我恭维Adobe提供的游戏中心ANE到我在Adobe Flash CC 2015中开发的iOS AIR游戏。 我下载了最新的ANE,应该是64位,但是当我尝试编译文件,甚至导出电影(Ctrl + Enter)时,我收到了这个错误:
Test Movie terminated.
The content cannot be loaded because there was a problem loading an extension: Error: Requested extension com.adobe.ane.gameCenter is not supported for Windows-x86.
当我尝试使用Adobe的游戏SDK中包含的" gameCenter.ane" -file时,我收到错误消息:
META-INF/ANE/iPhone-ARM/libgameCenter.a are required to have universal iOS libraries. Please contact the ANE developer(s) to get the same.
我能够使用原始包含的gameCenter.ane文件(来自Gaming SDK)导出电影(Ctrl + Enter),但不能使用64位。