
时间:2016-06-07 23:19:08

标签: javascript arrays nativescript

我有一个数组,其中包含从Web服务返回的多个对象数组,我们称之为var groups。在我的视图模型中,它是一个可观察的数组。

var groups = [
              [{year:"1986", key2: "foo2"}, {year:"1986", key2:"blah"}],
              [{year:"1987", key2: "baz"}, {year:"1987", key2:"beek"}],
              [{year:"1988", key2: "baz"}, {year:"1988", key2:"beek"}]


<Listview items="{{ Groups }}">
       /* Some other layout content */
      <Repeater items="{{ Groups[parent.index] ??? }}">
          / * the contents of each groups array should display here */


我正在尝试实现如下所示的单独列表。 groups数组中的每个数组都是一个具有相同日期的数据块。因此列表视图行(日期)基于groups数组中包含的数组数量,每个日期下面的数据部分都是从每个数组中的数据填充的。

I'm trying to achieve a separated list such as this below. Each array in the <code>groups</code> array is a chunk of data with the same date. So the list view rows (dates) are based on the number of arrays contained in the <code>groups</code> array and the data sections below each date are populated from the data within each of those arrays.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



<Page xmlns="http://www.nativescript.org/tns.xsd" loaded="onPageLoaded">
        <ListView id="listview" items="{{ myItems }}" itemTap="listViewItemTap">

                  <Repeater items="{{ myItem2 }}" >
                      <WrapLayout />
                      <Label text="{{ $value.item }}" id="{{$value.key}}" margin="10" onTap="test"/>


var observable_array_1 = require("data/observable-array");
function onPageLoaded(args) {
    var page = args.object;
    var array = new observable_array_1.ObservableArray();
    var listView = page.getViewById('listview');
    array.push({ myItem2: [{ item: "test1", key: "1" }, { item: "test1", key: 'j' }, { item: "test1", key: "3" }] });
    array.push({ myItem2: [{ item: "test6", key: "6" }, { item: "test4", key: "4" }, { item: "test5", key: "5" }] });
    page.bindingContext = { myItems: array };

exports.onPageLoaded = onPageLoaded;
function listViewItemTap(args) {
    var itemIndex = args.index;
    var object = args.object;
exports.listViewItemTap = listViewItemTap;
function test(args) {
exports.test = test;

答案 1 :(得分:1)

由于NativeScript确实无法在嵌套转发器内部提供索引,并且基于 Nikolay Tsonev的示例,将锯齿状数组转换为具有JSON对象的数组会更容易。以下是this code使用数组所需执行的操作。

var groups = [
      [{year:"1986", key2: "foo2"}, {year:"1986", key2:"blah"}],
      [{year:"1987", key2: "baz"}, {year:"1987", key2:"beek"}],
      [{year:"1988", key2: "baz"}, {year:"1988", key2:"beek"}]

var resultArray = new ObservableArray();

groups.forEach(subgroup => {
    var jsonArg1 = new Object();
    jsonArg1["myItem2"] = subgroup;

但是你还有另一个解决方案 - 你可以通过$ parents [Page] .someDataModel为你的嵌套转发器提供完全不同的绑定源。 例如:

// page.xml
<ListView items="{{ items }}">
            <Label text="{{ $value }}" />
            <TextField text="{{ $parents['ListView'].test, $parents['ListView'].test }}" />

// page.js
viewModel.set("items", [1, 2, 3]);
viewModel.set("test", "Test for parent binding!");

这也需要您手动将二维数组转换为更合适的形式。有关 $ parents here
