我可以在自定义管理网格上的$this->getMassactionBlock()->addItem('setdate', array(
'label' => $this->__('Set Date'),
'url' => $this->getUrl('*/*/massSetdate', array('' => '')),
'confirm' => $this->__('Are you sure?'),
'additional' => array(
'setmaxdate' => array(
'name' => 'setmaxdate',
'time' => true,
'input' => 'datetime',
'type' => 'datetime',
'class' => 'required-entry',
'label' => Mage::helper('setcustomdate')->__('Set Max Date'),
//'gmtoffset' => true,
'image' => '/skin/adminhtml/default/default/images/grid-cal.gif',
'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss'
function user_content_replace($content) {
$sentences_per_paragraph = 3; // settings
$pattern = '~(?<=[.?!…])\s+~'; // some punctuation and trailing space(s)
$sentences_array = preg_split($pattern, $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // get sentences into array
$sentences_count = count($sentences_array); // count sentences
$output = ''; // new content init
// see PHP modulus
for($i = 0; $i < $sentences_count; $i++) {
if($i%$sentences_per_paragraph == 0 && $i == 0) { //divisible by settings and is first
$output .= "<p>" . $sentences_array[$i] . ' '; // add paragraph and the first sentence
} elseif($i%$sentences_per_paragraph == 0 && $i > 0) { //divisible by settings and not first
$output .= "</p><p>" . $sentences_array[$i] . ' '; // close and open paragraph, add the first sentence
} else {
$output .= $sentences_array[$i] . ' '; // concatenate other sentences
$output .= "</p>"; // close the last paragraph
echo $output;
add_filter('the_content','user_content_replace', 99);