
时间:2016-05-29 02:04:45

标签: vba


For i = 0 to 11
array(i) = Label(i)

而不是通过制作12行类似的粗暴强制它     array(0)= Label0,array(1)= Label1等

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    ReDim myArray(0 To Me.Controls.count - 1) As MSForms.Label '<~~ declare this array with the maximum possible dimensions
    Dim lblCounter As Long
    Dim ctrl As MSForms.Control

    With Me '<~~ this refers to the UserForm object of which code pane you placed this code into
        For Each ctrl In .Controls '<~~ loop through UserForm controls
            If TypeName(ctrl) = "Label" Then  '<~~ if you find a "Label"...
                Set myArray(lblCounter) = ctrl  '<~~ ... then store it in your array...
                lblCount = lblCounter + 1 '<~~ ... and update the label counter
            End If
        Next ctrl
    End With
    If lblCounter > 0 Then ReDim Preserve myArray(0 To lblCounter - 1) '<~~ if you actually found at least one label, then redim your array with proper dimensions
End Sub

当然,您可以将其放置在可以访问您的Userform Controls集合的任何事件sub / eventhandler中