时间:2016-05-29 04:28:29

标签: android sqlite inner-join



在下面的问题中,问题的确切位置似乎有些混乱。 IN子句中的问题是。问题是用pheno_temp1.pheno_count =?指定的参数?没有被替换。


// More restrictive example. This call gives the correct result;
// note there are NO parameter markers.
cursor = _mendelDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT organism.org_id FROM organism INNER JOIN pheno_temp1 ON organism.org_id=pheno_temp1.org_id WHERE pheno_temp1.pheno_count=1",null);

// This call returns NO results. pheno_count=1 has been replaced with
// pheno_count=?
cursor = _mendelDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT organism.org_id FROM organism INNER JOIN pheno_temp1 ON organism.org_id=pheno_temp1.org_id WHERE pheno_temp1.pheno_count=?",new String[]{"1"});

// This query still gives the correct result; It includes a parameter
// marker for a column from the organism table.
cursor = _mendelDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT organism.org_id FROM organism INNER JOIN pheno_temp1 ON organism.org_id=pheno_temp1.org_id WHERE pheno_temp1.pheno_count=1 AND organism.bbch_stage=?",new String[]{"9"});

// This query still returns no rows. It includes 2 parameter markers;
// one for a column from organism (see above call which worked) and one
// for pheno_count from the inner table.
cursor = _mendelDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT organism.org_id FROM organism INNER JOIN pheno_temp1 ON organism.org_id=pheno_temp1.org_id WHERE pheno_temp1.pheno_count=? AND organism.bbch_stage=?",new String[]{"1","9"});



table organism
org_id  bbch_stage  org_name                            (other data)
     0           9  homozygous dominant starter plant   (miscellaneous)
     1           9  homozygous recessive starter plant  (miscellaneous)

table pheno_temp1
org_id   pheno_count
     0             1


// This call returns the correct result set
cursor = _mendelDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT organism.org_id FROM organism INNER JOIN pheno_temp1 ON organism.org_id=pheno_temp1.org_id WHERE pheno_temp1.pheno_count=1 AND organism.bbch_stage IN (?)",new String[]{"9"});

// This call returns no rows
cursor = _mendelDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT organism.org_id FROM organism INNER JOIN pheno_temp1 ON organism.org_id=pheno_temp1.org_id WHERE pheno_temp1.pheno_count=? AND organism.bbch_stage IN (?)",new String[]{"1","9"});


我在运行Android 4.1.1的HTC One上观察到这种行为。开发环境是Android Studio 2.1.1。编译SDK 23,构建工具23.0.3,min SDK 14,目标SDK 23. Java 1.8.0_91。




我可以通过各种方式对rawQuery行为进行编码,而无需将计数值连接到where子句(涉及临时表的更多步骤),因此我不想寻找解决该问题的方法。 我正在寻找的是在我打开错误报告之前确认行为被窃听。

在本网站的其他地方讨论更一般的“我如何做内部联接”问题表明第二个查询(不返回任何行的那个)应该工作,但所有的答案我已经看过像“这是一个例子......”之类的话,而不是“这是我测试过的代码并且知道某些作品。” (...除了可能这个问题SQLite rawquery selectionArgs not working)。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  1. 所有查询都涉及一个内连接,其中连接表中的一列用于限制返回的行(通过inner_table.column = ?, selectionArgs用于提供替换值);
  2. 用于限制返回行的每个内部表列都是某种聚合函数(count,sum)的结果。
  3. 所有失败的查询都有一个内连接的事实使我不知道参数替换失败的所有列都是聚合函数。


      `org_id` INT NOT NULL,
      `org_name` INT NULL,
      `mat_id` INT NULL,
      `pat_id` INT NULL,
      `map_id` INT NOT NULL,
      `bbch_stage` INT NULL,
      -- other columns not relevant to problem
      PRIMARY KEY (`org_id`),
      -- constraints not relevant to problem
    -- indexes not relevant to problem
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gene_sequence` (
      `org_id` INT NOT NULL,
      `gene_id` INT NOT NULL,
      `allele_id` INT NOT NULL,
      -- constraints not relevant to problem
    -- indexes not relevant to problem
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `organism_phenotype` (
      `org_id` INT NOT NULL,
      `map_id` INT NOT NULL,
      `phenogroup_id` INT NOT NULL,
      `phenotype_id` INT NOT NULL,
      -- constraints not relevant to problem
    -- indexes not relevant to problem
    INSERT INTO `organism`
       (`org_id`, `org_name`, `mat_id`, `pat_id`,  `map_id`, `bbch_stage` /* other columns omitted for brevity */)
       VALUES (0, "homozygous dominant starter plant", null, null, 0, 9 /* other columns omitted for brevity */);
    -- Yes, gene_sequence contains duplicate records; this is valid for the
    -- problem domain space 
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 0, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 0, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 1, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 1, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 2, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 2, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 3, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 3, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 4, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 4, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 5, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 5, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 6, 0);
    INSERT INTO gene_sequence (`org_id`,`gene_id`,`allele_id`) VALUES (0, 6, 0);
    INSERT INTO `organism_phenotype` (`org_id`,`map_id`,`phenogroup_id`,`phenotype_id`) VALUES (0, 0, 0, 0);
    INSERT INTO `organism_phenotype` (`org_id`,`map_id`,`phenogroup_id`,`phenotype_id`) VALUES (0, 0, 1, 0);
    INSERT INTO `organism_phenotype` (`org_id`,`map_id`,`phenogroup_id`,`phenotype_id`) VALUES (0, 0, 2, 0);
    INSERT INTO `organism_phenotype` (`org_id`,`map_id`,`phenogroup_id`,`phenotype_id`) VALUES (0, 0, 3, 0);
    INSERT INTO `organism_phenotype` (`org_id`,`map_id`,`phenogroup_id`,`phenotype_id`) VALUES (0, 0, 4, 0);
    INSERT INTO `organism_phenotype` (`org_id`,`map_id`,`phenogroup_id`,`phenotype_id`) VALUES (0, 0, 5, 0);
    INSERT INTO `organism_phenotype` (`org_id`,`map_id`,`phenogroup_id`,`phenotype_id`) VALUES (0, 0, 6, 0);


    CREATE TEMP TABLE pheno_temp1 AS
      SELECT org_id,count(org_id) AS 'pheno_count'
        FROM organism_phenotype
        WHERE (phenogroup_id=? AND phenotype_id=?)
          -- the OR clause appears optionally for each phenotype specified
          -- beyond the first
          OR (phenogroup_id=? AND phenotype_id=?)
        GROUP BY org_id

    使用String []将字符串传递给rawQuery,并指定参数的替换值。

    因此,如果用户需要所有展示紫色花(phenogroup = 0,表型= 0)和轴向花位置(phenogroup = 1,表型= 0)的豌豆植物的列表,软件将定义查询字符串和selectionArgs为如下:

    String queryString =
      "CREATE TEMP TABLE pheno_temp1 AS" +
        " SELECT org_id,count(org_id) AS 'pheno_count'" +
          " FROM organism_phenotype" +
          " WHERE (phenogroup_id=? AND phenotype_id=?)" +
            " OR (phenogroup_id=? AND phenotype_id=?)" +
          " GROUP BY org_id";
    String[] selectionArgs = {"0","0","1","0"};


    table pheno_temp1
    org_id   pheno_count
         0             2



    SELECT organism.org_id FROM organism
      INNER JOIN pheno_temp1 ON organism.org_id=pheno_temp1.org_id
      INNER JOIN geno_temp2 ON organism.org_id=geno_temp2.org_id
          -- the query will include one or more of these clauses depending
          -- on the user's selections; the software takes care of adding the
          -- appropriate clauses and necessary glue (AND) between clauses
          AND geno_temp2.allele_sum=?
          -- the query will include at most one of the birth_date clauses
          AND organism.birth_date<?
          --AND organism.birth_date=?
          --AND organism.birth_date>?
          --AND organism.birth_date BETWEEN ? AND ?
          -- the bbch_stage clause includes one parameter marker for each
          -- bbch stage selected by the user
          AND organism.bbch_stage IN (?,?,?)
          -- maternal and paternal lineage
          AND organism.mat_id=?
          AND organism.pat_id=?
        ORDER BY organism.org_id

    如果用户请求了单个表型(因此phenocount = 1)和单个bbch阶段(9),则sql查询字符串和选择参数将定义如下:

    String queryString =
      "SELECT organism.org_id FROM organism" +
        " INNER JOIN pheno_temp1 ON organism.org_id=pheno_temp1.org_id" +
          " WHERE pheno_temp1.pheno_count=?" +
            " AND organism.bbch_stage IN (?)" +
          " ORDER BY organism.org_id";
    String[] selectionArgs = {"1","9"};

    SQL查询和选择参数都是正确的;有机体和pheno_temp1中的数据表明rawQuery调用应返回org_id = 0的单行(严格来说,结果集上的光标包含org_id = 0的有机体记录的单行,但是我要去从这一点开始假设每个读这篇文章的人都知道我的意思。)

    问题在于:查询不返回任何行。由于某种原因,CREATE TABLE AS SELECT查询中的聚合列不能与rawQuery()中的参数标记一起使用(和实际上我的测试显示它们不能在query()中使用。

    该解决方案最终改变了为表型和等位基因过滤构建临时表的方式。该表不是使用CREATE TABLE AS SELECT语句,而是在前面的步骤中显式创建的:

    _mendelDatabase.execSQL("CREATE TEMP TABLE pheno_temp1 ('org_id' INT NOT NULL,'pheno_count' INT NOT NULL");


    String queryString =
      "INSERT INTO pheno_temp1 (org_id,pheno_count)" +
        " SELECT org_id,count(org_id) AS 'pheno_count'" +
          " FROM organism_phenotype" +
          " WHERE (phenogroup_id=? AND phenotype_id=?)" +
            " OR (phenogroup_id=? AND phenotype_id=?)" +
          " GROUP BY org_id";


