
时间:2016-05-31 09:10:34

标签: r random-forest cat

我正在编写一个R脚本,为我的数据集多次运行Random Forest分类。我希望使用至少10次运行的平均值来获得更强大的结果。所以我有这个函数的for循环运行随机森林分类器我想多次(n =迭代)。

iterateRandomForest <- function (samples,iterations,output_text,outname,pVSURF,b) {
   for (i in (1: iterations)) {

     cat("\n Loop starts", "\n", file=output_text,append=TRUE)    
     time <- toString(Sys.time())
     cat(time,"\n", file=output_text,append=TRUE)
     cat("Iteration number ",i," for variable set: ", outname, "\n", sep="",file=output_text,append=TRUE)

     sel.vars <- x$varselect.pred + 1

     ptm <- proc.time()                                                                # Start timer to calculate processing length
     (rf.final_ntree501 = randomForest(samples[,"species_na"], x=samples[,sel.vars], 
                       ntree=b, importance=TRUE, norm.votes=TRUE, proximity=TRUE) ) # Run randomForest


     cat("Processing time: ",proc.time() - ptm, "\n", file=output_text,append=TRUE)      # Stop timer
     cat("Loop ends\n",  file=output_text,append=TRUE) 


  randomForest(x = samples[, sel.vars], y = samples[, "species_na"],      ntree = b, importance = TRUE, proximity = TRUE, norm.votes = TRUE) 
           Type of random forest: classification
                 Number of trees: 501
No. of variables tried at each split: 4

    OOB estimate of  error rate: 45.43%
Confusion matrix:
                 Acacia mearnsii Cupressus lusitanica Eucalyptus sp. Euphorbia sp. Ficus sp. Grevillea robusta Maesa lanceolata other Persea americana class.error
Acacia mearnsii                   34                    1              3             0         0                 7                0    28                0   0.5342466
Cupressus lusitanica               4                    3              8             0         0                13                0    16                0   0.9318182
Eucalyptus sp.                     5                    0             35             0         0                15                0     8                0   0.4444444
Euphorbia sp.                      0                    0              1            16         0                 2                0    15                0   0.5294118
Ficus sp.                          0                    0              0             1         1                 5                0    17                0   0.9583333
Grevillea robusta                  5                    2              3             0         1                91                0    29                1   0.3106061
Maesa lanceolata                   4                    0              0             0         0                 2                0    14                0   1.0000000
other                             16                    0              3             4         1                27                1   189                1   0.2190083
Persea americana                   5                    1              0             0         0                 6                0    33                1   0.9782609

所以我希望将这些信息写入循环内的文件中(参见。问题这里部分)。我知道我不能直接写RF对象,因为它是一个列表。如果我尝试用rf.final_ntree501 $ confusion与cat分别保存混淆矩阵。它将保存信息,但它会搞乱矩阵的表达,并将所有信息放在一行上,不包括类名。


干杯, 拉米

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


# generate random data
samples <- matrix(runif(675), ncol = 9)
resp <- as.factor(sample(LETTERS[1:9], 75, replace = TRUE))

# random forest
rf <- randomForest(x = samples, y = resp, ntree = 501, 
    importance = TRUE, norm.votes = TRUE, proximity = TRUE)

# save desired information into a file
capture.output(rf, file = output_text, append = TRUE)


write.table(rf$confusion, file = "filename.txt", sep = "\t")