
时间:2016-05-31 13:10:20

标签: javascript html5


我创建了一个非常简单的六边形网格系统版本。我想在网格中选择任何六边形的地方。所有的六边形都正确显示,只是当我点击网格时,会选择一个不正确的六边形。它的行为,就像鼠标位置不正确一样,或者 也许它可能是六边形有不正确的位置数据(?)。 但他们为什么如此正确定位呢?

////////// [ Hexagon ] ////////////////////
function Hexagon( options ){ 
	if( options !== "undefined" ){
		this.attributes = {
			type : options.type || 0, //// 0 is cell , 1 player /// Default : 0 ////
			id: options.id,
			color : this.getColor(),
			coords: [], //// [ r, q ] /// row / col ///
			points: [],
			pos: options.pos,
			size: options.size
		this.states = {
			selected: false
		//// make short-cuts to frequently used attributes ////
		this.pos = this.attributes.pos;
		this.coords = this.attributes.coords;
		this.size = this.attributes.size;
		this.points = this.attributes.points;
		///// caclulate top_left, bottom and center points ////
		this.TopLeftPoint = [ this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ];
		this.BottomRightPoint = [ this.pos[0] + this.size.w, this.pos[1] + this.size.h ];
		this.MidPoint = [ this.pos[0] + (this.size.w / 2), this.pos[1] + (this.size.h / 2) ];
		///////// generate points ///////

Hexagon.prototype = {
	constructor : Hexagon,
	changeState: function( st_name, st_value ){
		if( this.checkState( st_name ) ) {
			this.states[st_name] = st_value;
	checkState: function( st_name ){
		if( typeof this.states[st_name] !== "undefined" ) {
			return  this.states[st_name];
		return false;
	isInHexBounds : function( p ){  /*Point*/
		if(this.TopLeftPoint[0] < p[0] && this.TopLeftPoint[1] < p[1] && p[0] < this.BottomRightPoint[0] && p[1] < this.BottomRightPoint[0]){
			return true;
		return false;
	contains: function( p ) {
		var isIn = false;
		if( this.isInHexBounds( p ) ){
			var i, j = 0;
			for (i = 0, j = this.points.length - 1; i < this.points.length; j = i++){
				var iP = this.points[i];
				var jP = this.points[j];
				if (
					( ((iP[1] <= p[1]) && (p[1] < jP[1])) || ((jP[1] <= p[1]) && (p[1] < iP[1]))) && (p[0] < (jP[0] - iP[0]) * (p[1] - iP[1]) / (jP[1] - iP[1]) + iP[0])
					isIn = !isIn;
		return isIn;
	getColor: function( ){
		switch( this.type ){
			case 0: 
				return "blue";
			case 1: 
				return "red";
				return "yellow";
	trigger: function( e_name ){
		this.events[ e_name ].call(this);
	events: {
		"select" : function(){
			if( ! this.checkState( "selected" ) ){
				this.changeState("selected", true);
				//console.log( this.coords )
				this.type = 1;
	setType: function( type ){
		this.attributes.type = type;
	generate: function(){///// generate hexagon points //////
		var x1 = (this.size.w - this.size.s)/2;
		var y1 =  (this.size.h / 2);
			[ x1 + this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ],
			[ x1 + this.size.s + this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ],
			[ this.size.w + this.pos[0], y1 + this.pos[1] ],
			[ x1 + this.size.s + this.pos[0], this.size.h + this.pos[1] ],
			[ x1 + this.pos[0], this.size.h + this.pos[1] ],
			[ this.pos[0], y1 + this.pos[1] ]
	draw : function( ctx ){
		if( this.type > 0 ){
			ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
			ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
			ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
			ctx.strokeStyle = "grey";
		//ctx.rect( this.BottomRightPoint[0],this.BottomRightPoint[1],4,4);
		ctx.lineWidth = 1;
		ctx.moveTo( this.points[0][0], this.points[0][1] );
		for( var c=1; c < this.points.length; c++ ){
			ctx.lineTo( this.points[c][0], this.points[c][1] );
		this.draw_coords( ctx );
	draw_coords: function( ctx ){
		ctx.font="10px Georgia";
		ctx.textAlign = "center";
		ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
		ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
		ctx.fillText(this.coords[0]+" , "+this.coords[1], this.MidPoint[0], this.MidPoint[1]);

///////// [ Grid ] /////////////////////
function Grid( options ){
	if(typeof options !== "undefined"){
		this.size = {
			width: options.size[0],
			height: options.size[1]
		//this.mouse_pos = [];
		this.pos = options.pos; //// position within the canvas /// [ x , y ] ////
		this.ctx = options.ctx;
		this.ctx_pos = options.ctx_pos; //// position of canvas element /// [ left, top] ///
		this.hex_size = this.calculate_hex_size( options.hex_def );
		this.hexagons = []; //// [ row, col ] /////  just a temporary array  ////
		this.grid2D = []; ///// includes all hexagons to be drawn ///

Grid.prototype = {
	constructor : Grid,
	generate : function(){
		var hex_pos_x = 0.0, hex_pos_y = 0.0, row = 0, col = 0, offset = 0.0, h = null, h_id = 0; 
		while( (hex_pos_y + this.hex_size.h) <= this.size.height ){
			col = 0; //// reset col 
			offset = 0.0; //// reset offset 
			if( (row % 2) == 1){
				offset = ( ( this.hex_size.w - this.hex_size.s ) /2 ) + this.hex_size.s ;
				col = 1;
			hex_pos_x = offset;
			while( (hex_pos_x  + this.hex_size.w) <= this.size.width ){
				h =  new Hexagon( { pos : [ hex_pos_x, hex_pos_y ], size: this.hex_size , id: row+""+col,  type: 0 }); 
				h.coords[0] = col; //// set coord X ///
				this.grid2D.push( h );
				if( ! this.hexagons[col] ){
					this.hexagons[col] = [];
				this.hexagons[col].push( h );
				col += 2;
				hex_pos_x += (this.hex_size.w + this.hex_size.s);
			hex_pos_y += (this.hex_size.h / 2);
		////finally go through our list of hexagons by their x co-ordinate to assign the y co-ordinate
		var coordX = 0, coordY = 0, h_l =  this.hexagons.length, hex_arr = [];
		for(  ; coordX <  h_l; coordX++ ){
			hex_arr =  this.hexagons[ coordX ];
			coordY =  Math.floor( (coordX / 2 ) + (coordX % 2) );
			for( var h = 0, size = hex_arr.length; h < size; h++ ){
				hex_arr[h].coords[1] = coordY++;
	getHexAt: function( p ){ //// point [ x, y ]
		for ( var h = 0, h_l = this.grid2D.length; h < h_l; h++ ){
			if ( this.grid2D[h].contains( p ) ){
				return this.grid2D[h];
		return null;
	animate: function(){
		var self = this;
		window.requestAnimationFrame( function(){

	draw : function( ){
		this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.size.width, this.size.height);
		for( var h = 0, h_l = this.grid2D.length; h < h_l; h++ ){
			this.grid2D[h].draw( this.ctx );

	calculate_hex_size : function( hex_def ){
		return {
			w: hex_def.radius * 2,
			m: hex_def.margin,
			h: (Math.sqrt(3) / 2) * ( hex_def.radius * 2),
			r: hex_def.radius,
			s: hex_def.radius
	enable_mouse_events: function(){
		var self = this;
		var mouse_pos = [];
		var cur_hex = null;
		window.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function(e){
			mouse_pos  =  [ ( e.clientX - self.ctx_pos[0] ), ( e.clientY - self.ctx_pos[1] )];
			//self.mouse_pos = mouse_pos;
		window.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function(e){
			if( mouse_pos.length > 0 ){
				cur_hex = self.getHexAt( mouse_pos );
				if( cur_hex != null ){

	var c_el = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
	var ctx = c_el.getContext("2d");
	var nGrid = new Grid({
		/// size : [ c_el.width, c_el.height ], /// [rows / cols ] //// 20 px x 10 px///
		size : [ 70 , 70 ], 
		pos: [ 20, 20 ], /// [X, Y] ////
		hex_def: {
			radius: 20,
			margin: 0
		ctx : ctx,
		ctx_pos: [ c_el.getBoundingClientRect().left, c_el.getBoundingClientRect().top ]
<body  stye="width: 100%; height: 100%" >
	<canvas id="myCanvas" width="750px" height="405px" style="margin:0; padding:0; border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

事实证明,我已经混淆了一些上下文方法的顺序。所以它在ctx.fill()之前调用ctx.begonPath()/ctx.closePath()。这是错误的,所以任何先前绘制的六边形都被填充为这个错误的副作用 在ctx.fill()之后我添加了ctx.begonPath()/ctx.closePath()一切都完美无缺。


////////// [ Hexagon ] ////////////////////
function Hexagon( options ){ 
	if( options !== "undefined" ){
		this.attributes = {
			type : options.type || 0, //// 0 is cell , 1 player /// Default : 0 ////
			id: options.id,
			color : this.getColor(),
			coords: [], //// [ r, q ] /// row / col ///
			points: [],
			pos: options.pos,
			size: options.size
		this.states = {
			selected: false
		//// make short-cuts to frequently used attributes ////
		this.pos = this.attributes.pos;
		this.coords = this.attributes.coords;
		this.size = this.attributes.size;
		this.points = this.attributes.points;
		///// caclulate top_left, bottom and center points ////
		this.TopLeftPoint = [ this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ];
		this.BottomRightPoint = [ this.pos[0] + this.size.w, this.pos[1] + this.size.h ];
		this.MidPoint = [ this.pos[0] + (this.size.w / 2), this.pos[1] + (this.size.h / 2) ];
		///////// generate points ///////

Hexagon.prototype = {
	constructor : Hexagon,
	changeState: function( st_name, st_value ){
		if( this.checkState( st_name ) ) {
			this.states[st_name] = st_value;
	checkState: function( st_name ){
		if( typeof this.states[st_name] !== "undefined" ) {
			return  this.states[st_name];
		return false;
	isInHexBounds : function( p ){  /*Point*/
		if(this.TopLeftPoint[0] < p[0] && this.TopLeftPoint[1] < p[1] && p[0] < this.BottomRightPoint[0] && p[1] < this.BottomRightPoint[1]){
			return true;
		return false;
	contains: function( p ) {
		var isIn = false;
		if( this.isInHexBounds( p ) ){
			var i, j = 0;
			for (i = 0, j = this.points.length - 1; i < this.points.length; j = i++){
				var iP = this.points[i];
				var jP = this.points[j];
				if (
					( ((iP[1] <= p[1]) && (p[1] < jP[1])) || ((jP[1] <= p[1]) && (p[1] < iP[1])) ) && (p[0] < (jP[0] - iP[0]) * (p[1] - iP[1]) / (jP[1] - iP[1]) + iP[0])
					isIn = !isIn;
		return isIn;
	getColor: function( ){
		switch( this.type ){
			case 0: 
				return "blue";
			case 1: 
				return "red";
				return "yellow";
	trigger: function( e_name ){
		this.events[ e_name ].call(this);
	events: {
		"select" : function(){
			if( ! this.checkState( "selected" ) ){
				this.changeState("selected", true);
				//console.log( this.coords )
				this.type = 1;
	setType: function( type ){
		this.attributes.type = type;
	generate: function(){///// generate hexagon points //////
		var x1 = (this.size.w - this.size.s)/2;
		var y1 =  (this.size.h / 2);
			[ x1 + this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ],
			[ x1 + this.size.s + this.pos[0], this.pos[1] ],
			[ this.size.w + this.pos[0], y1 + this.pos[1] ],
			[ x1 + this.size.s + this.pos[0], this.size.h + this.pos[1] ],
			[ x1 + this.pos[0], this.size.h + this.pos[1] ],
			[ this.pos[0], y1 + this.pos[1] ]
	draw : function( ctx ){
		ctx.lineWidth = 1;
		ctx.moveTo( this.points[0][0], this.points[0][1] );
		for( var c=1; c < this.points.length; c++ ){
			ctx.lineTo( this.points[c][0], this.points[c][1] );
      	if( this.type > 0 ){
			ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
			ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
			ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
			ctx.strokeStyle = "grey";
		this.draw_coords( ctx );
	draw_coords: function( ctx ){
		ctx.font="10px Georgia";
		ctx.textAlign = "center";
		ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
		ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
		ctx.fillText(this.coords[0]+" , "+this.coords[1], this.MidPoint[0], this.MidPoint[1]);

///////// [ Grid ] /////////////////////
function Grid( options ){
	if(typeof options !== "undefined"){
		this.size = {
			width: options.size[0],
			height: options.size[1]
		//this.mouse_pos = [];
		this.pos = options.pos; //// position within the canvas /// [ x , y ] ////
		this.ctx = options.ctx;
		this.ctx_pos = options.ctx_pos; //// position of canvas element /// [ left, top] ///
		this.hex_size = this.calculate_hex_size( options.hex_def );
		this.hexagons = []; //// [ row, col ] /////  just a temporary array  ////
		this.grid2D = []; ///// includes all hexagons to be drawn ///

Grid.prototype = {
	constructor : Grid,
	generate : function(){
		var hex_pos_x = 0.0, hex_pos_y = 0.0, row = 0, col = 0, offset = 0.0, h = null, h_id = 0; 
		while( (hex_pos_y + this.hex_size.h) <= this.size.height ){
			col = 0; //// reset col 
			offset = 0.0; //// reset offset 
			if( (row % 2) == 1){
				offset = ( ( this.hex_size.w - this.hex_size.s ) /2 ) + this.hex_size.s ;
				col = 1;
			hex_pos_x = offset;
			while( (hex_pos_x  + this.hex_size.w) <= this.size.width ){
				h =  new Hexagon( { pos : [ hex_pos_x, hex_pos_y ], size: this.hex_size , id: row+""+col,  type: 0 }); 
				h.coords[0] = col; //// set coord X ///
				this.grid2D.push( h );
				if( ! this.hexagons[col] ){
					this.hexagons[col] = [];
				this.hexagons[col].push( h );
				col += 2;
				hex_pos_x += (this.hex_size.w + this.hex_size.s);
			hex_pos_y += (this.hex_size.h / 2);
		////finally go through our list of hexagons by their x co-ordinate to assign the y co-ordinate
		var coordX = 0, coordY = 0, h_l =  this.hexagons.length, hex_arr = [];
		for(  ; coordX <  h_l; coordX++ ){
			hex_arr =  this.hexagons[ coordX ];
			coordY =  Math.floor( (coordX / 2 ) + (coordX % 2) );
			for( var h = 0, size = hex_arr.length; h < size; h++ ){
				hex_arr[h].coords[1] = coordY++;
	getHexAt: function( p ){ //// point [ x, y ]
		for ( var h = 0, h_l = this.grid2D.length; h < h_l; h++ ){
			if ( this.grid2D[h].contains( p ) ){
				return this.grid2D[h];
		return null;
	animate: function(){
		var self = this;
		window.requestAnimationFrame( function(){

	draw : function( ){
		this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.size.width, this.size.height);
		for( var h = 0, h_l = this.grid2D.length; h < h_l; h++ ){
			this.grid2D[h].draw( this.ctx );

	calculate_hex_size : function( hex_def ){
		return {
			w: hex_def.radius * 2,
			m: hex_def.margin,
			h: (Math.sqrt(3) / 2) * ( hex_def.radius * 2),
			r: hex_def.radius,
			s: hex_def.radius
	enable_mouse_events: function(){
		var self = this;
		var mouse_pos = [];
		var cur_hex = null;
		window.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function(e){
			mouse_pos  =  [ ( e.clientX - self.ctx_pos[0] ), ( e.clientY - self.ctx_pos[1] )];
			//self.mouse_pos = mouse_pos;
		window.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function(e){
			if( mouse_pos.length > 0 ){
				cur_hex = self.getHexAt( mouse_pos );
				if( cur_hex != null ){

	var c_el = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
	var ctx = c_el.getContext("2d");
	var nGrid = new Grid({
		/// size : [ c_el.width, c_el.height ], /// [rows / cols ] //// 20 px x 10 px///
		size : [ 70 , 70 ], 
		pos: [ 20, 20 ], /// [X, Y] ////
		hex_def: {
			radius: 20,
			margin: 0
		ctx : ctx,
		ctx_pos: [ c_el.getBoundingClientRect().left, c_el.getBoundingClientRect().top ]
	<body  stye="width: 100%; height: 100%" >
	<canvas id="myCanvas" width="750px" height="405px" style="margin:0; padding:0; border:1px solid #d3d3d3;"></canvas>