
时间:2016-06-09 06:59:20

标签: clojure

我想使用clojure / tools.cli和lein bin生成一个clojure库的命令行版本。这工作正常,除了我在运行脚本时输出到stderr。这个特殊的库具有覆盖一些基本功能的功能,所以当编译clojure代码时自然会有警告。我知道这通常是一个坏主意,但经过仔细考虑后,我相信这是最好的方式。如何在每次运行脚本时停止显示这些消息?


我也尝试过使用slf4j-log,如下所示:suppress output from `clojure.tools.logging`但没有成功。



(defproject image-search "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "Search for images containing specific metadata"
  :url "http://github.com/soulflyer/image-search"
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
        :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
                 [org.clojure/tools.cli "0.3.3"]
                 [org.slf4j/slf4j-nop "1.7.21"]
                 [image-lib "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"]]
  :main image-search.command-line
  :bin {:name "image-search"
        :bin-path "~/bin"})


(ns image-search.command-line
  (:require [image-search.core :refer [open all-images ifeq ifin ]]
            [clojure.tools.cli  :refer :all])

(def cli-options
  [["-c" "--count" "Counts the results"]
   ["-D" "--database DATABASE" "specifies database to use"
    :default "photos"]
   ["-I" "--image-collection IMAGE-COLLECTION" "specifies the image collection"
    :default "images"]
   ["-K" "--keyword-collection KEYWORD-COLLECTION" "specifies the keyword collection"
    :default "keywords"]
   ["-h" "--help"]
   ["-i" "--iso ISO" "Search on ISO value"]
   ["-s" "--shutter SHUTTER-SPEED" "search on SHUTTER-SPEED"]
   ["-f" "--aperture APERTURE" "search on APERTURE"]
   ["-y" "--year YEAR" "search on YEAR"]
   ["-m" "--month MONTH" "search on MONTH"]
   ["-M" "--model MODEL" "search by camera model"]
   ["-p" "--project PROJECT" "search photos in PROJECT"]
   ["-k" "--keyword KEYWORD" "search for KEYWORD"]])

(defn print-count [pics]
  (println (count pics)))

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]} (parse-opts args cli-options)
        output-function (if (:count options) print-count open)]

    (-> all-images
        (ifeq :ISO-Speed-Ratings   (:iso options))
        (ifeq :Year               (:year options))
        (ifeq :Month             (:month options))
        (ifin :Project         (:project options))
        (ifeq :F-Number       (:aperture options))
        (ifin :Keywords        (:keyword options))
        (ifin :Model             (:model options))

我运行lein bin,然后运行它生成的可执行文件并得到类似的内容:

(master) image-search: image-search -i 640 -c
WARNING: or already refers to: #'clojure.core/or in namespace: image-search.core, being replaced by: #'image-search.core/or
WARNING: and already refers to: #'clojure.core/and in namespace: image-search.core, being replaced by: #'image-search.core/and


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您可以通过在(ns image-search.core)声明中添加以下内容来删除警告:

(ns image-search.core
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [or and])

通过完全符合条件,您仍然可以使用原始Clojure orand


如果没有这种更改,编译器会警告您,您正在覆盖orand的命名空间绑定,因为它们默认绑定到clojure.core/orclojure/and vars的函数