我使用 pipe 方法保存前端发送的文件,当我上传保存在本地云端服务的文件时,我不确定文件是否已完成流,所以如何等待 pipe 完成,然后将该文件上传到云服务,最后返回响应
res.on( '完成',函数(){
var koa-router = require("koa-router");
var thunkify =require("thunkify");
var parse = require("co-busboy");
var parts = parse(this); // "this" => request
while (part = yield parts){
var imgPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../runtime/img_tmp", new Date().getTime() + "_" + part.filename.toString());
stream = fs.createWriteStream(imgPath);
res= part.pipe(stream);
//check and console.log the file is exist or not
// upload to cloud service
console.log(fs.existsSync(imgPath) || path.existsSync(imgPath));
if(fs.existsSync(imgPath) || path.existsSync(imgPath)){
var keyName = 'news/image/banner' + imgPath;
var fileUpload_thunk = thunkify(awsUpload.fileUpload);
yield fileUpload_thunk(fs.createReadStream(imgPath), keyName);
//put url to photoUrl
photoUrl = 'http://goappdl.goforandroid.com/' + keyName;
console.log("data-amazionFinished:"+new Date().getTime());