[hybrid or upfront 2] =>
[rec monthly benefit premium 2] =>
[current insurer 1] =>
[insurance type 4] =>
[ip address] =>
[health] =>
[areas of interest 4] =>
[rec lump sum premium 2] =>
[areas of interest 3] =>
[areas of interest 2] =>
[builder phone] =>
[banked nb 2] =>
[account name 4] =>
[rec monthly benefit sum insured] =>
[rec monthly benefit premium ] =>
[rec lump sum premium type 2] =>
[financial inst] =>
[replacement life insured proposed] =>
[expected nb 4] =>
[date of commission statement 3] =>
[time stamp] =>
[replacement type of product] =>
[areas of interest 1] =>
[rec lump sum insurer and type] =>
[date of commission statement] =>
[rec lump sum premium type] =>
[status] =>
[account name 1] =>
[current insurer 2] =>
[retain or replace] =>
[policy number] =>
[date of commission statement 2] =>
[replacement sum insured] =>
[primary goals and objectives] =>
[replaced fi policy no] =>
[rec lump sum sum insured] =>
[insurance type 2] =>
[comments] =>
[replacement policy no proposed] =>
[account name 21] =>
[expected nb] =>
[rec monthly benefit insurer and type] =>
[replacement premium and payment frequency] =>
[do not contact] =>
[scope of advice] =>
[replacement policy no] =>
[docs back] =>
[policy_number] =>
[current insurer 21] =>
[insurance type 3] =>
[date policy start] =>
[hybrid or upfront 3] =>
[rec lump sum sum optional extras 2] =>
[life insured] =>
[replacement type of product proposed] =>
[omnium] =>
[results of our recomendation] =>
[rec lump sum sum premium] =>
[docs out] =>
$hello= json_decode($json);
我必须抓取“id&#39;和&#39; businessAdress [&#39; line1&#39;]&#39;所有客户端并将它们放在不同的数组中。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
你可以获取“id”#39;和&#39; businessAdress [&#39; line1&#39;]&#39;这样:
foreach($hello as $object)
echo 'id: ' . $object->id;
echo 'business address: ' . $object->businessAdress->line1;