function confirmation(question) {
var defer = $.Deferred();
autoOpen: true,
modal: true,
title: 'Confirmation',
buttons: {
"Yes": function() {
defer.resolve("true"); //this text 'true' can be anything. But for this usage, it should be true or false.
"No": function() {
defer.resolve("false"); //this text 'false' can be anything. But for this usage, it should be true or false.
close: function() {
return defer.promise();
function ValidateForm() {
var question = "Do you want to start a war?";
confirmation(question).then(function(answer) {
var ansbool = Boolean.parse(answer.toString());
if(ansbool) {
alert("this is obviously " + ansbool); //TRUE
return true;
alert("and then there is " + ansbool); //FALSE
return false;
alert("step3"); // it gets call before dialog is open and return results on user selection Yes/No , i want to wait and return result true or false from this function
function calltovalidateform()
var returnValue = ValidateForm(); // must return true or false value
alert("step4" + returnValue); // returnValue is undefined.
return returnValue;
以上javascript代码按步骤1,步骤2,步骤3&amp;的顺序写入结果。 step4警告消息。我想要ValidateForm()的结果,它打开一个使用jquery模型对话框的对话框,并异步返回值true或false。无需在运行时跳过其确认结果。 我的要求是等待javascript,直到用户在模型对话框中提供是或否的混淆。