Inheritance not working with cfinclude

时间:2016-06-10 16:09:39

标签: coldfusion cfwheels

I am trying to resolve an issue on CFWheels, where I am have trouble extending my parent Application.cfc which also extends another Application.cfc. In order to understand the problem better and really single out what's going wrong, I have created a directory structure as follows:

    <cfdump var="#session#">

    { = "Main App";
        this.applicationTimeout = createTimeSpan(0, 1, 0, 0);       
        this.sessionManagement = true;
        this.sessionTimeout = createTimeSpan(0, 0, 30, 0);

        public function intMainApp(name, value){
            session[name] = value;

        public boolean function OnApplicationStart(){
            //Handle OnApplicationStart Callback
            return true;
        public void function OnApplicationEnd(struct ApplicationScope=structNew()){
            //Handle OnApplicationEnd Callback
        public void function OnRequest(required string TargetPage){
            //Handle OnRequest Callback
        public boolean function OnRequestStart(required string TargetPage){
            //Handle OnRequestStart Callback
            include arguments.TargetPage;   
            intMainApp("mainappv1", "something session");
            return true;

        public void function OnSessionStart(){
            //Handle OnSessionStart Callback
        public void function OnSessionEnd(required struct SessionScope, struct ApplicationScope=structNew()){
            //Handle OnSessionEnd Callback

    <cfdump var="#session#">

    component extends="mainapp.Application"
    { = "Main App";
        this.applicationTimeout = createTimeSpan(0, 1, 0, 0);       
        this.sessionManagement = true;
        this.sessionTimeout = createTimeSpan(0, 0, 30, 0);

        public function intSubMainApp(name, value){
            session[name] = value;

        public boolean function OnApplicationStart(){
            //Handle OnApplicationStart Callback
            return true;
        public void function OnApplicationEnd(struct ApplicationScope=structNew()){
            //Handle OnApplicationEnd Callback
        public void function OnRequest(required string TargetPage){
            //Handle OnRequest Callback
        public boolean function OnRequestStart(required string TargetPage){
            //Handle OnRequestStart Callback
            include arguments.TargetPage;   
            intSubMainApp("submainapp2", "var var 2");
            intMainApp("v3", "var 3");
            return true;

        public void function OnSessionStart(){
            //Handle OnSessionStart Callback
        public void function OnSessionEnd(required struct SessionScope, struct ApplicationScope=structNew()){
            //Handle OnSessionEnd Callback

<p>Testing Child App</p>

<cfcomponent output="false">
    <cfinclude template="../Application.cfc">

If I execute the childapp/index.cfm I get the error.

Variable INTMAINAPP is undefined.

This problem is similar to the issue that I facing with cfwheels when trying to extend my parent Application.cfc. Why is it that InitMainApp method not being included in submainapp/Application.cfc when it used via cfinclude tag and Is there a workaround or fix for this problem.

Just as a clarification, childapp/Application.cfc is trying to include submainapp/Application.cfc

Moreover there is a issue created on this in the cfwheels community forums.!topic/cfwheels/1eMGLGSrbBY

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