django one app one model multiple databases

时间:2016-06-10 16:12:49

标签: python django postgresql django-models django-1.9

I am new to django webapp development and i am stuck with a problem. I have created 1 app with 1 model to insert data to the database using 1 form. I am going to use multiple databases for this. Each database will have 1 table(for now) with same structure. Now my problem is:

How can I use just 1 model, 1 view and 1 form for multiple databases and their respective tables. Databases and tables should be switched on calling their respective urls.

e.g. will access first database and it's tables for all the operations. will access second database

I have already tried the sample db routing provided in django documentation, but it doesn't help much. also I couldn't find a relative post/question which addresses this particular problem

I want to do this because later i will add more models and forms for accessing the data from the database tables and this seems the cleanest way to me

PS: I am using django 1.9.6

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

无论这是否是构建应用程序的好方法,您都可以告诉Django使用 读取和写入哪个数据库:


因此,您不需要使用路由器,只需在设置中定义两个数据库,然后在两者上运行 migrate 即可。您的模型表将在每个数据库中创建,在您的代码中,您可以根据您选择的任何逻辑从两个数据库中读取和写入(例如,基于请求路径)。


答案 1 :(得分:3)



class Router(object):

    appname = ''

    def db_for_read(self, model, **hints):
        Attempts to read self.appname models go to model.db.
        if model._meta.app_label == self.appname:
            return model.db
        return None

    def db_for_write(self, model, **hints):
        Attempts to write self.appname models go to model.db.
        if model._meta.app_label == self.appname:
            return model.db
        return None

    def allow_relation(self, obj1, obj2, **hints):
        Allow relations if a model in the self.appname app is involved.
        if obj1._meta.app_label == self.appname or \
           obj2._meta.app_label == self.appname:
           return True
        return None

    # This is possibly the new way, for beyond 1.8.
    def allow_migrate(self, db, app_label, model_name=None, **hints):
        Make sure the self.appname app only appears in the self.appname
        if app_label == self.appname:
            return db == self.appname
        return None

    # Contrary to Djano docs this one works with 1.8, not the one above.
    def allow_migrate(self, db, model):
            Make sure the self.appname app only appears in the self.appname
            if db == self.appname:
                return model._meta.app_label == self.appname
            elif model._meta.app_label == self.appname:
                return False
            return None

我只用Django 1.8测试了这个;当你使用1.9时,至少根据文档,你必须使用另一个allow_migrate

特别注意:(1)没有带有属性的Router()的基类,这意味着可以很容易地使用Python type函数来克隆它; (2)显然,当前模型实例可以通过外部命名空间在Router()内访问。


from django.db import models

import os
appname = os.path.dirname(__file__).split('/')[-1]
from dirwhereyouputtherouter.router import Router
router = type( appname, (Router,), dict(appname=appname) )

class Book(models.Model):

    # This is the default, for use when there is only one db per app.
    db = appname 

    # the various fields here, etc.

为每个模型执行此操作。然后Router()在遇到任何查询时return model.db。我在这个方案中选择保留默认的Django方案......应用程序从其目录名称中获取它的名称。

现在,在DATABASE_ROUTERS = [ 'appdir.models.router', ]中,您需要router。这会引导查询通过我们使用models.py函数在type()中初始化的default。请特别注意,我没有在DATABASE_ROUTERS中列出DATABASES数据库。我有一个,default设置中以default为键,列出了一个。当您进行初始迁移时,各种Django应用程序表最终会出现在Router()数据库中,当然,Book.db = x将退出。

因此,在您的视图中,您将从myview(request, x, someothername):开始,其中视图签名为try: finally:。您可能希望使用finally覆盖整个视图正文,在migrate块中,您可以将数据库的选择返回到默认值。

我必须承认,在移民问题上可能会有美中不足。我讨厌那些,在我的情况下,每当我更新它们时,我都会写我的小SQLite数据库的全部内容,这是经常的。因此,不关心保存数据,每当我需要进行更改时,我就会抛弃它们和迁移文件夹。但如果您的情况不同,您可能不得不使用makemigrationsDATABASES命令。我的每个数据库都具有相同的模式,如模型所定义。所以我实际创建了一个空白数据库,首先暂时在DATABASES设置中输入一个条目,该条目具有应用程序名称的关键字。我用它来创建SQLite db文件的一个副本,然后简单地复制它并在我想添加新数据库时重命名它(将新数据库的详细信息添加到DATABASES并删除具有该数据库的临时条目appname为关键)。或者,您可能希望保留并充分利用其admin.py中的键是应用程序名称的数据库。

但遗憾的是,我们还没有完成。我不得不修复。在class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): admin.py中创建后,以通常的方式,您将无法在管理员中找到您的两个数据库。所以我的from django.contrib import admin from django.conf import settings import os class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ... list_filter = ... etc. from models import Book appname = os.path.dirname(__file__).split('/')[-1] dbkeys = settings.DATABASES.keys() while 'default' in dbkeys: dbkeys.remove('default') dbkeys = [ k for k in dbkeys if os.path.dirname(settings.DATABASES[k]['NAME']).split(os.sep)[-1] == appname ] for dbname in dbkeys: if dbname == dbkeys[0]: class Book_(Book): class Meta: proxy = True verbose_name = Book.__name__ + '_' + ''.join('_' + x.capitalize() or '_' for x in dbname.split('_')) verbose_name_plural = Book.__name__ + 's_'+ ''.join('_' + x.capitalize() or '_' for x in dbname.split('_')) db_table = appname + '_book' Book_.db = dbname Book_.__name__ = Book.__name__ + '_' + appname.capitalize() + '_' + ''.join('_' + x.capitalize() or '_' for x in dbname.split('_')), BookAdmin) elif dbname == dbkeys[1]: class Book__(Book): class Meta: proxy = True verbose_name = Book.__name__ + '_' + ''.join('_' + x.capitalize() or '_' for x in dbname.split('_')) verbose_name_plural = Book.__name__ + 's_'+ ''.join('_' + x.capitalize() or '_' for x in dbname.split('_')) db_table = appname + '_book' Book__.db = dbname Book__.__name__ = Book.__name__ + '_' + appname.capitalize() + '_' + ''.join('_' + x.capitalize() or '_' for x in dbname.split('_')), BookAdmin) 看起来像是:
