代码错误(此代码在升级到mysql 5.6之前正常工作)

时间:2016-06-07 19:44:46

标签: php mysql

include ('db.php');
require 'PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';

function cron_cirugias1(){
$start1 = date("d/m/Y");
$start = strtotime($start1);
$end = strtotime("+30 days", $start);

$datediff = $end - $start;
$datediff = floor($datediff/(60*60*24));
for($i = 0; $i < $datediff + 1; $i++){
    $db=new Database;
    $q2=$db->query("SELECT * FROM cirugias WHERE fecha='".date("d/m/Y", strtotime($start . ' + ' . $i . 'day'))."' ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE(fecha,'%d/%m/%Y') ASC");
        $qdr=$db->query("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE id='".$r2['id_usuario']."'");
    $resultado .= '<tr class="gradeA">
                        <td class="center">'.date("d/m/Y", strtotime($start . ' + ' . $i . 'day')).'</td>
                        <td class="center">'.$r2['hora'].' - '.$nuevaHora.'</td>
                        <td class="center">'.strtoupper($r2['tipo1']).' - '.$r2['tipo2'].'<br><font color="red">'.$r2['diopt'].'</font></td>
                        <td class="center">'.$r2['lente'].'</td>

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Documento sin título</title>
<style type="text/css">
table, th, td {
    border: 1px solid black;
    border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
    padding: 5px;
    text-align: left;


        <!-- Dynamic table -->
        <div class="table">
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="example">





$mail = new PHPMailer;

$mail->SMTPDebug = 0;                               // Enable verbose debug output

$mail->isSMTP();                                      // Set mailer to use SMTP
$mail->Host = 'localhost';  // Specify main and backup SMTP servers
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;                               // Enable SMTP authentication
$mail->Username = 'noresponder@domain';                 // SMTP username
$mail->Password = 'password';                           // SMTP password
$mail->Port = 25;                                    // TCP port to connect to

$mail->setFrom('noresponder@domain', 'Sistema Cron');
$mail->addAddress('luis@domain', '');  
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; 

$mail->isHTML(true);                                  // Set email format to HTML

$mail->Subject = 'Respaldo de la Agenda (Cirugías)';
$mail->AltBody = 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients';

if(!$mail->send()) {
    echo 'Message could not be sent.';
    echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
    echo 'Message has been sent';

// RUN

function cron_estudios1(){
$start1 = date("d/m/Y");
$start = strtotime($start1);
$end = strtotime("+30 days", $start);

$datediff = $end - $start;
$datediff = floor($datediff/(60*60*24));
for($i = 0; $i < $datediff + 1; $i++){
    $db=new Database;
    $q2=$db->query("SELECT * FROM estudios WHERE fecha='".date("d/m/Y", strtotime($start . ' + ' . $i . 'day'))."' ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE(fecha,'%d/%m/%Y') ASC");
        $qdr=$db->query("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE id='".$r2['id_usuario']."'");
    $resultado.= '<tr class="gradeA">
                        <td class="center">'.date("d/m/Y", strtotime($start . ' + ' . $i . 'day')).'</td>
                        <td class="center">'.$r2['hora'].' - '.$nuevaHora.'</td>
                        <td class="center">'.strtoupper($r2['tipo1']).' - '.$r2['tipo2'].'</td>
$cuerpo = '
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Documento sin título</title>
<style type="text/css">
table, th, td {
    border: 1px solid black;
    border-collapse: collapse;
th, td {
    padding: 5px;
    text-align: left;


<div class="table">
            <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="example1">


$mail = new PHPMailer;

$mail->SMTPDebug = 0;                               // Enable verbose debug output

$mail->isSMTP();                                      // Set mailer to use SMTP
$mail->Host = 'localhost';  // Specify main and backup SMTP servers
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;                               // Enable SMTP authentication
$mail->Username = 'noresponder@domain';                 // SMTP username
$mail->Password = 'password';                           // SMTP password
$mail->Port = 25;                                    // TCP port to connect to

$mail->setFrom('noresponder@domain', 'Sistema Cron');
$mail->addAddress('luis@domain', '');
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';  

$mail->isHTML(true);                                  // Set email format to HTML

$mail->Subject = 'Respaldo de la Agenda (Estudios)';
$mail->AltBody = 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients';

if(!$mail->send()) {
    echo 'Message could not be sent.';
    echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
    echo 'Message has been sent';

// RUN

升级mysql 5.6后出现问题。在此之前,我的代码运行就像一个魅力。现在,我得到了这个: 注意:未定义的变量 信息已发送 注意:未定义的变量 消息已发送

这两封邮件都已发送,但变量$ resultado为空。 有人能给我一个解决这个问题的线索吗?


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