
时间:2016-05-27 20:22:23

标签: tampermonkey

我在Chrome中使用了一个Tampermonkey脚本,可以增加Gmail中“Move to”和“Label as”菜单的最大长度。几个月前,当Tampermonkey自动更新到最新的主要版本时,脚本停止工作。几年前,我们的开发经理帮助我编写了脚本,因为我是一名开发人员,所以我没有太多的运气来弄清楚为什么它不再起作用了。

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Gmail CSS updates - menus
// @author          Tyler Lesmeister
// @namespace       http://www.onsharp.com
// @description     Increases the height of Move to/Labels menus in Gmail
// @version         0.3
// @released        2014-03-20
// @compatible      Greasemonkey
// @match           https://mail.google.com/mail/u/*
// @require         https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.2/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

jq = {};
fix = {};

    jq = $;

    // fix css and ui
    fix.go = function(){

        // update the css/styles of things we dont like
        $('body').append(" <style id='monkey'> " +
                         " .J-M-Jz { max-height: none !important; }.J-M {max-height: 800px !important; } </style>" );



document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
    //console.log("DOM fully loaded and parsed");
    if(window.location == window.parent.location) {
        if (document.getElementById("loading")) {

;(function ($, window) {
    var intervals = {};
    var removeListener = function(selector) {
        if (intervals[selector]) {
            intervals[selector] = null;
    var found = 'waitUntilExists.found';

 * @function
 * @property {object} jQuery plugin which runs handler function once specified
 *           element is inserted into the DOM
 * @param {function|string} handler 
 *            A function to execute at the time when the element is inserted or 
 *            string "remove" to remove the listener from the given selector
 * @param {bool} shouldRunHandlerOnce 
 *            Optional: if true, handler is unbound after its first invocation
 * @example jQuery(selector).waitUntilExists(function);

    $.fn.waitUntilExists = function(handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, isChild) {

        var selector = this.selector;
        var $this = $(selector);
        var $elements = $this.not(function() { return $(this).data(found); });

        if (handler === 'remove') {
            // Hijack and remove interval immediately if the code requests
        else {
            // Run the handler on all found elements and mark as found
            $elements.each(handler).data(found, true);

            if (shouldRunHandlerOnce && $this.length) {
                // Element was found, implying the handler already ran for all 
                // matched elements
            else if (!isChild) {
                // If this is a recurring search or if the target has not yet been 
                // found, create an interval to continue searching for the target
                intervals[selector] = window.setInterval(function () {
                    $this.waitUntilExists(handler, shouldRunHandlerOnce, true);
                }, 500);
        return $this;

}(jQuery, window));



正如您所看到的,我可以通过控制台修改菜单的长度。 Tampermonkey没有这样做,我猜它是因为我的脚本中的某些东西已经过时了。任何帮助将不胜感激。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


// ==UserScript==
// @name         Gmail Enhancements
// @namespace    http://tyler.bio
// @version      0.1
// @description  Make Gmail better
// @author       Tyler Lesmeister
// @match        https://mail.google.com/mail/*
// @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js
// @grant    GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

// increase height of folder/label menus
GM_addStyle(" .J-M {max-height: 800px !important; } .J-M-Jz { max-height: 800px !important; } ");