
时间:2016-06-01 10:23:36

标签: windows batch-file 7zip backups

我一直在使用以下批处理文件来备份Windows Server计算机上的某个目录很长一段时间。批处理文件由Windows计划任务每​​天在特定时间运行,并在删除最旧的.7z文件(7z = www.7-zip.org)后将特定文件夹压缩到备份位置。


问题是“Set BackupNr = 1”行。使用BackupNr = 1批处理文件运行后,我的备份文件夹中始终有两个.7z存档。


@echo off

:: The name of the backup file that will be created. It will use the current date as the file name.
@For /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/ " %%A in ('Date /t') do @(
    Set FileName=%%A%%B%%C%%D

:: The name of the folders where all the backup .zip and report files will be stored.
Set ArchiveFolder=D:\Backup\Manual\Archives
Set ReportFolder=D:\Backup\Manual\Reports

:: The name of the folder that will be backed up, i.e. the AppData folder.
Set FolderToBackup=C:\AppData

:: The number of .zip files and .txt reports to keep. Older archives will be deleted according to their age. This ensures we only keep the most recent X number of backups.
Set BackupNr=1

:: Delete oldest backup archives so we only keep the number of archives specified in "skip=".
echo.>> DeletedBackups.txt
date /t >> DeletedBackups.txt
echo.>> DeletedBackups.txt
echo These older backups were deleted:>> DeletedBackups.txt
for /F "skip=%BackupNr% delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /o-d %ArchiveFolder%\*') do (
    echo %ArchiveFolder%\%%a%1>> DeletedBackups.txt
    del /f /q %ArchiveFolder%\%%a%1

echo.>> DeletedBackups.txt
echo These older reports were deleted:>> DeletedBackups.txt
for /F "skip=%BackupNr% delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /o-d %ReportFolder%\*') do (
    echo %ReportFolder%\%%a%1>> DeletedBackups.txt
    del /f /q %ReportFolder%\%%a%1

echo Starting the backup: %DATE% %TIME% >> %ReportFolder%\%FileName%.txt

:: Adds all files to 7z archive using BCJ2 converter, LZMA with 8 MB dictionary for main output stream (s0), and LZMA with 512 KB dictionary for s1 and s2 output streams of BCJ2.
C:\PROGRA~1\7-Zip\7z.exe a -t7z %ArchiveFolder%\%FileName%.7z %FolderToBackup%\* -m0=BCJ2 -m1=LZMA:d23 -m2=LZMA:d19 -m3=LZMA:d19 -mb0:1 -mb0s1:2 -mb0s2:3 >> %ReportFolder%\%FileName%.txt

echo Backup finished at: %DATE% %TIME% >> %ReportFolder%\%FileName%.txt

:: Write the backup Start and End times to the BackupInfo.csv file.
gawk -f BackupRecord.awk %ReportFolder%\%FileName%.txt >> %ReportFolder%\BackupReport.csv

:: Write the file size of the backup .zip file that was just created to the log file.
set size=0
call :filesize %ArchiveFolder%\%FileName%.7z
echo Backup archive file size: %size% bytes >> %ReportFolder%\%FileName%.txt


:: set filesize of 1st argument in %size% variable, and return
  set size=%~z1
  exit /b 0


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

dir命令中的/ b开关不使用标头或摘要。结果是一个简单的档案列表,在这种情况下,订购者按创建时间降序,最近的第一个。


中的 skip =%BackupNr%
for /F "skip=%BackupNr% delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /o-d %ReportFolder%\*') do (
  echo %ReportFolder%\%%a%1>> DeletedBackups.txt
  del /f /q %ReportFolder%\%%a%1



如果您只想要最后一个,则应首先执行备份,然后删除,或从for命令中删除 skip =%BackupNr%