有没有办法可以设置宏来执行,这样所有用户都可以在不获取这些提示的情况下运行它而无需在其计算机上设置ODBC数据源?我一直在寻找其他人能够绕过那个提示的时间(例如How to disable the "Select Data source window in VBA"),但我发现的任何东西都不适用于我。
"DSN=RTP;UID=J4;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=Microsoft Office 2010;WSID=123;DATABASE=C;"
Sub Vols_L()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim cn As WorkbookConnection
Dim odbcCn As ODBCConnection, oledbCn As OLEDBConnection
Set cn = ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Vols_L")
Set ws = Sheets("Setup")
Set ws6 = Sheets("L Graph")
Set ws7 = Sheets("Queries")
Dim Query As String
Dim SSD As String
Dim SED As String
Dim PM As String
Dim AD As String
Dim ID As String
Query = ws7.Range("Vols_L_Query")
SSD = ws.Range("SSD").Value
SED = ws.Range("SED").Value
PM = ws.Range("FOM_PM").Value
AD = ws.Range("AD").Value
ID = ws.Range("ID").Value
Query = Replace(Query, "#SD", SSD)
Query = Replace(Query, "#ED", SED)
Query = Replace(Query, "#PM", PM)
Query = Replace(Query, "#AD", AD)
Query = Replace(Query, "#ID", ID)
Updates the workbook Connection Depending on Type
With cn
If .Type = xlConnectionTypeODBC Then
Set odbcCn = cn.ODBCConnection
odbcCn.CommandText = Query
ElseIf cn.Type = xlConnectionTypeOLEDB Then
Set oledbCn = cn.OLEDBConnection
oledbCn.CommandText = "Query"
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
UpdateWorkbookConnection ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Vols_L"), Query, "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial Catalog=C;Data Source=RTP;"
".OLEDBConnection.Connection = ConnectionString"
答案 0 :(得分:2)
我有时用来构建连接字符串的技巧是在桌面上创建一个文件扩展名为" .udl"的文件。双击它时,您可以选择提供程序和连接详细信息并测试连接是否有效。然后你可以打开" .udl"在记事本中输入文件并查看已构建的连接字符串。
我使用下面的VBA代码更改excel命令和/或连接字符串。它运行良好,可以防止在某些情况下有时creates a new connection when modifying a connection的错误。
Sub UpdateWorkbookConnection(WorkbookConnectionObject As WorkbookConnection, Optional ByVal CommandText As String = "", Optional ByVal ConnectionString As String = "")
'example usage
'UpdateWorkbookConnection ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Connection"), "EXEC sp_procedure"[, "optional connection string here"]
With WorkbookConnectionObject
If .Type = xlConnectionTypeODBC Then
If CommandText = "" Then CommandText = .ODBCConnection.CommandText
If ConnectionString = "" Then ConnectionString = .ODBCConnection.Connection
.ODBCConnection.Connection = Replace(.ODBCConnection.Connection, "ODBC;", "OLEDB;", 1, 1, vbTextCompare)
ElseIf .Type = xlConnectionTypeOLEDB Then
If CommandText = "" Then CommandText = .OLEDBConnection.CommandText
If ConnectionString = "" Then ConnectionString = .OLEDBConnection.Connection
MsgBox "Invalid connection object sent to UpdateWorkbookConnection function!", vbCritical, "Update Error"
Exit Sub
End If
If StrComp(.OLEDBConnection.CommandText, CommandText, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
.OLEDBConnection.CommandText = CommandText
End If
If StrComp(.OLEDBConnection.Connection, ConnectionString, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
.OLEDBConnection.Connection = ConnectionString
End If
End With