typedef struct LISTA lista;
struct LISTA
char *linia;
int numer;
struct lista *next;
随着" linia"作为动态线malloc()
- 编辑它," numer"是一条线。
我试图通过char读取它来使它工作,但由于我对C的知识有限,我很快就纠结了它。我在这里找到了几个解决方案,但是大多数都有一个或另一个问题,有些是非常复杂的,我无法理解它做了什么,而其他人则没有这个问题。\ 0' \ 0'在字符串的末尾。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
char * getLineOfAnySize(FILE* fp, size_t typicalSize, int *endOfLineDetected);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct list
char *linia;
int numer;
struct list *next;
typedef struct list LIST;
char * getLineOfAnySize(FILE* fp, size_t typicalSize, int *endOfLineDetected,size_t *nrOfCharRead){
char *line; // buffer for our string
int ch; // we will read line character by character
size_t len = 0; // number of characters read (character counter)
size_t lineSize = typicalSize; // initial size of the buffer allocated for the line
*nrOfCharRead = 0;
if(!fp) return NULL; // protection
// allocating the buffer
line = realloc(NULL, sizeof(char)*lineSize); // expected size of the line is up to typicalSize
if (!line) return line; // protection, if we fail to allocate the memory we will return NULL
while (1) { // loop forever
ch = fgetc(fp); // getting character by character from file
if (ch == '\n') break; // end of line detected - breaking the loop
if( ch == EOF) {
*endOfLineDetected = 1;
break; // end of file detected - breaking the loop
line[len++] = ch; // store the character in the line buffer, increase character counter
if (len == lineSize){ // we reached the end of line buffer (no more room)
lineSize = lineSize + 64; // we have to increase the line size
line = realloc(line, sizeof(char)*(lineSize)); // line buffer has new size now
if (!line) return line; // if we fail to allocate memory we will return NULL
if( (len == 0) && *endOfLineDetected) return NULL; // empty file
line[len++] ='\0'; // ending the string (notice there is no '\n' in the string)
*nrOfCharRead = len;
return line; // return the string
int main(void)
FILE *fp = NULL; // file handle
char *line; //
int endOfLineDetected = 0;
size_t nrOfCharRead = 0;
LIST *current, *head; // pointers to list elements
head = current = NULL; // init to NULL
fp = fopen("document.txt", "r"); // open file for reading
int nr = 0;
while( line = getLineOfAnySize(fp,128,&endOfLineDetected,&nrOfCharRead) ){ // read the file
if( (nrOfCharRead == 0) && endOfLineDetected) break;
// create new list element
LIST *node = malloc (sizeof(LIST));
nr = nr + 1;
node->linia = line; // initialize the linia
node->numer = nr; // update the line number
node->next = NULL; // next element do not exist yet
if(head == NULL)
current = head = node;
} else
current = current->next = node;
if (endOfLineDetected) break;
if (fp) fclose(fp); // remember to close the file
//print, go via all elements of the list till you get NULL next element
for(current = head; current ; current=current->next){
printf("line nr=%d line= %s",current->numer, current->linia );
return 0;