我的SSM项目,我在我的web模块pom文件中添加了hadoop和phoenix依赖,当执行“mvn compile”时,它可以成功,但是“cd web module并执行mvn spring-boot:run”,它会产生错误如下:
text <-
"BOB: blah blah blah blah
TRUDY: bleh bleh
BOB: you get the idea however some of the text is on a new line like
this so I don't know how to extract it to the correct vector
TRUDY: bleh bleh bleh
BOB: Durrh!!!"
# Replace line feeds with spaces
text <- gsub(pattern = "\\n", replacement = " ", x = text)
# Split string into words to find alternations of BOB / TRUDY
who <- strsplit(x = text, split = " ")[[1]]
who <- who[who %in% c("BOB:", "TRUDY:")]
# Split string using BOB: and TRUDY:
dialog <- strsplit(x = text, split = "(BOB: )|(TRUDY: )", perl = TRUE)[[1]][-1]
# create the two final vectors
bob <- trimws(dialog[which(who=="BOB:")])
trudy <- trimws(dialog[which(who=="TRUDY:")])
当我删除那些依赖项时,mvn spring-boot:run可以执行成功。
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