类似于this question我在两个字段上有一个唯一索引,将ID字段和序列号限制为唯一。现在我通过拖放更改序列号 - 之后这些数字仍然是唯一的。
但EF(或分别是SQL Server)拒绝更改,因为它按记录进行记录,因此暂时违反此constaint。
是否有任何(EF内置)机会告诉SQL Server他在几个记录的更新操作期间不必担心约束,但之后呢?
我不需要任何tipps /变通办法,例如"追加"序列号最后。
问题是:每当更新唯一索引上的多个记录时,在逐个记录操作期间,索引可能会被违反,但之后(在事务结束时)一切都会好的。我们怎样才能在EF 6中做到这一点?
亲切的问候, 伴侣
代码示例: 1.)模型和上下文
public class Model
public long Key { get; set; }
[Index("MyUniqueIndex", IsUnique = true)]
public long IndexField { get; set; }
public class ModelContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Model> ModelDbSet { get; set; }
public ModelContext()
: base("name = ModelContext")
Database.Log = Console.Write;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
public static void CreateRecords()
using (ModelContext context = new ModelContext())
// Create two records
// Record 1 has value 1 in the unique index field
// Record 2 has value 2 in the unique index field
Model newModel1 = new Model {IndexField = 1};
Model newModel2 = new Model {IndexField = 2};
public static void SwapIndexAndSave()
using (ModelContext context = new ModelContext())
// Load both records
List<Model> data = context.ModelDbSet.ToList();
// Swap values in unique index field
// Record 1 will get value 2 in the unique index field
// Record 2 will get value 1 in the unique index field
foreach (Model model in data)
model.IndexField = 3 - model.IndexField;
// SaveChanges crashes, because on updating the first record will
// result in identically values for the unique index field on the database.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我是说, 1)禁用约束 2)更新数据库的值 3)启用约束如果您需要有关此
的更多信息,请与我们联系 亲爱的伙伴,我认为我不善于解释,你可以启用/禁用表的特定约束
- 禁用CK_Customer_CustomerType约束 ALTER TABLE Sales.Customer NOCHECK CONSTRAINT CK_Customer_CustomerType
- 做点什么
- 启用CK_Customer_CustomerType约束 ALTER TABLE Sales.Customer CHECK CONSTRAINT CK_Customer_CustomerType
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