上传到Lazy ByteString
) - 将会理解为什么分块不起作用的指示:
import Control.Lens
import Network.AWS
import Network.AWS.S3
import Network.AWS.Data.Body
import System.IO
import Data.Conduit (($$+-))
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sinkLbs,sourceLbs)
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL (mapM_)
import Network.HTTP.Conduit (responseBody,RequestBody(..),newManager,tlsManagerSettings)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
example :: IO PutObjectResponse
example = do
-- To specify configuration preferences, newEnv is used to create a new Env. The Region denotes the AWS region requests will be performed against,
-- and Credentials is used to specify the desired mechanism for supplying or retrieving AuthN/AuthZ information.
-- In this case, Discover will cause the library to try a number of options such as default environment variables, or an instance's IAM Profile:
e <- newEnv NorthVirginia Discover
-- A new Logger to replace the default noop logger is created, with the logger set to print debug information and errors to stdout:
l <- newLogger Debug stdout
-- The payload for the S3 object is retrieved from a file that simulates lazy bytestring received over network
inb <- LBS.readFile "out"
lenb <- System.IO.withFile "out" ReadMode hFileSize -- evaluates to 104857600 (100MB)
let cbytes = toBody $ ChunkedBody (1024*128) (fromIntegral lenb) (sourceLbs inb)
-- We now run the AWS computation with the overriden logger, performing the PutObject request:
runResourceT . runAWS (e & envLogger .~ l) $
send ((putObject "yourtestenv-change-it-please" "testbucket/test" cbytes) & poContentType .~ Just "text; charset=UTF-8")
main = example >> return ()
使用RTS -s
选项运行可执行文件显示整个内容被读入内存(~113MB最大驻留时间 - 我确实看到~87MB一次)。另一方面,如果我使用chunkedFile
答案 0 :(得分:2)
inb <- LBS.readFile "out"
lenb <- System.IO.withFile "out" ReadMode hFileSize -- evaluates to 104857600 (100MB)
let cbytes = toBody $ ChunkedBody (1024*128) (fromIntegral lenb) (sourceLbs inb)
lenb <- System.IO.withFile "out" ReadMode hFileSize -- evaluates to 104857600 (100MB)
let cbytes = toBody $ ChunkedBody (1024*128) (fromIntegral lenb) (C.sourceFile "out")
时,需要按块拆分块。 (如果惰性IO工作正常,则可能不会发生这种情况。)sourceFile
以递增方式读取文件,按块查看。可能是,例如, toBody
答案 1 :(得分:0)
readFile :: FilePath -> IO ByteString Read an entire file lazily into a ByteString. The Handle will be held open until EOF is encountered.
以管道的方式工作 - 或者你可以使用
sourceFile :: MonadResource m => FilePath -> Producer m ByteString