在tcpsock.h中,我输入tcpsock_t的结构 (以下其他功能)
typedef struct tcpsock tcpsock_t;
并在tcpsock.c中我声明了结构(它应该留在这里,我不能把它放在de .h文件中)
struct tcpsock{
long cookie;
int sd;
char * ip_addr;
int port;
错误:无效使用未定义类型'struct tcpsock' 客户[conn_counter] = * requestclient;
#include "tcpsock.h"
#include "connmgr.h"
int conn_counter = 0;
void add_client(tcpsock_t *newclient, tcpsock_t * array){
array= realloc(test,sizeof(get_size_tcpsock())*conn_counter);
array[conn_counter-1]=*newclient; //here i have the error
void add_poll(struct pollfd * polllist, tcpsock_t *client, tcpsock_t *server){
polllist = realloc(polllist,sizeof(struct pollfd)*conn_counter+1);
int clientsd;
tcp_get_sd(server, &clientsd);
polllist[conn_counter].fd= clientsd;
polllist[conn_counter].events = POLLIN;
int main(void){
tcpsock_t *server;
tcpsock_t *client;
client = malloc(sizeof(get_size_tcpsock()));
struct pollfd *poll_list;
poll_list = malloc(sizeof(struct pollfd));
sensor_data_t data;
int bytes,result;
int serversd;
tcp_get_sd(server, &serversd);
poll_list[0].fd = serversd;
poll_list[0].events = POLLIN;
printf("start polling \n");
int retval,i;
retval = poll(poll_list,conn_counter+1,5000);
if (retval>0){
if(poll_list[0].revents && POLLIN>0){
tcpsock_t *requestclient;
client[conn_counter] = *requestclient; //here i have the error
add_poll(poll_list, requestclient, server);
for (i=0; i<conn_counter+1;i++){
if(poll_list[i+1].revents & POLLIN){
bytes = sizeof(data.id);
result = tcp_receive(client[i],(void *)&data.id,&bytes); //here i have the error
bytes = sizeof(data.value);
result = tcp_receive(client[i],(void *)&data.value,&bytes); //here i have the error
bytes = sizeof(data.ts);
result =tcp_receive(client[i],(void *)&data.ts,&bytes); //here i have the error
if ((result==TCP_NO_ERROR) && bytes){
printf("sensor id = %" PRIu16 " - temperature = %g - timestamp = %ld\n", data.id, data.value, (long int)data.ts);
if (poll_list[i+1].revents & POLLHUP){
printf("client disconnected \n");
return 1;
typedef struct tcpsock tcpsock_t;
int get_size_tcpsock();
int tcp_passive_open(tcpsock_t ** socket, int port);
/* Creates a new socket and opens this socket in 'passive listening mode' (waiting for an active connection setup request)
* The socket is bound to port number 'port' and to any active IP interface of the system
int tcp_active_open(tcpsock_t ** socket, int remote_port, char * remote_ip);
/* Creates a new TCP socket and opens a TCP connection to the system with IP address 'remote_ip' on port 'remote_port'
* The newly created socket is return as '*socket'
int tcp_close(tcpsock_t ** socket);
int tcp_wait_for_connection(tcpsock_t * socket, tcpsock_t ** new_socket);
/* Puts the socket 'socket' in a blocking wait mode
* Returns when an incoming TCP connection setup request is received
* A newly created socket identifying the remote system that initiated the connection request is returned as '*new_socket'
int tcp_send(tcpsock_t * socket, void * buffer, int * buf_size );
/* Initiates a send command on the socket 'socket' and tries to send the total '*buf_size' bytes of data in 'buffer' (recall that the function might block for a while)
* The function sets '*buf_size' to the number of bytes that were really sent, which might be less than the initial '*buf_size'
int tcp_get_ip_addr( tcpsock_t * socket, char ** ip_addr);
/* Set '*ip_addr' to the IP address of 'socket' (could be NULL if the IP address is not set)
int tcp_get_port(tcpsock_t * socket, int * port);
int tcp_get_sd(tcpsock_t * socket, int * sd);