
时间:2016-05-31 01:24:50

标签: ruby editor double-quotes

我在OSX 10.10.1上使用Mac 我创建了一个名为import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Properties; public class Autoingestion { public static void main(String[] paramArrayOfString) { int i = 0; String str1 = null; String str2 = ""; String str3 = null; String str4 = null; String str5 = null; String str6 = null; File localFile1 = new File("."); try { String str7 = localFile1.getCanonicalPath(); str6 = paramArrayOfString[0]; localObject2 = str7 + "/" + str6; boolean bool1 = str6.endsWith(".properties"); File localFile2 = new File((String)localObject2); boolean bool2 = localFile2.exists(); if ((bool1) && (bool2)) { Properties localProperties = new Properties(); localProperties.load(new FileInputStream((String)localObject2)); str3 = localProperties.getProperty("userID"); str4 = localProperties.getProperty("password"); str5 = paramArrayOfString[1]; if ((str3.isEmpty()) || (null == str3) || (null == str4) || (str4.isEmpty())) { System.out.println("Please check the parameters in properties file "); return; } if ((paramArrayOfString.length < 5) || (paramArrayOfString.length > 6)) { System.out.println("Please enter all the required parameters. For help, please download the latest User Guide from the Sales and Trends module in iTunes Connect."); return; } i = 1; } else { if (bool1) { System.out.println("Property file missing"); return; } if ((bool2) && (!bool1)) { System.out.println("Property File missing. Please use the properties file for user credentials"); return; } } if (!bool1) { System.out.println("The username and password parameters have been deprecated. Please use the properties file for user credentials."); if ((paramArrayOfString.length < 6) || (paramArrayOfString.length > 7)) { System.out.println("Please enter all the required parameters. For help, please download the latest User Guide from the Sales and Trends module in iTunes Connect."); return; } str3 = paramArrayOfString[0]; str4 = paramArrayOfString[1]; str5 = paramArrayOfString[2]; } } catch (Exception localException1) { System.out.println("Exception is =" + localException1.getMessage()); } if ((i == 1) && (paramArrayOfString.length == 6) && (null != paramArrayOfString[5])) { str1 = paramArrayOfString[5]; } else if ((i == 0) && (paramArrayOfString.length == 7) && (null != paramArrayOfString[6])) { str1 = paramArrayOfString[6]; } else { localObject1 = Calendar.getInstance(); localObject2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); ((Calendar)localObject1).add(5, -1); str1 = ((SimpleDateFormat)localObject2).format(((Calendar)localObject1).getTime()).toString(); } Object localObject1 = null; Object localObject2 = null; try { str2 = "USERNAME=" + URLEncoder.encode(str3, "UTF-8"); str2 = str2 + "&PASSWORD=" + URLEncoder.encode(str4, "UTF-8"); str2 = str2 + "&VNDNUMBER=" + URLEncoder.encode(str5, "UTF-8"); if (i == 1) { str2 = str2 + "&TYPEOFREPORT=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramArrayOfString[2], "UTF-8"); str2 = str2 + "&DATETYPE=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramArrayOfString[3], "UTF-8"); str2 = str2 + "&REPORTTYPE=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramArrayOfString[4], "UTF-8"); str2 = str2 + "&REPORTDATE=" + URLEncoder.encode(str1, "UTF-8"); } else { str2 = str2 + "&TYPEOFREPORT=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramArrayOfString[3], "UTF-8"); str2 = str2 + "&DATETYPE=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramArrayOfString[4], "UTF-8"); str2 = str2 + "&REPORTTYPE=" + URLEncoder.encode(paramArrayOfString[5], "UTF-8"); str2 = str2 + "&REPORTDATE=" + URLEncoder.encode(str1, "UTF-8"); } } catch (Exception localException2) { System.out.println("Some problem occured." + localException2); } try { localObject2 = new URL("https://reportingitc.apple.com/autoingestion.tft?"); localObject1 = (HttpURLConnection)((URL)localObject2).openConnection(); ((HttpURLConnection)localObject1).setRequestMethod("POST"); ((HttpURLConnection)localObject1).setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); ((HttpURLConnection)localObject1).setDoOutput(true); OutputStreamWriter localOutputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(((HttpURLConnection)localObject1).getOutputStream()); localOutputStreamWriter.write(str2); localOutputStreamWriter.flush(); localOutputStreamWriter.close(); if (((HttpURLConnection)localObject1).getHeaderField("ERRORMSG") != null) { System.out.println(((HttpURLConnection)localObject1).getHeaderField("ERRORMSG")); } else if (((HttpURLConnection)localObject1).getHeaderField("filename") != null) { getFile((HttpURLConnection)localObject1); } } catch (Exception localException3) { System.out.println("The report you requested is not available at this time. Please try again in a few minutes."); } finally { if (localObject1 != null) { ((HttpURLConnection)localObject1).disconnect(); localObject1 = null; } } } private static void getFile(HttpURLConnection paramHttpURLConnection) throws IOException { String str = paramHttpURLConnection.getHeaderField("filename"); System.out.println(str); int i = 0; BufferedInputStream localBufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(paramHttpURLConnection.getInputStream()); BufferedOutputStream localBufferedOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(str)); byte[] arrayOfByte = new byte['Ѐ']; while ((i = localBufferedInputStream.read(arrayOfByte)) != -1) { localBufferedOutputStream.write(arrayOfByte, 0, i); } localBufferedInputStream.close(); localBufferedOutputStream.close(); System.out.println("File Downloaded Successfully "); } }的文件夹,然后使用TextEdit保存了一个名为myruby的文件。该文件说


在终端我输入puts "Hello World" 。我使用cd myruby来确保文件存在。 当我输入ls时,我收到此消息:

ruby first.rb


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


first.rb:1:in `': uninitialized constant World” (NameError)



puts "Hello World"


puts “Hello World”

发现差异? "不同。
