PyQt QTableView在更新到PyQt 4.5.1后不显示图标

时间:2010-09-23 00:30:26

标签: image icons pyqt4 qtableview


我有一个PyQt应用程序已经工作了大约一年了。更新到PyQt 4.5.1(从4.3.3开始)后,我的图标不再出现在QTableView中(此更新与2.5.1中对python 2.6.5的更新同时发生)。恢复到旧的python和PyQt,一切都按预期工作。


我正在使用模型视图方法。我的模型,当通过data()方法中的Qt.DecorationRole请求时,将返回一个自定义对象(ColorSwatch),它是QIcon类的子类。这一直有效(但有一点需要注意,由于我不理解的原因,我必须首先将其重新命名为QVariant)。更新到PyQt 4.5.1后,它出现以正确运行(即我没有收到任何错误),但是图标没有绘制(尽管它将被绘制的空间是“保留”,即文本已经向右移动,为这个看不见的图标让路。)


我已经确认ColorSwatch类仍然可以正常运行。这个类用于将图标绘制到上下文菜单中 - 它们正确显示。

我已经验证了data()方法实际上已被调用并且正在返回此ColorSwatch对象(重新转换为QVariant< - 尽管我已经测试过但没有进行重铸)。




def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole):
    Returns the text or formatting for a particular cell, depending on the 
    role supplied.


    elif role == QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole:
        if platform.system()=='Darwin':
            return QtGui.QIcon(paramObj.get_icon())
            return QtCore.QVariant(paramObj.get_icon())

import os
import tempfile
import sys
import colorsys
import copy
import fnmatch
import time

from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt4 import QtCore

class ColorSwatch(QtGui.QIcon):
    A subclass of QIcon, this class draws a colored paint chip with a border
    The color and size are determined at construction time, and cannot
    be changed later.

    def __init__(self, r=1, g=1, b=1, br = 0, bg = 0, bb = 0, w=20, h=20):
        Constructor for the ColorSwatch class. Takes the passed arguments and
        creates a square icon filled with the given color and with a border
        color determined by br, bg, bb. All colors should be in floating point

        #normalize the color
        r8, g8, b8 = self.normalize_color((r, g, b))

        #convert the r, g, b values to 8 bit colors
        r8, g8, b8 = self.fp_to_8b_color((r8, g8, b8))

        #Create the pixmap and painter objects
        paintChip = QtGui.QPixmap(w, h)
        painter = QtGui.QPainter()

        #fill the swatch
        baseColor = QtGui.QColor(r8, g8, b8)
        painter.fillRect(0, 0, w, h, baseColor)

        #if any of the values were super brights (>1), draw a smaller, white
        #box inset to make sure the user knows
        if r > 1 or g > 1 or b > 1:
            painter.fillRect(5, 5, w-10, h-10, QtGui.QColor(255, 255, 255))

        #if all values are 0, put a faint x through the icon
# # #         brush = QtGui.QBrush()
# # #         brush.setColor(QtGui.QColor(30, 30, 30))
        painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor(200, 200, 200))
        if r ==0 and g == 0 and b == 0:
            painter.drawLine(0, 0, w, h)
            painter.drawLine(w-1, 0, -1, h)
# # #         
# # #         #normalize the color
# # #         r8, g8, b8 = self.normalize_color((r8, g8, b8))

        #now draw the border(s)
        #convert the r, g, b values to 8 bit colors
        r8, g8, b8 = self.fp_to_8b_color((br, bg, bb))

        #draw the border
        painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor(r8, g8, b8))

        #if any of the values were super brights (>1), draw a border around the
        #inset box as well.
        if r > 1 or g > 1 or b > 1:

        #done drawing

        #add it (both to the normal and the selected modes)
        self.addPixmap(paintChip, QtGui.QIcon.Normal)
        self.addPixmap(paintChip, QtGui.QIcon.Selected)

    def fp_to_8b_color(self, color):
        Convert a floating point color value (passed in the form of a three 
        element tuple) to a regular 8-bit 0-255 value. Returns a 3 item tuple.
        r = max(min(int(color[0]*255),255),0)
        g = max(min(int(color[1]*255),255),0)
        b = max(min(int(color[2]*255),255),0)
        return (r,g,b)

    def normalize_color(self, color):
        "normalizes" a color value so that if there are any super-whites, it 
        balances all the other floating point values so that we end up with a 
        "real" color.  Negative values will result in undefined behavior.
        Mainly used to make the color chip "look right" when using super whites.
        maxValue = max(color)
        if maxValue > 1:
            return (color[0]/maxValue, color[1]/maxValue, color[2]/maxValue)
            return color

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def data(self, index, role=QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole):
    Returns the text or formatting for a particular cell, depending on the 
    role supplied.


    elif role == QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole:
        if platform.system()=='Darwin':
            return QtGui.QIcon(paramObj.get_icon())
            return QtCore.QVariant(QtGui.QIcon(paramObj.get_icon()))
            #Note that it is first cast as a QIcon before
            #being cast as a QVariant.
