
时间:2016-06-03 04:34:55

标签: php symfony


埃杜/ AccountBundle /服务/ Helper.php

namespace Edu\AccountBundle\Service;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\DocumentManager;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Form;
use Edu\AccountBundle\CommonFunctions\CommonFunctions;

class Helper{

private $session;
private $router;
private $documentManager;
private $commonFunctions;

 * Class:Constructor
 * @DESC:its a very first method which always called whenever this call going to be instantiate
 * @param : @session,@route,@db
 * @03-06-2016
public function __construct(Session $session, Router $router, DocumentManager $dm)
    $this->session = $session;
    $this->router = $router;
    $this->dm = $dm;
    $this->commonFunctions = new CommonFunctions();

 * Class:checkFinancialYearLockPeriod
 * @DESC:check a particular date on which accounts Financial Year data will be Locked So that user can not make any modifications after that
 * @param : @db
 * @03-06-2016
public function checkFinancialYearLockPeriod($dm){
    $currentYearIs = $this->commonFunctions()->checkFinancialYear($this->dm);
    $exploadsCurrentYear = explode("-",$currentYearIs);
    $currentFinancialYearTo = "31-03-".$exploadsCurrentYear[1];
    return $effectiveDate = date('d-m-Y', strtotime("+63 days", strtotime($currentFinancialYearTo)));        

 //My services.xml code is as following:
<service id="edu.account.helper" class="Edu\AccountBundle\Service\Helper">
            <argument type="service" id="session"/>
            <argument type="service" id="router"/>
            <argument type="service" id="doctrine_mongodb.odm.document_manager"/>
            <tag name="twig.helper" />
 //So now I want to call it on Twig directly. So I am calking it as   follows:
 {{ edu.account.helper.checkFinancialYearLockPeriod() }}

但它没有像抛出以下错误一样工作: &#34;变量&#34; edu&#34;不存在&#34;。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Helper in Symfony2 not able to call on Twig 是完全正确的。

没有名为&#34; twig.helper&#34;的标签。只有一个名为&#34; twig.extension&#34;。如果要使用它,则应扩展\ Twig_Extension。请参阅


        edu_account_helper: "@edu.account.helper" #key is name in twig, value is reference to your service

这意味着在Twig-Scope中,它被称为&#34; edu_account_helper&#34;。蛇套管。

{{ edu_account_helper.checkFinancialYearLockPeriod() }}