@RequestMapping(value = "/testplan_view", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String viewTestPlan(Model model, HttpSession session, @RequestParam(value = "testplanId", required = true) Long testplanId,
@RequestParam(value = "folderId", required = false) Long folderId) {
//changing the folder should redirect to folderId
FlashMsgUtil.INSTANCE.checkFlashMsg(session, model);
EcTestplan testPlan = tpDao.findOne(testplanId);
List<EcTestplanTestcaseMapping> tptcLst = tptcDao.findByTestplanId(testPlan);
List<Object[]> tmLst = tpDao.findProductMetricsByTestplanId(testplanId);
List<TestPlanMetricVo> testPlanMetricLst = BizUtil.INSTANCE.flattenTestPlanMetricsByProduct(tmLst);
Integer totalPassCount = 0;
Integer totalCount = 0;
Integer totalNotRunCount = 0;
for (TestPlanMetricVo tpm : testPlanMetricLst) {
totalPassCount = totalPassCount + tpm.getPassCount();
totalCount = totalCount + tpm.getTotal();
totalNotRunCount = totalNotRunCount + tpm.getNotrunCount();
//Get all test cases associated with this test plan
List<EcTestcase>testCaseLst = null;
if (folderId == null) {
} else {
testCaseLst = tcDao.findAllTestCasesByTestPlanIdAndTestFolderId(testplanId,folderId);
if (testCaseLst == null) {
testCaseLst = new ArrayList<>();
List<EcUser> activeUsersLst = uDao.findByEnabledOrderByUsernameAsc(Boolean.TRUE);
model.addAttribute("tptcLst", tptcLst);
model.addAttribute("activeUsersLst", activeUsersLst);
model.addAttribute("folderList", getFolderList(testPlan));
model.addAttribute("testPlanMetricLst", testPlanMetricLst);
model.addAttribute("testCaseLst", testCaseLst);
model.addAttribute("testPlan", testPlan);
model.addAttribute("tecaseCnt", totalCount);
model.addAttribute("testPlanPassRate", Math.round((totalPassCount * 100.0) / totalCount));
model.addAttribute("testPlanProgressRate", Math.round(((totalCount - totalNotRunCount) * 100.0) / totalCount));
return "testplan_view";
private Map<String, String> getFolderList(EcTestplan testPlan) {
// input: testplan
// output: folder list, folder name should be full path
// step 1: loop through all test cases of the test plan
// step 2: use test case object, get test folder object
// step 3: for folder, get all parent folders and use its name, construct string
String delimiter = "\\";
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
List<EcTestplanTestcaseMapping> testCaseMappings = testPlan.getEcTestplanTestcaseMappingList();
for (EcTestplanTestcaseMapping testCaseMapping : testCaseMappings) {
EcTestcase tc = testCaseMapping.getTestcaseId();
EcTestfolder folder = tc.getFolderId();
String fullpath = "";
List<EcTestfolder> pFolders = folder.getAllParentFolderList();
for (EcTestfolder pfolder : pFolders) {
String pfoldername = pfolder.getName();
fullpath += pfoldername + delimiter;
fullpath += folder.getName();
map.put(String.valueOf(folder.getId()), fullpath);
return map;